
Rise Of GOD : Shani

Rise Of GOD: Shani It's about Shani, a boy living in Mumba. The story is set in a world 20 years in future with many changes from our present. When the boy's successful archaeologist brother ends up dead for an unknown reason. His genius Brother Shani takes it upon himself to find the mysteries behind his death. This is how the world's most celebrated figures' story begins. His achievement is etched into the very lands of the world as he becomes someone to deserve worship and respect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instagram: diamond_shatterer Recently, I have started posting Character Design Concepts on my Instagram_id. If interested then please follow me. I PROMISE TO RELEASE 3 CHAPTERS A WEEK (DISCLAIMER: THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT THIS REMOVED.) (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: THIS NOVEL IS PURE FRICTION SO PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING SPECIFIED IN THE NOVEL.) (THIRD DISCLAIMER: JUST SKIP THE R18 STUFF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. DON'T STOP READING IT I PROMISE THAT MY STORY WILL KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER...) Feel free to join me for a novel discussion or grab the novel update role in the link below: Discord: https://discord.gg/NZwBKuFG ************************ Author Message: Please read a few chapters if interested in this novel. I hope I can satisfy your curiosity. Add the novel to a library, write a review and gift me power stones.

Diamond_Shatterer · Realistic
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21 Chs

CH-10 The Bank

Humans were so easily frightened, it was funny in many ways. The Bank Manager was young, which surprised Shani. The Bank Manager was the head of a branch and the highest post in a branch. So, he had expected someone old to be sitting in the cabin but that was not the case.

Although she was young, but Shani was much younger than her. Guessing from her looks and other factors, he assumed her to be around 25 years old. He on the other hand was 18 years old. On top of that, she was attracted to him and she tried to hit on him romantically. His fake backstory had completely fooled the Bank Manager. No, the results were much better than he had expected as it turned out she liked the mysterious kind of man. This worked in his favour. The more attracted she was to him, the more likely she would be willing to help him.

But her actions became suspicious after checking the bank account details, her eyes blinking continuously. She moved her hand to the phone intending to call someone. Unfortunately, it had to come to this. The worst-case scenario couldn't be avoided.

Shani held a gun at Poorva and threatened, " Don't dare call anyone. Just reactivate the account and I won't kill you."

Poorva stared at Shani for some seconds in which she processed the new development. Realisation of her current situation hit her, a look of horror appeared on her face. She felt terror completely engulfing knowing her life could finish in just some moments. Her mind went blanck due to panic and she did the only thing she could, as she shouted, "Heeeeeelp". Shani quickly covered her mouth, he would be in trouble if her co-workers heard her screaming.

"Scream again and I will kill you, get it? Don't do that again."

The threat reached her chaotic mind making her stop shouting.

"I will repeat again, reactivate the account and I will let you live."

He thought the fear and mixed emotion must have done the trick. Now, she would reactivate the account and he could leave.

Poorva closed her eyes and opened only after a minute had passed. Gone was the panic and fear stricken look replaced by acceptance of her situation. She seemed to have a drastic change in her mentality.

Poorva said while intensely coughing "How can I trust the words of a stranger pointing a gun at me."

Shani said, "The only choice you have is to believe me otherwise you can die."

"You need me to reactivate the account. So you wouldn't kill me."

"I have a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you. If you're an ambitious woman then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Help me and receive benefits for the service."

There was no visible change in Poorva but Shani felt it, her aura changed from a scared bunny to a fierce tigress. She spoke with purpose, "I don't see how it will benefit me?"

Shani grasped her chin forcing her to look up straight at him, "DON'T forget your death is one bullet away. Consider it my generousity to give you a chance to change your life. Was becoming a boring bank officer your dream?"

The woman stared at him without looking away, " No."

"I am offering a chance to make your dream come true."

The tigress looked like a lost kitten as she imagined her dream come true, "Can it ever come true in this sick world we live in ?"

"Yes, but you will have to follow many of my orders."

She looked determined, " I will do it." The woman got to work breaking down the restriction and reactivated the account. Shani felt glad and relief to accomplish such a monumental task. But it was short lived as the doors locking the managers cabin was shoved with sheer brute force rooting it apart from its hinges. In a few more hits, the door would break .

The tigress who had made a deal with the devil a.k.a disguise of Shani again became a scared bunny frightened about the consequence of her action. Shani had deemed her as an important piece in his quest for revenge. He had to stay close to her and make sure she helped him.

He gently put his hands on her shoulder, " Listen, I am sorry for dragging you into this mess. But, there is a lot to gain from your misfortune. I am offering you an opportunity to make your dream come true. Use it well and you will be able to reach a place, which would have formerly be impossible. Don't worry about the people outside, they wouldn't harm you. I will make sure of it. "

Poorva had tears coming but she wiped them, her will to rise becoming stronger.

"The world harbours many evil people. Some of the evil people have done a big injustice with me. I won't rest until justice is served. Helping me also means riding the world of such an evil. "

She noded her head accepting Shani's deal. "Eat this?"

"What is it , poison?"

"No, something that will prove your innocence." She complied and ate the medicine. It had an effect similar to anastecia. The medicine kicked in quickly making her unconscious.


The door was forced open after repeated usage of great power. Men wearing tactical gear from head to toe pointed their guns at the culpirt. Roy, a member of the special agent program 'Raw' remembered his bosses words, "Your mission is to catch the culprit not to kill him. Make sure its succesful and be swift with your work."

As he entered the cabin with his squad, his mind was preoccupied with many thoughts, "The mission is to capture. These maniacs only know how to kill and have no tact. But I am different. This is my time to rise in the Agency. My success in this mission will just be the beginning. I will then rise to become the best RAW agent."

He saw the culprit, dressed heavily covering himself completely. The culprit was wearing even a mask, a perfect way to hide its face.

Shani was just about to escape the bank when the door was broken with dangerous men entering. His brother's killer was definietly not inept. From their gear and the way they moved suggested they were experienced fighters, gave him a rough idea of their power. To command such troops at beck and call, the enemies influence was frighteneing. Realization struck about how close he was to death.

He had to decrease their numbers with the element of surprise. The lesser the number of pursues the better. He removed his trusty pistol and shot the most threatening agent.

Roy could only watch as the culprit shot at Nehal. But, a single bullet could never bring down the team leader. As his sparring partner, he knew better than anyone. They were superior to those army imposter, so what chance did the public have against them.

Nehal easily dodged the bullet, then positioned himself in a location that would be difficult to shoot at. But something shocking occured making him awestruck. The culprit kicked a metal disk which rolled stopping short of Nehal. His eyes bulged in realization but it was too late to stop it. The culprit pressed a button. The metal disc opened with electric sparks crackling jumped out grabbing a hold of him. The emp attack nutraized him. The battle had just begin and their team leader was down.

Shani glanced at the Raw squad before turning around and jumped out of the window.

Roy was the vice-captain and following the chain of command, he became the acting captain. He made a quick decision, any hesitation and the culprit would escape too far to pursue. "Two of you, stay behind while others follow me. We are going to catch this bastard. No one can blemish our perfect track record. "
