
Present Day

Reflecting on my journey, that initial step marked the beginning of a series of calculated moves and interactions that shaped my path. it's been around six to seven years now, I've firmly established myself in Kelara. I have multiple hotels. I've acquired a network of jewelry stores. Behind the scenes, I oversee the smuggling of gold from Dubai, which is then discreetly sold through these jewelry stores, securing my place in the underworld. Today, I command my own gang and oversee a thriving business empire. Though I portray myself as a legitimate businessman to the public eye.

Today, As I sat in my office, my phone rang, and it was my brother on the line. I listened to his plea for help, acknowledging his admission that I was right and he should have listened to me. I reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, I'm already aware of what happened. I'll handle everything. Just wait and watch it."

After concluding the call with my brother, I swiftly dialed another number. As the call was answered on the other end, I said, "It's time, Fyodor."

-------- Bobby's pov ---------

I was thinking about the words of my little brother, that he said, "just wait and watch." What is the meaning of this word? I did not able to understand. What is he saying? I am in a difficult situation and he is playing riddles with me.

Lost in contemplation over my brother's puzzling words, I was approached by Fyodor's right-hand man Abdul. Without a word, he escorted me to the next building apartment. As I glanced around the apartment, I noticed a TV tuned to the news, a comfortable sofa, and a wide-angle view of Fyodor's residence.

I observed the empty apartment and confirmed that I was alone, with no guard at the door, I began to contemplate the situation. It was clear that my little brother had orchestrated something, as it didn't seem like I was being confined anymore.

I contemplated seizing the perfect opportunity to escape, I noticed two familiar figures entering the apartment. They were Pillai and Aiyar my brother's people, They were once my subordinate's. In the past, they worked under my command, but over time, their allegiance shifted towards my brother. Their loyalty now lay with him, leading them to work for his cause instead.

Pillai and Aiyer entered, I was about to question how they managed to arrive when Pillai spoke up. "Bobby, it's all part of Raj's plan" they urged me to wait here. With that, they turned up the volume on the news channel, leaving me intrigued and eager to see what unfolds next.

I started to watch TV, I was anticipating the news of corruption allegations against me, I was taken aback by a surprising twist. The news report refuted the accusations made by the current CM, Jatin Ramdas, stating that there was no evidence against Bobby Nair. Moreover, it revealed shocking allegations of the CM's involvement with the Russian mafia Gang leader, Abraham Qureshi.

Then a video footage started to played on New channel, As I watched the video footage, my heart sank as I witnessed Stephen ruthlessly killing multiple individuals in an abandoned warehouse. I realized that it was the same warehouse I had assigned to Fedol's people, later it was ruined by Stephen, at that time I sent where the Commissioner of Police to gather evidence against Stephen, but he did not able to find anything against him.

Then there is also footage of stephen killing commissioner of police. The news anchor's report revealed a startling connection, linking the brutal killings are done by Abraham Qureshi. According to the anchor, Stephen was none other than Abraham Qureshi, working for Jatin to eliminate political rivals. Furthermore, it was disclosed that Stephen had previously worked for PKR and was now under the employment of Jatin Ramdas.

I heard the news, a wave of relief and satisfaction washed over me. but did not know that Stephen had another identity as Russian gang leader. how did my brother manage to do his things? And when did he recorded this videos? How did he found out that I am held captive by Fedol's men?.

With numerous questions swirling in my mind, I found solace in the certainty that my brother would eventually provide answers. For now, all I had to do was sit back and enjoy the unfolding drama.

------ end of pov -------

After exposing Bobby Nair's corruption in front of the media, Jatin sat in his office, diligently signing documents. Suddenly, his assistant barged into the room, a look of panic etched on his face.

As the assistant addressed Jatin, he uttered with urgency, "Sir, we're in trouble." With a swift motion, he turned on the TV and tuned it to the news channel.

Jatin watched the news, expecting coverage of Bobby Nair's corruption, Jatin was taken aback by a video showing Stephen killing multiple individuals. Moments later, another video played, depicting Stephen killing the Commissioner of Police. Shockingly, The news anchor also mentioned that these ruthless actions were all ordered by Jatin Ramdas, the current CEO of Kerala.

Confusion and disbelief flooded my mind, How could this happen? I had no knowledge of Stephen's true identity as Abraham Qureshi, the Russian gang leader. I had come to India on his order.

The media's allegations were damning: they claimed that I was the one who had ordered Stephen to eliminate the Commissioner of Police and rival polical party leader. The media further asserted that all the allegations against Bobby Nair were false, with no evidence to support Jatin Ramdas's statements.

All the evidence appeared to be fabricated, as Bobby discovered that Priyadarshani's daughter was involved in illegal activities. It seemed that Priyadarshani concocted the fabricated evidence to discredit Bobby Nair and undermine his credibility.

"Lies ! Lies ! All this is lies."

It appears that someone is plotting against me and my family, seeking to destroy my sister's reputation and falsely accusing me of giving order to kill people. I have to inform this to my big brother, Stephen.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, I realize that I must call my big brother Stephen, especially knowing that he went to eliminate Bobby Niar.

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