
A... slight? Diversion.

As the ORC crew looked up at the moon in dumbfounded looks of awe, Neo took to the chatroom immediately right as the quest rewards were dispensed.

[Congratulations on completing the emergency quest!]

[Rhongomyniad Human form attained!]

[>Neo²: I'm back! Got dropped off at the front of the school. Was I gone long?]

[>Spartanwaifu: Oh thank god! No, you disappeared about an hour ago. We're all in our rooms trying to figure out how to get you back. Was it eventful?<]

[>Neo²: Oh it was nothing but eventful.. Feels like an acid trip<]

[>Yangsyummymummy: A what?<]

[>Neo²: Don't worry. I'll be coming over to you with some surprise guests<]

There was a period of silence after that.

[>Icecreambae: Are they girls??<]

~I suddenly feel as if I'm in danger..~ Neo thought to herself before answering.

[>Neo²: Most..? They grabbed onto me like a lifeline. Something about a psychotic little girl reincarnator. Though I do wish I got to geek out over more FATE stuff with girl Shirou. Ah well. I'll figure something out for them<]

[>Spartanwaifu: ...Fine. Maybe one of them can be invited to the chat. They are strong, right?<]

Neo looked at the still freaked out ORC. They were trying to get Gasper out. Rias was just looking at the moon and rubbing her temples. She shrugged and left them to fuss over themselves. She figured Rias was the best one to invite, due to her leader role in the ORC. Before she decided though, a golden light flew out of her inventory and floated over the front of the DWMA. Its presence radiated power and pushed the ORC members down with its powerful presence alone. Gently glowing, it lowered down towards a shocked Neo, transforming into a blonde haired woman with regal blue attire and silver armor.

As soon as she materialized, she smiled at Neo and pulled her into an embrace. She held Neo there for a few seconds before putting her down and nodding at her in what seemed like approval.

"Master. It's good to feel you in my arms for myself.. I am Rhongomyniad, though you should already know this" She said while looking down at Neo.

"You look like Arturia. The grown up Arturia I mean.. damn.." Neo said as she observed the blonde's body.

"Master?" Rhongomyniad asked in concern.

"Oh, nothing. Though you can just call me Neo" Neo said, diverting her attention elsewhere.

"No. You are my Master. I was skeptical at first.. but you used me to better the broken world of Remnant. I find you worthy of following, Master" Rhongomyniad said while seriously gazing into Neo's eyes.

"Oh! Awesome.. thanks? So.. I just call you Rhongomyniad then?" Neo asked, scratching her head.

"No. In my human form, I'd like you to bestow upon me a name, Master" Rhongomyniad took a knee and smiled expectantly at her.

~Tempted to yell out 'SIMBA' being the 'Lion King' but..~ Neo paused and looked at the genuine anticipating smile Rhongomyniad had on.

"How do you feel about.. Arturia? Artoria? Altria? Those are the three I 'came up with'" Neo lied through her teeth.

"Ah.. I like them! Then from hence forth, please call me Arturia, Master" She stood up and declared.

"Um.. excuse me?" Rias called out from behind, grabbing Neo and Arturia's attention.

"Where are we!?" Rias grabbed Neo's shoulders and shook them.

"Yeah.. I figured this was coming. Come, follow me while I explain the world to you" Neo grabbed Rias' skirt and walked ahead, prompting her to follow lest she let her panties be revealed out in the open.

After a lengthy monologue by Neo, they arrived at the room Neo was staying in with Raven, Neopolitan and Pyrrha. All three looked at Neo, who was accompanied by a menagerie of beautiful women. Pyrrha planted her face in her palm and sighed.

"Are all of them..-" She was interrupted by Neo's quick head shaking.

"Nope! No! I'm not that far gone, Pyr!" Neo vehemently denied.

"Eh..? What..? Sorry, I'm still going over the story about this world.." Rias snapped out of her awe and cut in.

"Oh we thought she picked you girls up to be hers" Raven calmly told them while cracking open a can of coffee.

"Ara.." Akeno blushed and sent a look at Rias and Neo.

"Er.. I'm a boy. So is Gasper.." Kiba coughed.

"Relax I'm not some indiscriminate pervert.. Collecting wives and husbands like it's a fucking sale at the supermarket.." Neo denied again.

Neopolitan nodded and pat Neo's back while sharing a meaningful look.

"Oh! Right.. Rias, since you can't go back otherwise.. wanna join our chatroom? You'll get stronger as a result" Neo propositioned her.

"Wait what do you mean we can't go back otherwise!?" Rias shouted in protest.

"I mean you'll get a travel option to go back if you join our merry group here. Though to get stronger you'll have to join us on quests" Neo explained.

"I see.. Mn! Yes, I can accept that. I was going to ask if you would join my peerage after things settled down but.. I think you may be a bit too strong for me at the moment" Rias sighed to herself and admitted.

"Maybe in different circumstances I wouldn't have minded. Right now? Not much I get out of being a devil. Besides, OG here has that role in our group. Raven's a bird, Pyrrha's an unstoppable Greek Hero, OG is a succubus devil, Blake is the almighty kitty and I'm some sort of dragon slaying Lightning beast" Neo explained while patting Rias' red hair.

"Eh..?" Rias looked at Neo and her group like she discovered a group of monsters.

"I thought the sisters were weird.." She muttered.

"Okay.. How do I join your.. um..?" Rias asked Neo, who took her shoulder with Neopolitan.

"Chatroom, and like this!" Neo declared and sent an invitation to Rias.

While Rias was going through the invitation, Neopolitan gave her a more serious look. Both of them seemed to have a silent conversation, which had the ORC look back and forth between the two in confusion.

"Well shit. Medusa isn't here at the DWMA.. Though I guess I should have expected it? There are reincarnators at play here" Neo hummed to herself and thought about how drastically Soul Eater could have changed.

[>Rias Gremory has joined the chat!<]

Then she immediately got the notification from the system and her attention shifted to important matters. Such as the Heiress' name in the chat.

"Oh! Oh wow! So many options! And a shop!" Rias excitedly exclaimed.

[>Rias Gremory was changed to Don'tbashmebruh<]

"Er.. what..?" The redhead looked over at Neo in confusion.

"Don't worry about it.. Everyone gets a unique nickname" Raven chimed in with a wry smile.

"Okay Medusa can be thought about later.. What do I do with this gaggle of Devils..?" Neo sat on Pyrrha's lap and thought to herself.

"Why don't they become Weapons and Meisters?" Pyrrha suggested, resting her head on Neo's with a smile.

"They'd need to buy that weapon bloodline.. Buuut it would be a nice boost in their power?" Neo commented as Raven nodded and took out three capsules with red liquid in them.

"Here. Decide amongst yourselves who will be weapon and who will be Meister. Unless you want to be freeloaders and stay here with your thumbs up your asses" Raven went into bandit leader mode and folded her arms as she pushed the idea of becoming weapons onto them.

"I..urgh.. okay!" Gasper, shockingly was the first to eat the capsule.

The affect was immediate. He had turned into a fancy-looking watch attached to a blood red metal gauntlet that went up to the elbow. Neo picked him up and inspected him.

"Looks like his weapon form reflects his powers and race. The gauntlet has sharp fingers that suck the blood of its targets and the watch.. Should be his Sacred Gear. Not bad!" She complimented before tossing him at Kiba, who quickly caught him.

"You should be his partner. You can wield him in one hand while the other uses your swords" Neo advised him before watching Koneko take the capsule.

Her ears and tail immediately came out as she transformed. Her weapon form was strange, to put it lightly. It can hardly be called a weapon at all. She turned into a pair of wearable cat ears. Neo picked it up and scrutinized her before putting it on. Immediately, the ears blended in to her hair and took the correct color. Neo also found a tail sprouding from her lower back that split off near the end.

"Oh my god..." Pyrrha gasped and took multiple pictures of her through the chat.

Neopolitan grinned and started to stroke Neo's head, earning her a content purr. Raven was more interested in her capabilities though and threw a quick jab at her to test her. Neo wasn't even looking when she turned her head away from the jab. She was quicker than blinking and left an afterimage when she moved.

"Hoho.. Koneko's weapon form seems to vastly boost the power of the Meister. Interesting!" Neo complimented as she threw a few jabs at the air that made quick whistling noises.

"Ara.. I wonder what I'll turn into!" Akeno used the capsule next and turned into what looked like an electrified whip-sword with a bat and black angel wing as the guard.

"And Akeno is some kind of whip.. Not bad. You ought to use Koneko and Akeno together when you fight, Rias. Gives you a lot more combat options in rating games and that huge mess you have waiting for you back in DxD" Neo took off the cat ears as Koneko transformed back.

"I.. How do I use.." Rias said while picking up Akeno in weapon form.

"Ahn!" Akeno moaned enthusiastically, almost making Rias drop her.

"Just kidding, Prez! Tehe!" Akeno giggled, making Rias pout.

"Well you could train.. or cheat! Like I did" Neo proudly declared.

"You mean.. the shop?" Rias asked while looking through the system shop.

"Yup. Just get the necessary points. Though you have none right now so.. Training it is!" Neo pat her head and exclaimed.

"At least it's not like the training we had last time.." Kiba sighed.

"Rae-Rae and I will be teaching Kid, Blackstar, Maka, Liz and Patty, Tsubaki and Soul tomorrow. You'll be joining too. Though for you guys, I want you to observe their fighting styles and techniques. Rae and I will be beating you upz essentially.." Neo smiled at them while Neopolitan cackled in amusement as the ORC paled.

"Now feel free to use our packed bedroom for now. I'll ask Death if we can get a room for you all tomorrow" Neo finished with a yawn before Arturia picked her up in a bridal carry.

"Master.. you're tired. Allow me to secure a bed for us" She stated as Neo's head was buried under Arturia's rather large breasts.

"I can't believe I forgot to ask but.. who is this? Is she not part of the Devil group here..?" Pyrrha inquired with her left brow twitching.

"Ah.. sorry about that. This is Rhongomyniad given human form. Really have to thank the dude who suggested that particular idea.. She's the newest addition to our merry band here" Neo stated, getting more relaxed by the second as Arturia started to rock her into her soft 'pillows'.

"I'm still next" Raven shot her a look.

"I swear I haven't recruited Arturia into the yuri bandwagon either.. Things just happened" Neo assured her.

"Fine.. But tomorrow? Be ready" Raven said while licking her lips.

"Okay then 'Mommy'.. I will. But for now? I'm going the fuck to sleep.." Neo relaxed in Arturia's bosom and eventually fell asleep right there.

The next morning, she woke up due to being unable to breathe. Gasping, she reached out and grabbed onto soft mounds and pulled herself up. On top of her, was Arturia, Raven, Neopolitan and Pyrrha, who all used her as some kind of living dakimakura. Her clothes were stripped to her leotard underwear and she found herself in a large Queen sized bed. Wondering where they even took her, she saw a black cat in a witch-like hat look at her from the nearby door. The cat seemed to giggle before disappearing out the door.

Apparently, they took her to Blair's house. How did she know? Well, everything was pumpkin themed for some reason. Rubbing her eyes, Neo stumbled out of the dogpile and almost fell to the floor.

"Did we.. break into the sexy kitty's house or something..?"

Thanks for the patience! After the whole sunpoisoning crap, COVID hit me! Which was fun.. I was sleeping most of my days away and it kinda sucked. Good to be back though! Thanks for the 'Boobtoria' idea, you know who you are.

Saeko_Kaburagicreators' thoughts
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