
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

"This better work, and Crimson I'm putting a lot of faith in you for this." He says hooking himself with the gloved hand and making sure he wouldn't fall before swinging Crimson at the Stalactite, even though it was thicker than Crimsons length it got cut cleanly through in a flash of red and went crashing down with untold force, the abomination no doubt due to its own hubris did nothing well watching, continuing its feast as it ate the last tunnel bug only to let out a unholy scream as it got impaled from above, shaking violently it attempted to get loose but instead forced the spike deeper, seeing his chance Jace pushed himself off the roof of the anti-chamber and stabbed Crimson directly into its head, letting out one final scream that shook the air itself and seemly caused a kill switch in the beasts to flip as the ones left proceeded to fall dead one by one.

Ripping Crimson from its head Jace proceeded to jumped down and stand infront of it, looking at the strange blue blood flowing out the creature being sucked into the stone beneath it and visibly melt the stalactite that pinned it down.

"You said you could check it yourself if you got its blood Crimson, so what can you tell me about this thing." Jace asks watching the stones slowly change into a more crystalline form as they greedily drank the creature's blood.

"Its some kind of Chimera, but the things popping up don't make sense, something like this shouldn't have been stable, it's the equivalent of someone trying to build a house using cake mix and icing, well it might be possible with a lot of effort it wouldn't stand! It's got 10 different types of bug DNA, wolf genes from atleast 3 breeds, crimson beast and dryad genes blended into its DNA and even human DNA of various kinds and that's not even mentioning the genetic manipulation of adding a virus to it, can't believe I'm going to do this but put me back into that thing, I'm going to drain it dry and store most of its blood for you, ill take only a small portion of it, and yes I am able to store blood of various creatures in a small pocket space without them blending, this is too valuable to lose especially if I can integrate some of its parts into my nanobots." Crimson says excitedly if a bit hesitantly.

Following its words Jace did exactly that, stabbing Crimson once more back into the monstrosity with a bit of effort before tapping Vail against it and then the weird crystal stones hoping this would help her analyze things.

"Ugh, that rusted blood sucking mosquito is right, there's so many blends in this thing it should have destabilized upon creation, its blood also seems to have extreme mutagenetic properties similar to the bio-virus, not the one its become after many mutations and time but rather the original, but there's also signs of artificial experimentation on this, mechanical and artificial organs with what I assume to be some kind of storage in it, the rocks, or rather energy crystals are also strange, they're pure to an extreme degree and there's something in there, its faintly visible through the crystal but I don't know what it is. There even seems to be numerous runes. Why are you breaking my known and set in stone reality you bastard!" Vail couldn't help but yell at Jace, none of this making any sense to her programming or stored knowledge.

"Don't blame me for this, you directed me here after all." Jace said smugly causing Vail to stop speaking for a moment, a strange soft muttering voice though drew his focus to the side and reminded him that there was still something Alive here, the queen brain.