
Rise of the Author: Bringing Books to Reality.

Adam Harris, a young writer, is searching for new sources of inspiration when his creative fire begins to go out. One day, in a moment of despair, he discovers a forgotten book called Co-Creator's Quill. This enigmatic pen gives him the incredible power to make his stories come to life. Each new story he creates enlivens the world around him and he finds himself at the center of his own stories.

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31 Chs


Chloe von D'Amours, chief maid of the residence of the Marquis of Aschenwald A woman of great intelligence and insight, Chloe, despite her family's inferior origins (the title of a knight), still managed to win the position of a chief maid.

As the second daughter of a poor Knight family, Chloe had no hope of a good outcome for herself. So she was forced to use her wit and cunning to raise her status.

In terms of strength, she is not so amazing, especially compared to the Empress and the Emperor, but to speak of her as a weak person would be foolish.

As a shadow mage with an average level of magic, Chloe's total power reached 25,597. Considering that she is not a key character, this is a very good result.

Adam was sure he'd never described her, and his concept certainly didn't have everything thought out in detail. So he didn't know what to expect from this woman.

There was one truth, however: he was to make her his ally. True, Adam didn't know what he could get her interested in.

Adam's total strength is only 30 points, which is very low. As an example, an ordinary nobleman of his age would have at least 100 points. Everything depended on the bloodline, so the results could vary.

"Am I an illegitimate son?" Adam suddenly thought as he left the room.

Such an idea was not unreasonable, for only by being the son of some peasant woman could Adam have had such a low level.

In the book where Adam went, there is such a system that a child inherits only 15% of his father's strength and the remaining 85% from his mother. This is why talent and strength are valued in this world.

"The average overall strength of a normal person is five points, and ten is the peak." Adam grimaced and looked up at the bright star in the sky. - "If it wasn't the main character's body, I'd have an easy death waiting for me."

Adam sighed and headed toward the balcony. He didn't have a definite plan yet, so Adam decided to think outdoors. And as he approached the balcony, Adam saw someone else.

"What a coincidence," Adam thought as he saw the woman in front of him.

It was beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. Adam could say with certainty that this woman was second only to the Empress in her beauty. She had loose black hair, as beautiful as the night.

Dark green eyes as bright as the starry sky could charm anyone who looked into them. There was a mole under her left eye that only added to her charm.

Her mature body, not lacking in softness, was developed, and her waist was narrow. The maid's uniform seemed to restrain her seductive body, but it also made her beautiful.

On his legs were tight white garter stockings, and Adam felt a strange wavering in his heart, and his cheeks turned pink. Finally, he came to his senses and regained his nave and pathetic look.

"Young master?" A pleasant and gentle voice suddenly rang out.

Adam lifted his head and saw the dark green eyes staring at her without blinking. Adam felt dizzy, and a dark cloud appeared around him.

"Dark magic?" Adam was shocked and tried to explain himself.

"I went out on the balcony to get some fresh air."

As soon as he said it, the dark cloud thickened, and Adam felt a choking sensation. It seemed to him that this woman was ready to kill him.

"Why such a violent reaction?" Adam almost cried in his thoughts and then remembered a passage from the assignment.

[...The Marquis forced Chloe's daughter to sleep with him, which made Chloe furious. However, because of her low origin, the head maid could only swallow her resentment...].

Adam sighed, and his eyes filled with determination.

"I know you want to kill me, but listen to me first," Adam said nervously, but his words had the effect of reducing the cloud. "Even if you kill me, you get nothing out of it. My father will even reward you."

"I don't know what you mean, young master." Chloe suddenly smiled seductively, making Adam blush.

However, he quickly came to his senses when Chloe's gaze filled him with coldness. Adam said in a trembling voice:

"Miss Chloe, I can help you," Adam muttered, and suddenly he was in the air.

He clutched at his throat in shock, which was squeezed by Chloe's gentle but strong hands. A deafening chill came from Chloe's eyes, freezing the space around Adam.

Two pairs of shadow-like hands grabbed Adam's body, leaving him no chance to break free. Adam couldn't understand such a violent reaction, so he had to explain himself faster.

"Miss Chloe, listen to me! The princess accepted me as a subordinate, so you can't kill me!"

"Are you threatening me?" Chloe screamed, and the grip on Adam's throat tightened.

Adam panicked. He suddenly felt the reaper of death sharpens his scythe, standing behind him. His eyes widened in disbelief, and then the unbelievable happened...

Adam is dead.


In the dark space, there was a giant book. With an old cover with beautiful patterns, the book suddenly lit up and opened. There was a rustling of pages, and suddenly a white goose feather flew toward the fourth page.

There was ink on the tip of the pen, and it dripped onto the page. The droplet stuck to the page and turned into words.

[Edric's throat was tightened by Chloe's strong grip. Edric gasped and tried to break free, but his attempts were futile. Suddenly...

Edric's body glowed brightly, and countless barriers like scales created armor for him.



Returning... Adam felt his consciousness go blank, but a sharp pain woke him from sleep. Narrowing his eyes, he saw that he was lying on the floor, and Chloe was standing over him with an expression full of embarrassment.

"Who are you?" asked Chloe suddenly, her face confused.

Adam stood up slowly and felt intense pain. Several of his bones were broken, and his chest felt heavy. He coughed and looked at Chloe.

"I'm a man who wants revenge."

"Revenge? Who?" asked Chloe.

"To the whole Ashenwald family!" Adam adopted a humiliated and angry expression on his face, though in his heart he tried to figure out how to convince Chloe. "I heard that scoundrel Albert took your daughter by force. That's why I'm offering you an alliance!"

"The Union? You've got to be kidding!" exploded Chloe, contempt on her face and her eyes burning with anger. "Enlightenment, loser! You are nothing but a weakling, and your father is a Marquis and a Magic Knight, too. What can you do to him? Complain to your mistress?"

A scream echoed down the hallway, but no one came out to hear the noise. Adam looked around and sighed, trying to come to his senses.

"Yes, I'm weak now, but in the future, I'll have a chance! But for now, I need an ally like you!" Adam stood up and looked resolutely at Chloe. "I learned at the ball that Albert's condition is unstable. He has doomed himself by leaving the Imperial faction!"

"Even so, his power is still stable. Marquis's level of magic is top-notch!" Chloe glanced irritatedly at Adam, and her eyes lit up.

"That's true, but..." Adam smiled and suddenly pulled out a glowing stone. "Here is proof of Albert's cooperation with demons."

It's time to show Adam the cards!

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