
Role System

The Role System. Characters from every piece of fiction can be drawn as a character card. Behave and interact with others as these characters would have to fully unlock their potential.

L_LL · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

The sunlight reflects of the edge of the dark glasses looking down on me. The man taps his fingers against his clipboard as he guides my hand onto the center of a vast seal.

"Inject your chakra into the center square of the seal. Remember to stay calm and don't be scared if you hear any noise."

The man before me is Mino Kenji, the head instructor of the academy in charge of the admission of new students. Unlike most chunin of Konohagakure he wears his forehead protector on his thigh and buy he does constantly have his green chunin vest on.

Today is the day that the new students are tested to see if they're fit to become shinobi. As far as I'm aware this seal should be able to test the talent of shinobi and their growth limit.

My small, still somewhat pudgy fingers press against the square in the middle of the giant seal and I slowly inject my chakra. The cold liquid like energy slips through my tenketsu softly touching against my chakra pathways before activating the seal.

The strange seal activates with a loud rumbling noise as the many kanji along the beautifully drawn lines turn blue and Mino nods his head jotting down some notes on his little clipboard.

"Good job. You said your name was Oshima Raiden?"

I nod my head and he places his hand on my back with bright smile.

"You're accepted into the academy. Your class is A-1 make sure to remember it and class begins next week."

I walk out of the very long line that stretches across the field and begin my walk trek home but not before checking something important.

In front of me a large holographic screen forms from my body as small letters die the screen a mix of blue and gold.

[Role System has awakened due to special circumstances. 3-Star card draw available. Select the category to draw a card from. Remember that you must act as the character card drawn in order to fully unlock their potential.]

Over a few dozens small multicolored screens pop out one after another. Most have very vague names like "Fire" and "Ice" but a few are very specific like "Dragon Overlord" and "World Titan."

What category should I choose? Although choosing a normal category like "Fire" may not give me something strong I can use it without too much attention being drawn to myself. Then again I need to act like whatever card I pull so does it matter if I even choose a specific category?

After all if the card I pull is someone evil then I'm definitely screwed for the time being untill I grow older and I'm able to act more unbearable.

My eyes panel over every category reading over every single description a few times before I finally make my decision.

[The category "Deadly Combatant" has been selected. Drawing a 3-Star card...]

[Character Card: Midnight/Macbeth

Category: Deadly Combatant

Potential: (10%) Unlocked


•Reflector Magic: Reflector magic allows the user to distort, twist and alter the atomic structure of everything around them in a certain area. This magic doesn't affect organic beings.

Character Card Description: Midnight is a lazy and proud individual usually spending most of his spare time sleeping. Like his adoptive father he is extremely cruel and ruthless to his enemies often deliberately making them suffer instead of finishing them off.]

Midnight. Long black hair that reaches down to his waist. Dark red eyes outlined by thick black eyeliner. A tight spiked collar that wraps around his neck just below his adams apple. A dark pitch black vest trimmed with white feathers extends to the top of his belly bottom leaving his impressive build showing. His saggy pants loosely hang on his thin waist allowing a glimpse of his v line.

The corners of my lips curl looking at the imposing holographic figure standing before almost three feet taller than I am.

The long strand of white hair decorated with red beads hangs next to his ear that has a silver cross dangling from it. His plump lips are dyed a light purple as he looks down at me with some contempt in his eyes.

"See to it that you don't embarrass the alias of Midnight."

The soft threatening voice lingers in my ear as his figure dissipates and the status panel disappears.

At once I can feel something change within my body. Midnight was considered a powerful mage within the world of Fairy Tail and his magic is one of the best with the most versatility among the verse.

My body is extremely weak in comparison to the Midnight who had been second in command in the oracion sies only behind Brain. Even with only 10% of his power my chakra reserves must have grown by at least a few times.

All of the memories inside of the Tower of Heaven, the abuse that Midnight suffered and the many days of starvation that he had to endure, I also have them. Death and illness was common and many people would die every day from exhaustion. Midnight was only a child when he experienced such things and due to this his empathy and human attachments were completely severed.

Although Midnight clung to his adoptive father at the end he himself ordered the attack that killed that same person. He did this with a smile on his face. I can understand such a person, living through something so traumatic as he did would make most completely unfit to function as human beings.

It's remarkable that he managed to heal his phycological injuries without relying on others. Neither Brain nor his teammates were his sources of encouragement and motivation to survive. It was by his own volition and effort that he successfully survived one of the most horrific events in the history of Fiore.

Anyone who could do such a thing deserves my respect and admiration. Although I don't have any of the same sadistic traits as you do Macbeth I promise not to bring shame to the name "Midnight".