
Rise of the Author: Bringing Books to Reality.

Adam Harris, a young writer, is searching for new sources of inspiration when his creative fire begins to go out. One day, in a moment of despair, he discovers a forgotten book called Co-Creator's Quill. This enigmatic pen gives him the incredible power to make his stories come to life. Each new story he creates enlivens the world around him and he finds himself at the center of his own stories.

Reveraner · Urban
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31 Chs


Adam watched the conversation intently. Although it was about him, no one even bothered to ask him. It was as if he were a commodity to be disposed of as they wished.

"It looks like I need to embark on an incredibly original 'training and stealth' plot twist upon my return. Otherwise, I'll simply get killed!".

Adam remembered well the words he had read before he went into the book. If Edric dies, Adam dies, too!

Edric, what do you think of my subordinates? Emilia suddenly asked, smiling sweetly.

Despite such a sweet smile that could charm all men, Adam could clearly see the predatory glint in this girl's eyes! But he couldn't say no directly, so he just looked at Harold, who was frowning deeply.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, however, I do not believe that Edric could be of use to a person like you," Harold politely declined, to which Emilia frowned.

Adam felt intense pressure, though it was not directed at him. And Harold, who was the target of this pressure, held on with the last of his strength.

"I think that would be a good idea," suddenly came a clear and seductive voice.

Adam's eye twitched as the Empress' gaze was fixed on him. Her impassive face gave no hint of her purpose, so Adam could only hope he wasn't turned into mincemeat.

The emperor and the prince were surprised by the empress's words, but since they did not find anything special about them, they only nodded. The two simpletons did not even seem to think that there was something else behind her words.

Adam broke into a sweat as Emilie's gleaming eyes stopped on him. Harold, on the other hand, grew darker, but then he pulled on a smile and nodded.

Since this is Your Majesty's wish, I dare not continue.

Although outwardly Harold was calm and wore a devoted look on his face, inwardly he was angry.

"Damn, why is that bastard lucky to win the princess's favor?"

By the way, no one knew about the sadistic personality of the princess. Adam wasn't sure about the imperial family, but the common nobles treated her as a fragile woman in need of protection.

Although, in fact, the overall strength alone of the "frail" and "in need of protection" woman outnumbered such "protectors" five, if not ten times as much!

Therefore, Harold did not know what a difficult future awaited his younger brother.


It was deep into the night. Two carriages drove swiftly toward the Marquis of Ashenwald's lands. In one of the carriages, Adam cringed as he felt the wheel hit a rock.

After an unsuccessful ball for Adam, where he won the attention of two women, however, he was not happy. As they left, Adam felt Harold's gaze on him, full of burning hatred.

The only upside, however, was that Harold no longer humiliated him. Apparently, his preservation as the princess's "subordinate" was important. Adam could only sigh at this.


As Adam opened the carriage door, he stepped out of it and caught the gaze of a middle-aged man. Albert von Aschenwald.

Albert was a tall and muscular middle-aged man with severe facial features. He had silver hair, which he kept neatly combed. His eyes are cold and devoid of love.

Albert was dressed in a classic black suit and holding a cane. His cold gray eyes scrutinized Adam as he stepped out of the carriage.

- The trash the princess took a fancy to What good fortune for our family! - Albert suddenly spoke with a cold voice and an equally cold face: "Tomorrow you will be sent to the princess's country villa. Enjoy your life there, and don't show your face in my territory again.

Adam narrowed his eyes and suddenly stretched out his arms, catching the parchment in his hands. He opened it and began to read. And the more he read, the darker his face became.

And when he had already looked up, he did not see Albert. Adam was alone, with only one servant waiting to escort him to his room.

To summarize the contents of the parchment

It's very simple: denial.

His protagonist, Edric von Aschenwald, was stripped of his title and status. Now he is an ordinary man.

"Show me to my room," Adam ordered, frowning.

The servant immediately escorted Adam to his room. Adam felt the servant's mocking gaze. Once in his room, Adam suddenly smiled.

"Who would have thought that this part would be borrowed, too?" Only I'd written in my concept that it had to be no later than chapter 59. And judging by the flow of the story, it was only chapter four." Adam grinned, but his heart felt heavy.

Without status and support in the form of family, Adam would surely be eaten by a princess. He didn't really want to turn into a servant, but apparently it was his only chance to survive.

"It seems that the course of history has changed because of my choices. Now I have to take responsibility for my actions." Adam sighed and sat down on the bed. "I have to look on the bright side. If I can win the princess's favor, then she can award me the title of knight and then a baronet. That way, I'll be at least worth something in the society of the nobility.

Naturally, his plans also included secret training. Adam was going to study his power and become even more powerful.

There were only three ways to raise personal power: meditation, battles, and the system.

- Open seal #3.

Adam smiled bitterly and didn't think he would have to use it. A dialog box appeared in front of him that read:

[Task section open].

With a sigh, Adam clicked on the dialog box, and it changed to a new one.

[Assignment received.]

[Task 1: Conquer an ally

Job Description:

A head maid named Chloe has long been dissatisfied with the Marquis Ashenwald. The Marquis forced Chloe's daughter to sleep with him, which made Chloe furious. However, because of her low origin, the head maid could only swallow her resentment. Help her.

Status: Active

Location: Isengard Empire, city of Raine, the residence of the Marquis of Ashenwald.

Difficulty: Medium


1. Make contact with the head maid.

2. Get her confidence.

3. Fulfill her requests or help her solve some problems.

4. Confirm your loyalty and willingness to help her.

Reward: Illusion Mage spell "Camouflage", +35 to overall strength, +2 political influence].

Adam glared and cringed in disgust. If Albert really was his father, Adam could only kill himself or kill Albert.

"I can't believe that rotten old man would dare do such a thing."

A gasp appeared in his heart, and then he came to his senses. Adam reminded himself that this world is different; the strong rule the world, so he could only sigh.

"However, how do I win her favor? I have only 14 hours to complete this task!