
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Thành thị
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"Can't you analyze it or something? Cross reference with things in your data banks or whatever?" Jace asks, taking a few steps aback and just watching as a few more beasts came into the cave, these ones of an entirely different breed, there large forms barely fitting through the entrance, there multiple jagged legs scrapping on the ground, hard carapace covering their beetle like bodies, their heads resembling a fly but with stalk eyes instead of the round form found on a fly. Behind them a disgusting grub like creature with an extremely small head and a large broken sickle like arms was forcefully dragged in collapsing the tunnel as it was forced into the anti-chamber.

"No, there isn't anything like it in my data banks even when I try to compare it and that makes no sense! Even less so now that tunnel bugs have shown up with a queen brain! Those things only appeared during the mid stages of the invasion and even then, the tunnel bugs worshipped the queen brains! This one though seems to be badly hurt! Why! Why the hell are you making me try and process things that should be impossible! It's bad enough I got stuck with you accidently but now you're forcing me to see the very logic and understanding my systems have recorded become broken!" Vail all but yelled, no doubt she would be crying if it were possible but clearly by the heating up of the glove struggling to understand what was happening in a logical manner.

Slowly Jace watched on as one of the tunnel bugs where devoured in a more violent manner, its shell peeled off and legs removed before slowly being drained and crunched, the queen brain letting of screeches as it tried to break free only for a tunnel bug to cut at what Jace assumed where its legs immobilizing it further.

Not taking any chances Jace slowly began to kill the crimson fang beasts one by one, his focus on the events ahead of him well trying to work out a plan.

"I might be able to give you some information on it, but I would need some blood to reference its genetic makeup with my own reserve data banks, the bugs I can recognize easily, the damn parasitic vermin of the universe but this thing I cant recall ever seeing before." Crimson says, there tone carrying hints of delight and hunger.

"And the second I try to get you a sample it would no doubt kill me, there is no way in hell I'm getting close to that thing without any kind of plan, and if the 2 of you don't manage to figure something out I will be leaving this cave and that monster where it is, its not worth the risk." He snaps at the pair as he keeps slowly killing the beasts, the monstrosity just watching and not making a move other than devouring another tunnel bug.

"As clique as it may sound maybe climb up the wall and cut that stalactite above it and cause it to fall piercing the creature, it seems more focused on feeding than anything else right now after all." Vail finally says her tone sounding tired and frustrated at this being the best she was able to think of.

"Its worth a shot, then I can taste its blood!" Piped up Crimson.

Thinking it over Jace realized it would probably be his best shot, stopped killing the beasts, only 16 left at this point and slowly went over to a wall.

"A little help would be nice Vail, the walls not exactly jagged enough to climb easily." Jace says before feeling his hand tingle and noticing little hooks now covering his gloved hand, with it and Crimson in his right he began to scale the wall like a certain insectoid hero from the old comics.