
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Luffy'S Past

"Have they left?""

Outside the Alabasta Palace, Vivi stood looking at the sky, where a faint shadow of Thousand Sunny could be seen.

Cobra walked out of the palace, looked at Vivi who was a little dazed, and sighed.

"Are you all right, Vivi?

Cobra asked worriedly.

Parting with Luffy again, he worries that Vivi won't come out.

"I'm fine, Dad, this time Luffy came back and made me sure he wouldn't forget me, that's enough.

Vivi turned around and smiled at Cobra, the reason why she was so depressed before was just worrying about whether Luffy could still remember him.

But now, there is nothing to worry about.

Next, what I have to do is to follow my father to learn how to manage Alabasta well.

And developed the fruit of the door that Luffy ate for himself to the point where he could help Luffy.

And, with the pill Luffy gave her, Vivi believed that she too would be successful.

"It's fine."

Cobra looked at Vivi like this and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

He could see that Vivi wasn't comforting himself, but really wasn't as sad as before.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy the bastard gave his daughter.

003 Cobra couldn't help scolding in her heart, but she was still very grateful to Luffy.

Whether it was saving Alabasta from Crocodile before, or giving Vivi the door now.

"Don't die outside, or Vivi will be sad.

"How did you feel yesterday? Serving for two, isn't it fun?

At this time on Thousand Sunny, Luffy and Nami stood on the bow as usual.

Luffy glanced at Nami speechlessly again, it seems that since the time when only the two of them were together, Nami had a tendency to change to the old Siji.

However, thinking of Vivi's shyness and Nami's enthusiasm last night, Luffy was still a little excited.

"You're not afraid that Meili will hear this, but they are still children who have just been born.

Luffy turned the conversation to Merry, he didn't want to talk to Nami about this, or he couldn't help taking Nami back to his room right now.

"Merry doesn't turn on Observation Haki while we're on the boat."

But it doesn't matter if it's heard, if it's just a voice, Nami doesn't care at all anyway.

"Speaking of which, what is the purpose of your (beeg) return to East Blue?

For Luffy's family, Nami has some knowledge, grandfather is Marine hero Garp, father is revolutionary army leader Dorag.

But Luffy's mother and grandmother, Nami, didn't listen to Luffy.

Could it be that this time he went back to see his mother?

After all, Garp and Drago don't necessarily return to East Blue.


When asked by Nami, Luffy didn't know how to answer for a while.

To put it bluntly, going back to meet a woman, even Nami, will be a little emotional, right?

However, there is no way to hide this kind of thing. It's coming to East Blue soon, and Nami will know about it when the time comes.

Also, Luffy had no intention of hiding it from Nami.

The reason why I didn't say it was because I didn't have the right opportunity.

Now that Nami asked, let's just say it.

"Go see someone."

Nami was startled, she didn't expect Luffy to say this, so obviously, this person should not be Luffy's relatives, otherwise he wouldn't use such a statement.

"Women? 35

But intuition told Nami that the person Luffy was going to meet was a woman.

"Well, someone who took great care of me when I was a kid."

It can be said that Luffy's life as a child was entirely taken care of by Makino.

As a Marine, Garp's days with Luffy are numbered, and as for Drago, Luffy hasn't seen each other in so many years.

And mother and grandmother, Luffy has no impression.

Although Makino wasn't that old at that time, he took care of Luffy in a good way.

"Ugh? Taking care of Luffy as a kid? 99

A kind face came to Nami's mind, but he waved it away.

Something wasn't right, Luffy's expression didn't seem to be meeting a mother-like being.

Having been with Luffy for so long, Nami still knows Luffy a little bit.

It was completely the expression of going to see an old lover, and it was said that I had never seen him show such an expression before I met Vivi.

"You won't take care of the bed, will you? 35

Nami looked at Luffy suspiciously, so, wouldn't he be a latecomer too?

Thinking of this, Nami's whole person is not well. If Vivi finds out about this, won't he be unlucky?

You know, last night, I used this identity to encourage Vivi to do a lot of things.


Luffy choked on Nami's words, although that's almost what he meant, but there's no need to say it so bluntly, right?

However, nothing happened to the two of them. After all, Makino is also a person who wants to be shamed, and Luffy is only 17 years old now.

"Did I really tell you?"

Seeing Luffy's expression, Nami knew he had guessed right.

If the two of them are not related, with Luffy's character, it must be explained directly.

Now that Luffy doesn't explain, it means that the two are indeed related.

"Not to that extent.

Luffy couldn't stand Nami's gaze, so he had to bite the bullet.

"What kind of person is she? If she finds out about our relationship, will she be very angry?"

Nami is also a little worried now, she doesn't know what kind of existence that woman is.

But taking care of Luffy from a young age, obviously older than them.

Moreover, looking at this situation, he really is a latecomer, and Nami has a feeling of being born weak.

However, it is impossible for her to let go of Luffy, and now she can only hope that the other party is a good person to get along with.

"Makino is a very gentle person, but I don't know how she will react to this kind of thing.

This is the truth, Luffy is also worried that after returning, waiting for him, will it be a hatchet or something.

"Is her name Makino?"

Nami heard the name from Luffy's mouth for the first time.

"Well, when Makino was very young, her parents were gone. She refused help from others and took care of the bar left by her parents alone."

"Maybe because I was not taken care of when I was a child, it reminded her of herself, so Bai will take special care of me.

"At that time, thanks to Makino's care, I might have starved to death long ago and I don't know where.35

Speaking of which, Luffy couldn't help but wonder if he was the son of Dorag and the grandson of Garp.

Although the villagers of Windmill Village are simple and honest, it is not appropriate to leave a child of a few years old at home alone, right?