The Bizarre Adventures of Team GLRS
Grass Garnet, had his throat clawed out by a Beowolf when he was a kid, only communicates in grunts and growls.
He calls his weapon, the "Griff Shot" he won't tell anyone why but it appears to be named after someone. Back when he was 15 he broke his teammate and partner "Tanya" out of a prison escort.
Don't let his tall stature fool you, he is the perfect house-husband and the one who marries him will be lucky.
But don't let that also fool you, mess with his team and as Tanya puts it "Your ass is grass".
He's the only one capable of keeping Tnaya from destroying Beacon.
Lily Alter, she is extremely tall for her age, and extremely muscular and fit, looking like a young adult rather than a teen. In contrast to Lily’s physical appearance she is a very quiet girl, but this is due to her Semblance and harsh upbringing.
Her Semblance, Symbiosis, lets her link up to any number of people and share the effects of any Semblance she “has saved.” She may only keep one Semblance “saved” however. Though the effect of the shared Semblance is weaker than the original, and gets even weaker the more people she shares it with. And since she has awakened it, it has been noted that she will always be linked with at least one person without fail. Her eyes will glow as the same Aura colour as the original owner of the Semblance she is copying.
While her Semblance doesn’t cost her (or her linked) any Aura to use, it has a major drawback. She will feel any and all physical trauma that she is linked to as if she herself was dealt the damage. This has caused her to rarely open up with anyone for fear of them wanting to link up when she was growing up. However, her Semblance was too powerful to be ignored and so she was forced at the age of 5 to start training to be a huntress and testing the limits of her Semblance by the Government of Atlas.
As a consequence, she no longer registers pain like a normal creature as she can not tell if it's hers or a link. The constant training, linking and unlinking has also had the good consequence of her Aura being unnaturally massive and powerful in its ability to self-heal and augment her body.
As such, when she enters battle it is almost like she has a split personality. She becomes sadistic to a disturbing degree. Mocking others for their inability to “deal with a little bit of pain” and being as brutal as she can be.
Rebecca Tanya Teufelechaff, She was said to be experimented since she was young.
There isn't much data on what they did, but we assume they tried creating some sort of Super human.
Her profile is incredibly misleading, DON'T LET IT FOOL YOU. She has killed multiple people already at cold blood. Both bad and good.
Proceed with cautiousness if approached.
Saeko Kaburagi, part of an infamous Mistralian Huntsmen clan feared for their penchant for destruction. Her demeanor belies her danger in that she is usually calm, collected and quite social.
Her semblance [REDACTED] is highly volatile and when triggered, personality changes ensue. Much like the rest of the Mistralian Kaburagi clan, she is hyper aggressive in her [REDACTED] mode. Note: Advise future partners about "Heat" mode.
Another note to mention. The Branwen tribe has taken a keen interest in her clan and will likely try to contact her directly. Be advised.
Together, they will form the most unlikely and infamous team in Beacon. We have tried making Heroes. Let's see what a few monsters can do in the right hands.
Saeko_Kaburagi · Anime & Truyện tranh
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