
Reincarnated with a broken system!?

John Willow is suddenly sent to a dark place while playing on his zbox. While he is reincarnating he is fused with his zbox after touching it. Unfortunately for John because the zbox he had was broken, the system and body he got from it was also broken! Learn about John’s adventure in this fantasy world as he tries to learn about this new place he has arrived in while also having a system which glitches very inconveniently. Sometimes for the better, but mostly to his dismay. =================================== When new chapters go live is completely random because I have a lot of things going on between writing this and it is also only a hobby of mine. P.S. I am an amateur author and this is my first time writing.

TheBookReader_ · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Trial and Error (Part 2)

Author note: Look at the auxiliary chapter for needed information about the book. Also if there is anything wrong I will try to fix it but I am only writing this book as a hobby so don't expect me to fix it immediately.


John was shocked, never had he thought that this simple experiment of his would bring the disaster that it did.

He simply couldn't believe it.

He snapped out of it rather quickly when he recalled what the system had told him about the skill.

'The host will not be hurt by any of the side effects of this skill for fifteen seconds. Other than the ones below.'

When he remembered that, he suddenly realised that he was very thirsty. But before he had a chance to complain about it, the system spoke with a warning he was familiar with.

<Host has lost all coolant. As a result, the host will perish once the countdown hits zero>

<Host is recommended to find a coolant as soon as possible>

<Time remaining until death 23:59:59>

He was about to run to the water when he realised, he was standing on a sand pillar that was defying all the laws of physics he knew with the added bonus of the sizzlingly, sultry glass below. But he then had a insane idea pop into his head.

'Didn't it say that I wouldn't be hurt by any of the side effects of my skill? No, no, no! That's crazy!… But I'm going to take a guess here and say that because I was standing on this sand, it wasn't effected. But that's not going to last long.'

John looked over to the tide to see the residual heat of his skill evaporating any water that came near. He saw the 10 meter gap and what lay below it and decided to use his brain before he did anything rash.

'If I stay here then after the fifteen seconds are over, I could just collapse into the fiery glass below. Or I could just jump and hope that I make it. The liquid glass looks kinda viscous, I could probably just run over it really fast. But I would lose my shoes'

He looked down at his feet to say goodbye to his shoes before he realised that he wasn't wearing any.

'Well… It seems I'm just going to have to jump for it'

As John went backwards a little, as he only had a small amount of room to work with. He gracefully ran as far as he could before gallantly leaping through the air. After he landed about three metres away from where he was standing and two metres below where he was, he felt the viscous liquid beneath his feet and between his toes.

He ran thinking that his feet were melting and quickly jumped upwards and climbed up to the top of the sand before running around ten meters.

He was about to try and wash his feet before he realised that only the cerulean sand was on his feet. It seemed as though the glass that was on his feet didn't effect him and had gotten from his body as quickly as it had gotten on it.

John quickly went to the ocean as he opened the hatch he had on his head and started to scoop the water into it. It seemed as though his hands weren't affected by the water unlike the rest of his body. While he was doing that, he suddenly heard a rather loud noise. There was a crash, then a sizzle, and then… nothing. John returned to the ditch he had made, knowing that it was what had made the noise, he guessed that the crash was the sand falling as he had predicted earlier would fall and then sizzle on the glass which was cooling down very quickly as the water was now able to reach it.


(Only a few more chapters and the preparations will be complete for John to go exploring)