
Chapter 10


As Ivia Oxis's anger reached a boiling point, she lifted her staff high above her head, and a torrent of lightning erupted from its tip. The electric bolts streaked towards Demaris, illuminating the grand hall with a blinding flash. Instinctively, he raises his sword to deflect the lightning, the Martial Skill Mana Slash activates, and the starlight blade takes on a blue hue. The force of the impact sent him skidding backward, struggling to maintain his footing.

Demaris knew that he had to be on the offensive to have any hope of defeating Ivia Oxis. He sprinted towards her, dodging the lightning bolts she continued to hurl at him. The air crackled with energy, the smell of ozone filling his nostrils, as he narrowly avoided being struck.

As he closed the distance between them, Ivia Oxis swung her staff in a wide arc, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that threatened to knock Demaris off his feet. He dug his heels into the ground, bracing himself against the gale, and then lunged forward, his sword swinging through the air.

Ivia Oxis parried his attack with her staff, the sound of the starlight blade clashing against wood echoing through the hall. The two combatants exchanged a flurry of blows, their weapons creating a deadly dance in the dim light.

Demaris could feel the strain of the battle taking its toll on his body, Ivia was at his level of physical strength, if not higher. Winds constantly bombard Demaris forcing him to work harder. Sweat dripped down his brow, and his muscles ached with exertion. He knew that he needed to find a weakness in the Ivia's defenses, or he would soon be overwhelmed.

As their fight continued, Demaris noticed that Ivia Oxis seemed to falter for a brief moment after casting her most powerful spells. Seizing upon this vulnerability, he bided his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Ivia Oxis, sensing that her opponent was growing weary, unleashed a massive lightning bolt, the energy crackling and arcing around her as she poured her full power into the attack. Demaris braced himself, preparing to take advantage of the brief window of opportunity that would follow.

As the lightning bolt sped towards him, he narrowly dodged the attack, feeling the heat of the electricity as it passed by. Seeing Ivia Oxis momentarily weakened by her own spell, Demaris launched himself at her, his sword raised for a decisive blow.

Ivia Oxis quickly recovered from her momentary lapse and pressed her advantage, sending another gust of wind to knock Demaris back. As he struggled to regain his footing, Ivia called forth her magical powers to summon storm golems, their massive forms taking shape from the very air around her.

The golems, composed of swirling winds and crackling electricity, bore down on Demaris, their thundering footsteps shaking the ground beneath him. He knew that he had to dispatch these new foes quickly, or he would be overwhelmed.

With a determined grit, Demaris launched himself at the first storm golem, his sword slicing through the air as he aimed for the center of the creature's swirling mass. The blade connected with a satisfying crack, and the golem dissipated into a burst of wind and sparks. His older hand pulls out the ACD revolver, firing earthen spikes at two other golems. They too dissipate like the first Demaris dispatched. But the remaining golems continued their relentless assault, forcing Demaris to fight on multiple fronts.

Ivia Oxis, confident in her minions' ability to wear Demaris down, stood back and watched the battle unfold. Her eyes narrowed as she studied her adversary, a cruel smirk playing on her lips.

"Do you even know who I am?" she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "I am Ivia Oxis, the Storm Mage, and I have destroyed countless foes and nations who dared to challenge me. You, child, are no match for my power."

Despite the dire situation, Demaris refused to let Ivia's words intimidate him. He knew that he couldn't allow her to maintain the upper hand in their battle, both physically and mentally. As he continued to fend off the storm golems, he shouted back, his voice filled with defiance, "I don't care who you are! I've faced and defeated worse than you. Your golems won't save you!"

With renewed determination, Demaris continued to battle the storm golems, his sword flashing like lightning as he struck down each of the magical constructs, others killed from a barrage of spells. The air was charged with energy, the sounds of battle echoing through the grand hall as Demaris fought for his life. Retreating a few steps let Demaris eject the Magic Storage Container Magazine from he grip of his revolver, and put a fresh one in it.

As Demaris struggled against the relentless onslaught of the storm golems, he knew he needed an edge to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With a deep breath, he activated Mad Man's Final Effort, a skill that heightened his senses and granted him a burst of immense power. As the skill took effect, his vision sharpened, and his reflexes quickened. Magic swirled around Demaris with such intensity, Golems in the grand hall were all destroyed and Ivia was forced to erect a barrier to protect herself.

With the golems dispatched, Demaris turned his attention back to Ivia Oxis. As Demaris studied Ivia, his enhanced senses picked up on something he had previously overlooked. A very subtle curse had been woven around her, almost undetectable to the naked eye, a curse of mind control. Realizing that this curse could be the key to understanding Ivia's actions, Demaris made a bold decision.

He charged towards Ivia, who braced herself for the attack. With a swift, decisive motion, Demaris swirled to her back and stabbed his sword through her stomach, the blade passing directly through the curse. As the sword pierced the curse, a brilliant flash of light erupted from the point of contact, dispelling the malevolent energy.

Ivia gasped in pain and surprise as Demaris withdrew his sword, her eyes wide with shock. A sorrow that had clouded her expression seemed to lift, replaced by a mixture of relief and confusion. The battle was far from over, but Demaris had taken a critical step in unraveling the truth behind the Storm Mage's actions.

Demaris braced himself as Ivia unleashed a torrent of lightning all around her. The sheer force of the electrical discharge sent him flying backward, crashing into the wall of the grand hall. Groaning from the impact, Demaris shook off the dizziness and managed to stand back up.

He looked over at Ivia, who had fallen to the ground, blood oozing from her stomach wound. Despite the potential danger, Demaris approached her cautiously, kneeling down beside her as she whispered her story.

Ivia revealed that she had once been a wizard's apprentice, but her master had used her as a subject in a twisted experiment, one that granted her incredible power at the cost of immense pain. As she escaped her master's clutches, he stopped her and cursed her, driving her to fight and kill indiscriminately.

Tears filled Ivia's eyes as she admitted to Demaris that all she had ever wanted was to be free and to choose her own destiny. In the end, she longed to pass on to the next life, but the curse that bound her prevented her from finding peace.

Listening to Ivia's heart-wrenching story, Demaris felt a deep sympathy for the woman who had been a victim of circumstances beyond her control. He couldn't help but wonder if there was anything he could do to ease her suffering and, perhaps, give her the freedom she so desperately desired.

Ivia, her voice weak and strained, requested Demaris to bury her near her old village, the place where she had once been happy and free. Demaris hesitated, knowing that he was in a dungeon and had no means to access her village. With a pained expression, he had to politely decline her request.

Instead, Demaris resolved to show her something beautiful before she passed. The advanced ACD assists Demaris in casting light magic. A light-based magic circle appears in the air, glowing a simple yellow, one that he hoped would create a display of captivating colors for Ivia to enjoy in her final moments.

With the circle complete, Demaris activated the spell. The room was immediately bathed in a brilliant light show, as beautiful colors swirled and danced all around them. Ivia's eyes widened in amazement, and for the first time in ages, a genuine smile graced her face.

As the light show continued, Ivia's breaths grew shallower, and her eyes began to flutter. With one final, contented sigh, she passed away, her smile still etched upon her face. Demaris felt a mixture of sadness and relief, knowing that he had managed to grant Ivia a small measure of peace and happiness in her last moments.

The grand hall suddenly began to shake and tremble, causing Demaris to brace himself against the movement. A swirling portal materialized in the center of the room, and from it stepped a wizened old wizard. His face bore a cruel sneer, and one side of it was half-rotted, revealing that he was, in fact, an undead being.

"I am Eleus Agizor," the old wizard announced, his voice dripping with disdain. "It seems someone has finally managed to kill the wench."

Demaris glared at the twisted figure, his disgust and anger growing with each word spoken. "You're the one who cursed her, aren't you?"

Eleus Agizor sneered. "Indeed. I was her master, and I am the true Storm Mage. She was nothing but my greatest creation."

The repulsive nature of Eleus Agizor, combined with the knowledge of the horrors he had inflicted upon Ivia, filled Demaris with fury. He realized that he still had one more battle to fight.

"You won't get away with this," Demaris growled, determination in his eyes as he stood ready to face the vile wizard. "I'll avenge Ivia and put an end to your twisted reign."

Demaris charged at Eleus Agizor, his sword held high and his heart full of determination. The two clashed with a violent exchange of blows, the sound of metal ringing through the grand hall. Lightning crackled around Eleus's hands as he cast powerful spells, trying to strike Demaris down with his storm magic.

Despite the ferocity of the battle, Demaris felt his body begin to tremble. The effects of Mad Man's Final Effort skill were starting to wear off, leaving him weakened and vulnerable. He gritted his teeth and fought on, refusing to give in to the exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm him.

"You won't defeat me, boy!" Eleus cackled, his eyes gleaming with malevolence as he unleashed a torrent of lightning towards Demaris.

Barely managing to dodge the deadly attack, Demaris felt his legs wobble beneath him. He knew that he couldn't keep this up much longer, but he refused to let Eleus win. The memory of Ivia's tragic fate fueled his resolve, pushing him to stand tall and face the undead wizard.

"You're not as strong as you think, Agizor!" Demaris shouted, his voice wavering slightly as he mustered the last of his strength. "I will put an end to your evil!"

As the battle raged on, Demaris desperately searched for an opening, a weakness in Eleus's defenses that he could exploit. He knew that he couldn't keep fighting for much longer, but he was determined to see this through to the bitter end. With every swing of his sword and every evasive maneuver, Demaris fought not just for himself, but for Ivia and all those who had suffered at the hands of the twisted Storm Mage.

The battle intensified as Demaris struggled to maintain his footing, his body weakening with every passing moment. Eleus Agizor, sensing the change in his opponent, seized the opportunity to land a vicious blow. Mad Man's Final Effort ends and a searing bolt of lightning strikes Demaris, sending him crashing to the ground, pain coursing through his body.

Eleus sauntered over to the fallen Demaris, his laughter cold and cruel. He bent down and grabbed Demaris by the throat, lifting him off the ground with an iron grip. "Pathetic," Eleus sneered, his rotting face inches away from Demaris's. "You thought you could defeat me? You're nothing more than a foolish child."

As Eleus gloated, Demaris refused to let despair take hold. He knew he had to act quickly, or all his efforts would be for naught. With his free hand, he reached into his inventory and stealthily equipped his Undead King Bone Sword. As Eleus continued to gloat, Demaris activated the Martial Skill Pierce and, with a surge of determination, plunged the blade into Eleus's neck.

The undead wizard howled in pain, releasing Demaris from his grip. Demaris dropped to the ground, gasping for air as he clutched his wound. The once-confident Eleus staggered back, his hand desperately trying to stop the bleeding, disbelief and fury etched across his face.

Despite his pain, Demaris knew that he couldn't afford to waste the advantage he had gained. He stumbled towards the wounded Eleus, his vision blurred and his body screaming in protest. Eleus, enraged by the sudden turn of events, tried to regain control of the situation by casting a powerful lightning spell.

But Demaris was ready. As the lightning crackled and gathered around Eleus's hand, Demaris closed the distance between them, swiping away the wizard's hand just as the spell was unleashed. The bolt of electricity went awry, striking the ceiling and sending debris raining down around them.

Demaris struck swiftly and mercilessly. With every ounce of strength remaining, he unleashed a series of devastating Mana Slashes, each one carving into the undead wizard's body with brutal precision. Eleus's agonized screams filled the chamber, but Demaris was relentless, determined to end the storm mage's reign of terror once and for all.

Finally, as Eleus stopped screaming, Demaris plunged his sword deep into the undead wizard's heart. Eleus's eyes widened in shock, and then his body went limp, collapsing to the floor in a lifeless heap. The battle was over, and the Storm Mage's reign of terror had come to an end.

Exhausted and in immense pain, Demaris collapsed onto the cold stone floor, panting heavily. As he lay there, he couldn't help but think that he needed to stop pushing himself to the brink of death in these battles. It was a dangerous game he played, and one day, his luck might run out.

As Demaris struggled to catch his breath, his vision began to blur. He tried to move, but his body refused to cooperate. Overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion, Demaris quickly willed the dungeon to close, then Demaris finally succumbed to unconsciousness.

Moments later, as the dungeon crumbled around him, Demaris's limp body was suddenly ejected from the collapsing structure. He landed on the soft grass of Central Park, the moon casting a silvery glow over the night-shrouded landscape.

Unbeknownst to Demaris, he was not alone. A small girl with short white hair and black cat hair accessories, a servant of a certain red-haired devil, happened to be nearby. Drawn by the scent of Demaris's blood, she approached his unconscious form with curiosity. Sensing the urgency of the situation, she gently lifted Demaris into her arms and, with a soft whisper, teleported them both to her awaiting master.


Demaris awoke with a start, his eyes fluttering open to an unfamiliar environment. As he slowly sat up, he was surprised to find that his body felt refreshed and completely free of the discomfort he had expected after the intense battle he had just fought. It was as if he had never been injured at all.

Taking a moment to examine his surroundings, Demaris found himself in a room that appeared to be straight out of a Victorian-era mansion. The dimly-lit space was filled with ornate wooden furniture, and the flickering glow of numerous candles cast dancing shadows on the richly-patterned wallpaper. He was lying on one of two luxurious couches that faced each other across a low, intricately-carved coffee table.

Demaris's gaze was immediately drawn to the large red magic circle on the floor, which seemed to pulse with an eerie energy. As he continued to take in the room, he noticed a wooden desk situated near the back wall, and a woman sitting at it, her attention focused on the papers in front of her. As she looked up, Demaris recognized her as Rias Gremory, the red-haired devil he had encountered before.

Bewildered by his sudden change in location and his miraculous recovery, Demaris couldn't help but wonder what had brought him here, and what Rias Gremory's intentions were.

Rias looked up from her papers and regarded Demaris with a warm smile. "Ah, you're awake," she remarked. "How are you feeling?"

Before Demaris could answer, the large double doors at the end of the room swung open, and a group of people entered. He couldn't help but startle at the sudden intrusion, his eyes quickly scanning the newcomers as he instinctively drew is revolver ACD.

The first was a blond-haired young man with a sword hanging at his hip, his demeanor was that of a skilled swordsman. Next was a petite girl with short white hair adorned with black cat hair accessories and her presence exuded an air of quiet strength. The third member of the group was a tall and beautiful young woman with striking violet eyes framed by long bangs, her dark hair cascading down her back in a ponytail that reached her waist, a formidable and elegant figure.

Finally, Demaris's eyes fell on the last individual, the boy he had fought a fallen angel to save: Issei. He was surprised to see that Issei had a stab wound on each leg, and was being helped into the room by the swordsman.

As the group settled into the room, Rias gestured to each of them and says, "These are my friends and allies, part of the Occult Research Club; Kiba the swordsman, Koneko is my rook, Akeno is my Queen, and you already know my pawn Issei. We found you unconscious in Central Park after your battle, and we brought you here to recover."

Demaris eyed them cautiously, still trying to piece together why he had been saved by these strangers. Demaris couldn't help but be curious about Issei's condition, especially as the young man seemed to be in distress, yelling about saving a girl named Asia. He looked to Rias and inquired, "What happened to him?"

Rias glanced over at Issei, her expression serious. "He and Koneko were ambushed by Freed Sellzen, an exorcist who has allied himself with the fallen angels. They were caught off guard, and Issei was injured trying to protect Asia, a girl who was being targeted by Freed, his ally just moments before."

As she finished explaining, Rias walked over to Issei and knelt down beside him. Akeno joined her, and together they began to chant softly, their hands glowing, intricate magic circles form in the air. A gentle light enveloped Issei's wounded legs as the healing magic took effect.

During the process, Rias looked up at Demaris and asked, "And what about you? Why were you found injured in Central Park?"

Demaris hesitated for a moment, contemplating what to say to keep his secrets. However, considering that these people had taken him in and tended to his injuries without question, he decided to show them the same sincerity.

"My name is Demaris," he began, "That's all you need to know."

Rias listened carefully, her eyes filled with concern and disappointment, "Given that this is my territory I need to be aware of the events transpiring within."

As Akeno moved about the room, preparing tea for everyone and distributing the steaming cups, Rias looked at Demaris with a curious expression. "Can you at least tell me if there is any danger we need to be aware of?"

Demaris took a sip of the tea Akeno had handed him before answering. "Well, it's a bit complicated, but you don't need to worry."

Demaris then turned to Issei, who was sipping his tea contentedly, changing the subject. "So, how do you feel about being a devil now, Issei?"

Issei grinned widely, his eyes shining with excitement. "Honestly, it's awesome! Now I can finally fulfill my dream of becoming a harem king!"

At Issei's unexpected and bold declaration, Demaris choked on his tea, spraying it all over Issei's face in surprise. The room erupted in laughter, as Issei sputtered and wiped his face with a napkin. Demaris coughs for a few moments, the comment was simply too absurd.

Rias, still chuckling, looked at Demaris with a warm smile. "Well, Demaris, what are your goals? And would you consider joining our peerage? We could certainly use someone with your unique abilities."

Demaris was taken aback by the sudden offer, this Demon dare try to take his humanity.

Demaris's tone is scathing, "I think I'd like to retain my humanity. However, I am curious about what a peerage is? You mentioned it before."

Rias nodded in understanding, then began to explain. "You see, the biblical God is real, and there were three factions – angels, fallen angels, and devils. These factions have been at war for ages, but it finally came to an end not long ago."

She continued, "During the final battle, the original Four Great Satans – Beelzebub, Lucifer, Leviathan, and Asmodeus – lost their lives. In their place, new Satans have taken up their titles to lead the devils. The current Beelzebub created the Evil Pieces and the peerage system as a means to replenish our population, which suffered great losses during the war due to our low reproductive potential."

Rias took a sip of her tea before continuing. "Reincarnated devils serve the peerage of the King who reincarnates them, and in exchange, they help them become stronger through Rating Games and fulfill their dreams or aspirations. That's what our peerage is all about."

Demaris listened intently, absorbing the new information. The world he had entered was far more complex than he had initially realized, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of fascination and concern about what lay ahead for him. He had seen a human become a devil, but he didn't realize it could be more widespread.

Demaris contemplated Rias's explanation for a moment before asking, "What happens if someone is reincarnated against their will?"

The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly as the group exchanged glances. Rias sighed and set her teacup down, her expression turning serious. "Unfortunately, it is possible, Demaris. While it's generally against the rules for a Devil to reincarnate a human against their will, there are those who don't abide by the rules and do so out of selfish reasons or ambition."

Akeno chimed in, her voice somber. "When someone is reincarnated against their will, they may feel lost, resentful, or even lash out against their new King. It can be a difficult situation for both parties involved. The King has a responsibility to help their peerage adapt to their new life, but it's not an easy task when there's a lack of trust or understanding."

Kiba added, "That's why it's important for Kings to choose their peerage carefully and ensure they're truly willing to join. It's a significant responsibility for both the King and the reincarnated Devil, and it's not something to be taken lightly."

Demaris nodded, absorbing the new information. The concept of reincarnation against one's will struck him as cruel, and he couldn't help but feel sympathy for those who found themselves in such a predicament. His mind drifted to Ivia Oxis, the woman he had just freed, and killed.

Rias took a deep breath before continuing. "There is another aspect to this situation that I need to explain. When a member of a peerage runs away, they often become consumed by the power they've gained. They may end up killing humans for their own twisted pleasure or to satisfy an insatiable hunger for power. We call these devils 'stray devils'."

The others in the room nodded solemnly, clearly understanding the gravity of the situation. Demaris could see the pain in their eyes, as they had likely encountered such individuals before.

"One of my duties as a Devil of the Gremory family is to hunt down and eliminate stray devils within our territory," Rias explained further. "It's a difficult and heartbreaking task, but it's necessary to maintain order and protect innocent lives. We do our best to ensure that the members of our peerage are willing and prepared for the responsibilities that come with being a Devil, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don't go as planned."

Demaris listened intently, his expression solemn. The revelation of stray devils and the responsibility Rias and her peerage bore weighed heavily on him. He admired their dedication to maintaining order and their willingness to make difficult decisions in the face of adversity. It made sense now why there were disappearances and murders sporadically all over the world and linked to the devils.

Sorceress who was quite until now speaks to Demaris through the augmented reality, "Demaris, I have determined your location based on the rooms layout and the school uniforms the devils are wearing. Should you escape now, I can guide you back to the workshop."

With only his thoughts Demaris texts her to wait for now, but stay on alert.

"It's a cruel reality," Demaris said quietly, his gaze drifting towards the flickering candlelight. "But I can see that you all take your duties seriously and do your best to prevent such tragedies from happening."

"Indeed, which brings me to you Demaris," Rias looks at Demaris, "What is a magician like yourself doing in my territory unannounced and who are you contracted to?"

"Pardon," Demaris sips his tea and continues to keep his face blank.

"Only humans contracted with a devil can use magic," Rias explains, though she knows Demaris must know this, pretending to be ignorant.

"I see," Demaris finishes his tea and places the cup on the coffee table, "So a human can't live in a human city?"

Demaris watches as Rias's eye twitches and she retorts, "I mean who is your contract with so I can chew them out for letting you loose in my territory."

Kiba places his hand on the pommel of his sword, "Are you friend or foe?"

"Friend for now," Demaris leans back, "but what I do or don't do in a human city, in a human country is none of your concern, devil. If you want to make me an enemy, I can kill you all right now, but I will not do so as you seem to have healed me and let me retain my humanity."

There is a palpable tension in the room and Rias finally relents, "Very well, we shall table this discussion for now, but I would like you to sign a contract that states you won't attack anyone in my peerage or cause trouble in my territory. That at least will stop the devils from bothering you as well."

"Draw up a contract and I'll consider signing it," Demaris gives a non-committal reply.

Demaris then decides to change the subject, turning to Issei. "Hey, Issei, would you mind telling me what led up to you getting injured? I'm curious about what happened."

Issei's eyes lit up as he began excitedly recounting his story, the mood in the room returning to a more peaceful one, "Oh, sure! So, I met this really kind girl named Asia. She was lost, and I helped her find her way. We had a great time together and even exchanged phone numbers!"

Demaris nodded, encouraging Issei to continue. The injured young man went on to explain how he had accompanied Koneko to a meeting with one of her clients, wanting to learn more about how devils grant wishes through contracts.

"We don't accept human souls as payment anymore," Issei quickly explained "Instead, we exchange wishes for things of equal or greater value."

Koneko, who had been quietly listening, picked up the story from there, her voice monotone but clear. "Our client was killed by Freed Selzen, an ex-exorcist working for the fallen angels. Asia was with him, but she was clearly horrified by the murder. She tried to protest, but Freed turned on her, and that's when Issei stepped in to protect her."

Issei, his face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and pride, added, "I couldn't just let him hurt her, you know? But I was no match for him, and I ended up getting injured. We had to retreat, and the fallen angels took Freed and Asia with them."

Demaris listened intently, taking in the details of the harrowing tale. It was clear that Issei was deeply affected by the incident, and Demaris couldn't help but feel sympathy for the young devil's plight.

Demaris could see the turmoil on Issei's face and felt compelled to help. He made up his mind and announced, "Seeing as you scratched my back, I'll scratch yours. That young woman needs to be saved, and I'm going to help you do it."

Rias interjected, her tone cautious, "Demaris, I appreciate your willingness to help, but we can't just openly attack the fallen angels. That could lead to the restart of the Great War, which would be catastrophic for all factions involved."

Demaris paused, considering Rias's words. After a moment, he spoke, " You're right, we can't risk starting another war. But I have no direct affiliation with the three factions. Therefore, I can act independently to rescue Asia."

Everyone in the room exchanged glances, taking in the gravity of Demaris's statement. Rias seemed to ponder the idea, her expression thoughtful as she weighed the potential consequences of such a course of action.

Finally, she nodded. "It's true that your involvement would not implicate the devils, angels, or fallen angels directly. However, you should be extremely cautious, Demaris. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. The fallen angels could easily defeat you as a human."

Demaris met Rias's gaze with determination. "I understand the risks, but I can't stand by while someone is in danger. And never put humanity down in front of me again, devil."

Rias has her mouth open, gaping like a fish. As the spoiled princess of the Gremory family, no one has ever spoken like that to her.

"We should plan this out, I will need you all to run interference and keep the locals out of harm's way," Demaris states the obvious. The group then begins to discuss their next steps, working together to devise a plan to save Asia without plunging the world back into a terrible conflict.

The group sat deep in conversation, brainstorming and strategizing their plan to save Asia. After much discussion, they finally came up with a plan that would minimize the risk of implicating the three factions.

Rias spoke up, "Alright, here's what we'll do. Demaris, you'll lead the attack on the fallen angels' base, alongside Kiba, Koneko, and Issei. Our devils will only step in after you've started the assault. We can then claim we were merely checking in on the chaos, but witnessed the atrocities the fallen angels were committing on my territory."

Demaris nodded, understanding the delicate balance they had to maintain. "That makes sense. We'll be careful not to implicate any of the factions directly."

Rias continued, "Meanwhile, Akeno and I will make sure there are no stragglers that aren't present at the base when the attack occurs. We'll ensure that all the fallen angels are accounted for and that there are no surprises."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, aware of the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences if things went awry. With the plan set, they began to prepare themselves for the upcoming battle, knowing that they were not only fighting to save Asia but also to maintain the fragile peace between the factions.

"Rias," Demaris says as he stands up, " Don't think that this will make us allies in the future."

"Given your attitude, why would I ever assume that," Rias answers in retort.

"Good, that head on your shoulder is more than just beauty it would seem," Demaris hades to the door, but is stopped by Kiba.

"What is your problem with us, you have barely restrained your hostility to all of us except Issei," Kiba asks.

"I don't trust demons or devils or whatever," Demaris struggles to maintain his stoic expression, "I'm helping to save a human girl and to repay you devils for this one time, where I needed healing, nothing more, nothing less."

Alright back to the regularly scheduled program!

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