
Rise Of GOD : Shani

Rise Of GOD: Shani It's about Shani, a boy living in Mumba. The story is set in a world 20 years in future with many changes from our present. When the boy's successful archaeologist brother ends up dead for an unknown reason. His genius Brother Shani takes it upon himself to find the mysteries behind his death. This is how the world's most celebrated figures' story begins. His achievement is etched into the very lands of the world as he becomes someone to deserve worship and respect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instagram: diamond_shatterer Recently, I have started posting Character Design Concepts on my Instagram_id. If interested then please follow me. I PROMISE TO RELEASE 3 CHAPTERS A WEEK (DISCLAIMER: THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT THIS REMOVED.) (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: THIS NOVEL IS PURE FRICTION SO PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING SPECIFIED IN THE NOVEL.) (THIRD DISCLAIMER: JUST SKIP THE R18 STUFF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. DON'T STOP READING IT I PROMISE THAT MY STORY WILL KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER...) Feel free to join me for a novel discussion or grab the novel update role in the link below: Discord: https://discord.gg/NZwBKuFG ************************ Author Message: Please read a few chapters if interested in this novel. I hope I can satisfy your curiosity. Add the novel to a library, write a review and gift me power stones.

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21 Chs

CH-9 A Good Person or Evil Person ?

Shani had two priceless days off from school, Saturday and Sunday. They could be put to good use to progress further into the investigation.

The time was noon and the banks closed at 3:00 pm. Luckily, today was the 3rd Saturday, an odd-numbered Saturday since even-numbered Saturdays were non-operational days. He should leave for the bank right now because the more time he spends there, the more beneficial for him. But, it was going to be dangerous in the bank. Whoever killed Brother Vignesh, they were desperately trying to find the treasure. The bank was an obvious place to keep an eye on.

Thinking about it in a deeper sense, they must have kept a close eye on us, 'The Reddy Family'. They were the most likely suspects to know about the treasure.

It got Shani thinking, was there someone getting close to them after their brother's death in this 1 year? The gears in his brain turned and all hands pointed at 'The Purohits'. They were a family of 4 living opposite our house and had gotten very close to his parents in this 1 year. When the two families got together, all of them had a lot of fun. He was grateful to 'The Purohits' for bringing some happiness to his parents after the tragedy. The family had two girls, one was 1 year younger than him and the other 6 years old. The younger one and Chitki were the same age, so they went to the same school.

There was no way to suspect them unless someone looked at their story with an unbiased eye. There were some inconsistencies and their arrival was the most suspicious. The previous tenants were also close friends and weren't planning to shift. But suddenly they relocated giving an ambiguous reason. Something was fishy with 'The Purohits'. He had to investigate them, perhaps he could glean important information that could get him closer to the truth.

Shani was dual processing, he used his mind to investigate while getting ready for the bank. The enemy was on the lookout for him; the only way to remain undiscovered was by using a disguise.

Wearing a Brown blazer covering his body, formal black pants, sunglasses and a mask was an excellent way to disguise himself. With his build of 6.2 feet, he looked like a law-abiding citizen working in a company—a normal sight in the bank. No one would suspect him.

Not wanting his family to know about his departure, Shani silently exited the house. He got on his bike and rode to the Vijaya Bank. Brother Vignesh's account belonged to a bank 30 minutes from his house so he chose to travel by his hoverbike.

Massive crowds gathered in banks on Saturdays for it was a holiday for most of the working population. On weekdays they were busy with their job and on Sunday the bank would stay closed. Today was no different. The 10 counters of Vijaya Bank were full with at least 20 people waiting at each counter for their turn.

But Shani wasn't going to wait in the queue. He picked up a form filling in all the necessary details. From his research, he knew the Bank Manager's permission was required to reactivate the account. This made things convenient for him.

After waiting a few minutes, when the Bank Manager became free, Shani entered the cabin.


Poorva was an accomplished Bank Manager. Her talents and hard work were recognised in the banking sector and became the Bank Manager of a busy bank in the middle of Mumba. One of the bustling and high-money-earning places.

It was a surprising feat. She was the youngest employee to ever have reached the high post of Bank Manager at the age of 22. There were others in the bank sector with more than 25 years of experience but still couldn't become remarkable.

An ambitious and strong-willed woman always being the best wherever she went. The new customer entered her cabin, she looked up at this new candidate coming to waste her precious time. She was just one game away from reaching the 500th level in Candy Crush Saga. It was going to be a special moment.

She was inwardly shocked by Shani. He was hot. The way he politely closed the door made her happy, the movement of his muscles as they moved like waves across an ocean overflowing with masculinity. The man surely had six packs, she started imagining them doing naughty things together, her thoughts going out of control due to the stimulation of the imagination.

"No, Poorva get a grip on your thoughts. There is the business to deal with."

"Excuse me?"


"This is the Bank Manager's office, correct?"

Poorva used her whole willpower to stop her imagination and could only manage a nod. The customer took a seat opposite her sitting with the stance of a gentleman. Oh no, stop it me, stop it. Focus.

"Recently, my account in Vijaya Bank became deactivated. Would you please reactivate it?"

Poorva at last managed to keep a straight face, "Give me the details of the bank account."

The hot man seemed prepared for such a request as he immediately procured all the required documents in front of her. Coming prepared beforehand was a very impressive quality. Most of the customers were idiots who could never do anything in a single go. They had to be given instructions for each step like they were a small child. All of them just wasted her precious time.

She was curious about the man and wanted to know more about him, " So, what are you?" He stared at her in silence seemingly surprised by her question, " An Entrepreneur. "

She became genuinely interested in him, he wasn't old enough to open his own company. "What kind of company?"

"The kind that focuses on producing soda."

"How old are you, the company must be inherited. There is no way you established a company at a such young age. "

"26 and wrong, I founded and grew the company with my own blood and sweat. It was the result of my determination and hard work."

"Oh, I am sorry for my wrong assumption." There really were accomplished people in this country. She was even more attracted to the stranger.

"It's fine. Please reactivate the bank account."

"Yes, of course." She was going to get his phone number and slowly grow close to him. Maybe their relationship would turn into something special and later they would become inseparable leading to marriage and then kids. "Poorva, stop imagining so many fantasies. Pay attention to the tasks at hand."

Poorva typed the details of the bank account. With her station of power as Branch Manager, she could reactivate accounts but this account was closed by the Main Office. She had to contact them and after getting their permission could she reactivate it. This was a very rare case, so rare it was the first time it happened, and her vigilance for the situation increased. Danger might be just around the corner.

She looked to her left, noticing the pistol pointed at her and the stranger's hand on its trigger. Her heart leapt out of her chest, as fear she had never experienced enveloped her. Her breathing ragged and she did the only thing she could. She shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Ahhhh." Shani immediately covered her mouth
