
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · Phim ảnh
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44 Chs


As the door swung open, revealing the figure on the other side, a sense of familiarity washed over me. Standing before me was a man bearing a striking resemblance to the one I had seen on the screen, yet subtle disparities immediately caught my eye. While the man on the screen was energic person, the individual before me appeared worn down by the burdens of life.

He appeared like any other regular guy you'd pass on the street. I asked him straight up if he was the Moneykandan and he said yes. When I walked into his apartment, I couldn't believe my eyes. Clothes were scattered everywhere, making it look like a total mess, like a garbage dump.

I laid out my proposition to Manikandan without hesitation, expressing my interest in acquiring his rented flat. Offering him two clear choices, I outlined the terms: either I could provide him with 1 million rupees upfront, or I could secure him a job with a stable income, recognizing his recent job loss. However, I made it clear that the condition for either option was that he would need to vacate the apartment on the same day. Additionally, I reminded him that I could easily approach the flat owner with the same offer of 1 million rupees, knowing that the owner would likely accept, given the circumstances.

I can easily afford to pay that kind of money as I am not the poor soul. My father was a corporator when he was alive and he had that kind of money. And for the job I can just ask my brother. He can use his connections to hire him in most of the IT companies.

And if I were to get a box of 50 millons rupees, there is no problem for me to pay 1 million to MoneyKandan.

Manikandan started to think that this offer as a great chance. The first option seemed best to me because getting one million rupees would ease my worries. It would also help solve my sister's marriage problem.

Considering the situation, one million rupees equated to a year's worth of salary to me. I believed I could secure a job within a year on my own. However, if I declined this offer, I knew my landlord would gladly accept it.

Without a moment's hesitation, I opted for option 1 and shared my account details as requested by the individual. Initially wary of potential scams, I couldn't shake off the doubt. However, when the money arrived in my account as promised, my skepticism dissolved, and I felt reassured by the legitimacy of the transaction.

Following the transaction, I promptly contacted my friend and made arrangements to live with him. Once the individuals had departed, I summoned the security guard to facilitate the transfer of my furniture to my friend's apartment. With everything in order, I completed the move to my friend's place on the same day.


As I returned from Manikant's apartment, Pillai questioned "Raj, why did you go to all the trouble of offering Manikandan, 1 million rupees for his apartment? We could have just thrown him out if we wanted it."

Raj, "Listen, Pillai, we can't afford any unnecessary attention. If we just throw Manikant out, he'll kick up a fuss, and before we know it, everyone will be talking about it. We don't need that kind of attention. Trust me, there's a reason we've taken this apartment, and you'll find out soon enough."

The next morning, as I sat down for breakfast at home, I instructed Pillai and Iyer to head to the same apartment. I directed Pillai to stay inside while Iyer waited outside, ensuring that they would be immediately informed upon the arrival of the box.

I told Pillai and Iyer to bring the box straight to me without opening it. If anyone saw them getting the box, they should say they're from Kamachi's group.

By orchestrating this scenario, I anticipated that Illavarasu would believe Kamachi's men had received the money. This misconception would likely lead to conflict between them, as Kamachi might assume Illavarasu was trying to avoid payment.

With everything set in motion, I returned to my meal, eager for the developments to unfold.

"Raj, what's in the box? You spent 1 million to acquire it and even went to the lengths of confusing some random goons," Pillai inquired, curiosity evident in his voice. Raj, eager to build his own gang, needed people. To persuade Pillai and Aiyer, he instructed Pillai, "Why don't you open it and find out?" Raj ordered.

When they opened the box, they were surprised to find it filled to the brim with cash. "If you knew beforehand that the box contained cash, would you have brought it here ?" Raj asked, his voice carrying a serious tone that caught both Pillai and Aiyer off guard. This was the first time they had seen Raj like this.

Upon hearing Raj's question, both Pillai and Aiyer stepped forward. "Sorry, boss, we never considered that. Our lives and our families mean more to us than this money," Pillai said, kneeling in front of Raj, followed by Aiyer.

Raj understood that he needed to employ a carrot and stick approach to cultivate loyalty from them. So, he responded, "Good, you know your limits, I appreciate it. If you work for me, you'll be set for life." Pointing at the box, he continued, "This is just the beginning." Both Pillai and Aiyer reacted with evident happiness, their eyes lighting up at the prospect. Raj knew that building their loyalty would take time, but he was determined to make it happen.

Raj instructed both of them to gather people to work for him, tasking them with building a gang using the money from the box to persuade potential recruits. He emphasized that they should offer a future of security and prosperity, assuring them that if they worked for him, they and their families would be settled for life.

That was the first event where Raj intervened. However, he later intervened in multiple future events and seized opportunities from others. Despite his efforts, Raj did not receive any exclusive rewards from the system, as the system utilized its destiny points for the recovery of its functions. The system also instructed Raj that his memories were not fully recovered and would require him to discover them on his own. Once the system updates, Raj will have full access to both the system's memories and his own memories.