
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 440

Chapter 440 Eat The Fruit Of The Door

"Speaking of which, how much do you know about Vivi, King Cobra?"

Instead of continuing to talk about being targeted by the World government, Luffy instead asked Cobra about Vivi.

Luffy stared at Cobra's face seriously, wanting to see if he, as Vivi's father, knew the secrets hidden in Vivi.


Cobra obviously did not expect such a question from Luffy, and was a little stunned for a while.

"Me? Is there something wrong with me?"

And Vivi was obviously a little confused by Luffy's question, why did the topic jump to him all of a sudden?

Luffy didn't answer Vivi, but kept staring at Cobra.

It should be impossible for him to know nothing, just like Neptune, the king of The fish men island, knows that his daughter Shirahoshi is Poseidon, Cobra should also know about Vivi.

But Cobra chose to remain silent. He may know something about Vivi, but he has no intention of saying it.

Luffy could see from Cobra's face what he should know.

But since Cobra didn't want to say it, Luffy didn't plan to force the other party to say it.

Maybe this will be a little troublesome, but even if 14 is coming, Vivi probably won't leave with him.

"Since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask. However, Vivi's secrets may make him targeted by some high-ranking people."

However, I still have to remind her that Vivi is also her own woman, at least she has to be mentally prepared.

It's not that when something happens, you don't know what's going on.

And when Luffy spoke of someone high above, Cobra's pupils could not help shrinking, and there was a slightly horrified expression on his face.

Part of the reason is that Vivi might be targeted, but mostly, Luffy actually knew something existed?

"Hey, Luffy, Dad, what are you talking about?"

Vivibe's dialogue between the two is in the fog, is there anything strange about his own life experience?

Could it be that she is not actually Cobra's daughter?

Also, what does it mean that you will be targeted by someone high above you?

Why am I being targeted? And who is that tall person?

At this moment, Vivi had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask, but seeing the silent Cobra, Vivi didn't know how to speak.

"Okay, Vivi, don't ask so much, eat the fruit of the door, there are some things, I will tell you later. 39

Although Cobra was reluctant to talk about it in front of Luffy, he also didn't want to hide it from his daughter.

Moreover, Luffy talked about the existence of that person. If what Luffy said was true, then Vivi would indeed be targeted by the other party.

Although she couldn't protect Vivi, she told Vivi that if something happened, she would have enough time to prepare.

No matter how bad it is, Vivi can also board Luffy's boat at that time, and Luffy will not refuse to come.

As for Alabasta, the real threat is never a country, but some key person or thing.

Hearing Cobra say this, Vivi couldn't help but glanced at Luffy apologetically.

She didn't want to hide Luffy on purpose, but she couldn't force her father.

"Since Kobra will tell you, then you just need to listen carefully, and now, eat the fruit of the door first, so that your safety will be guaranteed.

Luffy didn't mind Cobra hiding it from himself,

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and it is impossible for Luffy to tell others that he actually passed through.

Nami, who had been silent for a while, also glanced at Vivi thoughtfully.

When she suggested that Luffy force Vivi onto the boat, Luffy said that Vivi was different from others, and she thought it was because of Princess Vivi's identity.

But now it seems that maybe part of it is because of this, but more, maybe Luffy just asked about the hidden secrets of Vivi.

However, Nami was a little curious again, it was the first time she saw something Luffy didn't know.

Before, no matter where he went or who he saw, Luffy seemed to know it well.

Just like these people in the Straw Hat Pirates, including himself, Luffy seems to know himself and others very well.

And now, in the face of Vivi, who is also his woman, Luffy doesn't know the secrets of her, which is a surprise to Nami.

But Nami didn't mean to ask now, just like Cobra didn't want to tell Vivi's secret in front of Luffy and herself, she didn't want others to know Luffy's secret.

Seeing that Luffy didn't seem to care about his father's concealment, Vivi breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the opened candle box from Luffy's hand.

A strange fruit is lying quietly inside. It turns out that Devil Fruit looks like this.

Vivi Bonney took the door fruit out of the box, but then it was a bit difficult.

The skin of this fruit looks so strange, can it really be eaten directly?

Also, wouldn't it be bad to take a bite of the fruit in front of Luffy?

However, it is not suitable to find a knife now, and Vivi can only try to peel off the strange skin of this fruit.

Fortunately, the skin can indeed be peeled off, and after the skin is peeled off, the flesh with a darker eye inside is exposed.

Vivi went up to 003, and there was no smell coming out, so he tried to take a small bite.

Then, Vivi's body froze, holding the fruit in one hand, while the other hand covered his mouth.

Obviously, Vivi didn't expect that the taste of Devil Fruit would be so irritating, obviously it didn't smell at all.

"Uh, I just forgot to mention that Devil Fruit tastes particularly bad, I thought you should have known about it."

Seeing Vivi's frozen look, Luffy said a little embarrassedly.

Before Vivi said that she also wanted to eat Devil Fruit, she thought she knew about Devil Fruit and Luffy didn't remind her.

Unexpectedly, this girl doesn't seem to know at all. It shouldn't be. Besides, didn't the two captains of the guards tell her?

"By the way, Devil Fruit only needs…"

Uh, before Luffy could say anything, Vivi suddenly held his breath and quickly swallowed the rest of the pulp.

Vivi swallowed the pulp in his mouth with difficulty, then looked up at Luffy curiously.

"What's the matter, Luffy, what are you trying to say? 39

"That, Vivi, Devil Fruit, as long as the first bite is taken, the power will be manifested in the eater, and there is no need to eat it all. 55

Nami spoke, swearing, she didn't mean to see Vivi's expression.