
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"Vail you said there would be 23 or so, this is a hell of a lot more, and isn't the leader supposed to just be bigger with a mouth of buck teeth fangs? What the hell even is that then!" Jace ground out at vail due to the sight before him.

In a large anti-chamber stood over 50 crimson fang beasts, all bowing down to a large monstrosity of a creature that seemed to be on the crystal vain Vail had spoken of. Its body only having the barest resemblance to a wolf as it had various root and bark like growths on its form, its back legs firmly in the rock under it, batwings as black as night fully spread out above it, instead of rabbit ears it had large, curved crystal horns multiple sets of bulging eyes all opening and closing at randomly, its 6 sets of front legs faintly resembling a wolves but with hooves instead of paws, its maw missing its bottom but long sword like teeth jutting down with visible needle like points coming off them and lastly, instead of a wolves tail this unholy monstrosity had one resembling that of a dragon but its tip for some strange reason resembling a hens head.

"I, I don't know, this thing isn't in my records, the ones who cleared this place also made no mention of this and the merchants who bought the rights wouldn't keep silent about something like this." Vail eventually said, clearly disturbed by the existence of such a creature.

"Who gives a damn, if we can make it bleed, we can kill it, and as much as I hate to say it lets use their current distraction to pick the small fries off slowly and quietly before, hey, there's the one that got injured and fled!" Crimson began before noticing the injured beast making its way through the rest, to the abomination.

Its many eyes seemed to turn to focus on it once it managed to drag itself infront of it, a leg slowly going forward and lightly nudging it as it slowly lowered its head, at first seemingly to try and help it.

That was quickly proven wrong moments later as it plunged down its sharp fangs into its injured form, its cries of agony and pain ignored by its kin as the monstrosities fangs turned red, the blood visibly going through its teeth as it raised its head, lifting the agonizing creature along with it and dropping it into its throat causing weird crunching noises to soon fill the silent cave.

"Well that was disturbing even for me, Hey toaster queen, any idea what the hell we just watched or what to do right now? I'm pretty sure that 1 eye on its head has been watching us since we came in here. I still say we try to take out the adds before we try to kill that thing, I bet its blood would taste magnificent!" Crimson began but got no reply from Vail who was no doubt trying to process everything and make a plan.

Slowly another beast walked forward, this one the biggest of the lot and resembling the form Vail would call a leader only to meet the same fate as the injured one except without making any kind of noise.

Wanting to test a theory Jace made his way over to the closest beast all well keeping his focus on the monstrosity, with a quick slash he killed the crimson fang beast but no reaction from the others or even the monstrosity ahead, he then cut another just enough to injury it without killing it.

What followed was a scream from the beast before it seemed to run forward to the monstrosity and the others making way for it, its blood trailing as he ran and launched itself at the monstrosity only to meet the same fate as the first one, screaming loudly in pain till the very end but confirming Jace's theory.

"That thing is controlling the beasts by keeping them in some kind of trance, and when one gets injured it causes them to rush at that thing, not sure if its to attack or offer themselves up as food though." Jace whispers feeling more and more uneasy.