
Role System

The Role System. Characters from every piece of fiction can be drawn as a character card. Behave and interact with others as these characters would have to fully unlock their potential.

L_LL · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

The green door labeled "Class 1-A" opens and our chunin instructor holds open the door and beckons us to enter with a bright smile.

"Very well students make your way inside and choose a seat."

My eyes trace over every person that enters the academy room with a few being remarkable.

Minato Namikaze.

Shikaku Nara.

Inoichi Yamanaka.

Choza Akimichi.

All four have high levels of chakra and high levels of talent. Minato is the person who would become the fourth hokage and be the sole reason Konohagakure won the 3rd Great Shinobi War. Shikaku would serve as the head commander on the Sunagakure front in the 3rd Great Shinobi War. Inoichi would become the head of the largest information gathering organization in Konohagakure and work as equals with Jiraiya under the 3rd hokage. Choza would briefly stand off against Sasori in the 3rd Great Shinobi War by himself and survive.

Among this generation these four will shine above all others to the point were only "Wicked Eye" Fugaku can contest. Well, of course, that's what happened in the original story.

Many details of history can be altered simply by being at a certain place at a certain time. The only way to grow stronger with my mediocre talent is to act as Midnight would and complete missions assigned by the system to get more character cards. Since this is the case should I mess with Choza a bit?

Midnight has a very violent character and would always look down on weak opponents so targeting one of these random children definitely isn't an option. By process of elimination you should pick off the weakest before challenging the strongest so I should intentionally start a fight with either Choza, Inoichi or Shikaku before saving Minato for last.

Out of the corner of my eye a red haired girl with light brown eyes stares directly at me with chakra pulsating through his body.

"You should stop having such repulsive thoughts. Kurama doesn't like you."

I turn my head and take a better look at the chibi Uzumaki yelling at me from across the room. Similar to her older version I remember from watching the anime she has an intense glare and dark red hair, a symbol of the Uzumaki clan. Her long hair is tied into two pigtails and she has green overalls over a khaki shirt that extends down to the knees of her lime green pants.

Kushina Uzumaki. The future wife of Minato Namikaze and the current jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox Kurama. Didn't think that Mito had died so soon. Now the number of Uzumaki has reached a ridiculously low number. Without any home the remnants of the clan are wandering aimlessly around the world searching for a haven.

Kushina is the only full blood Uzumaki in the village and with the destruction of Uzushiogakure and the death of Mito only she, Tsunade and the 3rd hokage should have access to all of the Uzumaki seals left behind. If you hadn't approached me Kushina then I would have ignored you but now you're directly antagonizing me so I should put on a little performance.

Pointing at her chubby cheeks puffing out at me I summon a small magic circle and reflect the air in front of me to propel a small barrage of wind bullets. Kushina gasps in surprise looking at the wind gathering at the tip of my finger but before she can say or do anything I release the spell.

The small little balls of wind smack her in the face making her fall backwards on her chair and slam onto the floor with a loud thud. Due to the loud chatter from the other students the teacher doesn't hear and I walk up to the little Kushina still down on the floor.

"You...you're that Uzumaki kid that came to Konohagakure a few months ago right?"

Kushina just glares at me with watery eyes, her left arm is holding her twisted right elbow together that looks broken.

Seems the angle at which she hit the floor made her arm snap. I definitely overestimated how strong Uzumaki are.

I bend down and run my hands over her arm as chakra channels down onto my finger.


Blue light hovers over my hands and light pressure is applied to Kushina making her arm forcefully twist back in place making her whimper from the pain.

Sweat gathers at the forefront of my head as I finish the very scuffed treatment and stand back up and take a seat next Kushina.

Those bright brown eyes look up at me in awe and the anger she had directed at me completely vanished at once.

"How did you do that? Even Tsunade-sama can't heal wounds like that."

That bright smile is really annoying, wasn't I just attacking her half a minute ago? No wonder Naruto was so stupid he probably inherited it from this red haired bimbo.

Even though everyone in the village hated him he still tried to get their validation. Right now Kushina is hoping that I actually have a conversation with her even though it's very clear I don't want to.

The smile on Kushina disappears and she bangs her fist against my chest.

"Stop treating me like I'm a child! I can feel your emotions dattabane."

Guess she just as starved for attention as Naruto is. How can I use this to my advantage? She should have the complete Uzumaki seal collection so it'll be good to reel her in but I also need to do it in a way that Midnight would.

Ignoring Kushina but keeping her interest on me and solely me will be difficult but not impossible. The best way to do something like this would be to show exceptional talent and skill as a shinobi while also making everyone around me seem trash in comparison.

Sorry Minato but you'll be the first target to take down now. Your humiliation will assure me access to seals that could restrain even bijuu. Let's see what best genius of Konohagakure has to offer.