
Chapter 9


Demaris awoke the next morning, feeling refreshed and motivated. He quickly checked the sales of the antivirus software he had posted online the previous day, and though he had only made a dozen or so sales, he remained optimistic. After all, it was just the beginning.

Next, he opened the detailed report that the Sorceress had compiled overnight. As he scanned the information, Demaris found several groups and organizations that caught his attention. The X-Men, a group of mutants who acted as vigilantes in cases involving mutants, seemed like a potential ally. Their shadow war against the friends of humanity and the brotherhood of mutants left him hesitant to enter that realm. He might not have much of a choice, he is a mutant himself after all, well probably.

SHIELD, the Strategic Homeland Enforcement Intelligence and Logistics Division, appeared to be a government organization that operated in the shadows, unbeknownst to the general public. Their jurisdiction was the whole world, a world police if you will.

Interestingly, there was no mention of magical people truly existing. Devils, on the other hand, were mentioned in some darker corners of the web, often linked to granting wishes as well as being connected to mysterious deaths and disappearances.

Christian religions around the world openly recruited exorcists, treating the occupation as a legitimate job. Additionally, scattered reports of various mythological monster sightings suggested that the tales of ancient Greece might not have been entirely fictional.

As Demaris absorbed this information, he began to understand the complexity and secrecy of the world he now inhabited. The lines between reality and myth blurred.

After taking a brief break, Demaris continued reading Sorceress's report. He was disturbed to learn that people who had been outed as mutants would often mysteriously vanish, along with their entire families. There was also a large amount of funding being gathered for an initiative called the Mutant Registration Act. As he read further, Demaris couldn't help but draw parallels between this proposed legislation and the horrors committed by the Nazis during World War II.

The report went on to describe how mutants had been present throughout history, with accounts dating back to earliest recorded history. However, their existence became more widely known during the Cuban Missile Crisis and even more so during the Vietnam War. One particular paper included in the report caught Demaris's attention: it was written by a man named Charles Xavier, who argued that mutants were the next step in human evolution. Xavier posited that whenever a new evolution arises, the previous version of humanity goes extinct. However, the evidence available to Demaris seems to point at the potential that mutants have existed since the dawn of humanity. There was a supposed X-Gene that would mutate when an individual experiences extreme stress or puberty.

Demaris couldn't help but curse Charles for his stupidity. While it was true that people already feared what they didn't understand, proclaiming mutants as superior beings with "superpowers" only served to put an even larger target on their backs. Inadvertently or not, Xavier's paper had made things significantly more difficult for mutants around the world, and Demaris knew that he would have to be especially cautious as he navigated this precarious landscape. Should the Mutant registration act be brought to fruition, his life will be more difficult.

Although, he could just hide out with the Magic governments to avoid the modern world. Demaris shakes his head, he isn't one to hide. He will face these idiots head on.

Demaris sighed wearily, the weight of the information in the report bearing down on him, making him feel older than his physical age. He asked Sorceress to keep an eye on the groups mentioned in the report and to keep him updated on any developments.

As Demaris gathered his belongings and prepared to leave for his apartment, the head matron, Miss Karen Wright, approached him with an unexpected piece of news. She informed him that someone had come to visit him about an educational opportunity. Curious and a bit apprehensive, Demaris followed her to her office. Zak already came by and if it wasn't related to Ilvermonry, what could it be.

Upon entering, he saw a bald man seated in a sleek, silvery metal wheelchair – far more advanced than the ones typically seen in hospitals. Beside the man stood two kids who appeared to be a year or two older than Demaris.

"Ah, you must be Demaris," the man in the wheelchair greeted him with a warm smile. "My name is Charles Xavier, and these are two of my students, Scott and Jean. We are here to discuss a unique educational opportunity that we believe might interest you."

Jean was a redhead that did her best to maintain a mature visage, while Scott looked and had the body language of a typical teenage boy; sporting brown hair and red lens glasses.

Demaris took a moment to process the situation, recalling the paper he had read earlier, recalling his previous irritation with Charles's views.

Demaris eyed the man, trying to gauge his intentions. Charles leaned in slightly, his eyes meeting Demaris's. "Tell me, Demaris, have you noticed anything… unusual about yourself as of late?" he asked gently.

Demaris made no outward expression and Xavier continued, "I run a school for gifted youngsters like yourself. You see, you're not alone. There are others who have extraordinary abilities, just like you do."

As if to prove his point, Jean, the young girl standing beside Xavier, reached out her hand, and a coffee mug on the head matron's desk began to levitate effortlessly. Scott, the other teenager, explained that he could shoot powerful lasers from his eyes, but he needed to wear special glasses to keep himself and others safe.

Seeing these displays of power, Demaris felt a mix of fascination and caution. He carefully considered his words before speaking, "I don't know why you would think I am a mutant, I'm just your average everyday orphan. Though I am concerned that you shouldn't go around admitting to strangers you're a mutant, you guys have a bad reputation."

Xavier nodded understandingly while Scott frowned, clearly expecting a different answer, Xavier said, "It's okay if you don't believe us."

"Though I must admit I am curious how you would find mutants, in other word, what led you to thinking I am a mutant?" Demaris reverses the conversation in an attempt to glean some information from Xavier.

"We have our methods, but our method is never wrong," Xavier responds taking Demaris's question head on, "What I am concerned about however, is your safety and that someone doesn't try to exploit you."

"Like you trying to take advantage of a child's naivete," Demaris retorts.

Scott sputters in rage, "Don't disrespect the professor, we are here to help you."

Demaris decided to change the subject and address the paper he had read earlier, "Professor Xavier, I came across a paper you wrote about mutants being the next step in human evolution. Would you mind discussing your thoughts on that?"

Charles appeared surprised that Demaris had read his work but nodded in agreement. "Of course, I'd be happy to discuss it. I believe mutants represent a natural progression in human development, an evolution that has been occurring since the dawn of our species. We must embrace and understand this change, rather than fear it."

Jean and Scott listened quietly to the conversation, though Jean seemed to be itching to say something. She finally spoke up, addressing Demaris directly. "What do you think about the professor's ideas? As a fellow mutant, do you believe we are the next step in human evolution, or do you see it differently?"

Demaris considered Scott's question for a moment, weighing his words carefully before responding. "Even if I were a mutant, I believe that evolution is a continuous process, and mutants could be a part of that. However, I don't think it's wise to label oneself as superior or to imply that non-mutants will go extinct. Such notions can only breed fear and animosity. Instead, you should focus on understanding your abilities and finding ways to coexist peacefully with the rest of humanity."

Charles nodded in understanding, his expression sincere. "You make a valid point, Demaris. It was never my intention to create fear or animosity with my paper. I merely sought to present a more accurate understanding of mutants than what groups like the Friends of Humanity tend to spread. I wanted to emphasize the need for acceptance and understanding. Unfortunately, not everyone shares our perspective."

Demaris took in Charles's words, acknowledging the professor's good intentions. "I can see that, and I appreciate your efforts to educate people about mutants. Misinformation and fear only serve to widen the divide between us. But what about Magneto, he is a dangerous criminal wanted dead or alive the world over."

Charles' smile fades and grows sorrowful, "Magneto has chosen his own path of hatred and fear."

"Nonetheless, I think a non-mutant like myself should stay out of the conflict of powered individuals," Demaris states.

"You seem keen on denying yourself and your abilities, is there a reason?" Xavier asks.

"It is easy to deny what I am not, but if you're so insistent, I wouldn't mind hearing more of what you have to say in the future," Demaris decides to end this charade, he'd rather be in his workshop.

"Very well, we shall leave you to enjoy your day," Xavier smiles with genuine well wishing.

Xavier prepared to leave, his students following close behind. He handed Demaris a small piece of paper with phone numbers written on it. "These are my numbers, as well as Jean's and Scott's. Feel free to reach out to any of us if you need anything."

Demaris thanked them, and they all exchanged warm farewells. As Xavier, Jean, and Scott exited the room, Demaris overheard Jean whispering to Xavier in the hallway. "I couldn't hear any of his thoughts, Professor. It's like there's some kind of barrier around his mind."

Xavier responded in hushed tones, "Yes, I noticed that too. It seems he has some form of immunity. It could very well be linked to his mutation."

"I'm also worried he is going to be taken advantage of by the Brotherhood or worse," is the last thing jean says before they leave earshot.

Hearing this, Demaris felt a mixture of worry and comfort. The existence of mind readers outside of magic was a concerning revelation, but the fact that he had some kind of immunity because of his enchanted pendant, provided him with a sense of relief. He knew he had to be even more cautious going forward, especially with the knowledge that there were others out there who could potentially invade his thoughts.

Demaris gathered his belongings from the orphanage, feeling a sense of urgency and excitement for the next step in his plans. He exited the building, feeling the summer air wrap around him as he made his way to his apartment.

Arriving at the apartment, Demaris immediately headed to his workshop to check in on Sorceress and her Mana Storage power supply. He wanted to ensure that there were no errors or issues that could jeopardize her well-being. The workshop was a haven of technology, tools, and magical paraphernalia all crafted by Demaris.

Upon entering the workshop, Demaris was greeted by the holographic projection of Sorceress, who appeared to be functioning well. "Welcome back, Demaris," she said with a smile. Her avatars glow shining on the iron walls.

"Hey, Sorceress. How's the power supply holding up?" Demaris asked, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble.

"It's been stable and efficient so far, no issues to report," she replied confidently.

Satisfied with her response, Demaris said, "Great. Keep an eye on the antivirus sales for me, will you? I'm heading out to conquer the last dungeon in Central Park after making some equipment."

Sorceress nodded, her image flickering slightly as she replied, "Of course, I'll monitor the sales and inform you if there are any significant changes."

Demaris began working on an Assisted Casting Device, or ACD for short. This innovative device used Ethers as a power source and was designed to be worn on the back of a person's neck. Once connected to the user's brain, it provided an augmented reality interface and a direct connection to electronic systems.

"The idea is to use the ACD to assist with casting magic circle spells," Demaris explained. "By coding the spells into programs and using the mana stored in the device, it will make casting faster and more efficient."

Sorceress nodded thoughtfully as she assisted with the design, intrigued by the concept. "Based on this design it can cast roughly a hundred spells before needing new power sources?"

"That's right," Demaris confirmed. "It's not perfect, but it could give us an edge in battles where speed and precision are crucial, now let's get started."

Demaris watched in awe as Sorceress expertly built the ACD using her connection to the crafting table. As an AI, her thinking speed and processing capabilities were far superior to his own, allowing her to transmute the materials and assemble the device with remarkable speed and efficiency.

"Impressive," Demaris murmured, as he examined the completed ACD. "Your skills with transmutation are truly amazing, Sorceress. I could never have done it so quickly or effectively."

Sorceress simply smiled, pleased with her work. "I'm happy to help, Demaris. It's what I'm here for."

Demaris then went on to explain his plans for developing three different levels of ACDs. "The Simple ACDs will be designed for just a single spell," he said. "These will be perfect for those who only need a specific spell on hand and don't require a wide range of magical abilities."

He continued, "The Intermediate ACDs will be able to handle a handful of spells. These devices will be ideal for those who need a bit more versatility in their magical arsenal, without the complexity of managing too many spells at once."

"Finally," Demaris concluded, "We have the Advanced ACD, like the one you just made. This device will be capable of using any number of spells, providing the user with an unprecedented level of magical power and flexibility."

Demaris carefully attached the Advanced ACD to the back of his neck, feeling a slight tingling sensation as it connected with his nervous system. The augmented reality activated, overlaying his vision with a new layer of information.

A new HUD appeared before his eyes, displaying his biometrics, a minimap utilizing radar, and a compass - features he hadn't programmed himself, rather Sorceress had.

Curious to test the ACD's capabilities further, Demaris invited Sorceress to join him in augmented reality. Almost immediately, her holographic form appeared before him, more vivid and lifelike than ever before.

"Wow, Demaris, this is incredible!" Sorceress exclaimed, looking around at the new environment. "I can see everything so clearly, and I can communicate with you even better than before."

Demaris nodded in agreement, pleased with the results. "Now you can accompany me wherever I go, see what I see, and we can stay in constant contact. This will be invaluable for our future endeavors."

Demaris instructed Sorceress to wipe his Stark laptop clean of all data, ensuring that no sensitive information could be recovered. Once the task was complete, He destroyed the laptop for use in crafting.

Together, Demaris and Sorceress focused their attention on designing new items that would aid Demaris in his missions. They could move around and interact directly with designs using augmented reality. One such item was the Starlight Blade, a weapon Demaris had used in his past life every day. The hilt of the sword contained a Simple ACD that could only cast one spell – the Starlight Blade. The blade itself took the shape of a Viking-age sword, with a golden yellow that seemed to give the impression of extreme heat.

Next, they worked on an Intermediate ACD in the form of a revolver. Where the cylinder would typically be located, there was instead a screen to select the desired spell. In place of the hammer, they installed a four-directional pad that allowed the user to easily switch between spells with a simple touch.

As Demaris held the newly created ACD revolver in his hand, he felt a sense of accomplishment. These innovative devices would not only be invaluable assets in combat but also demonstrated the potential for even greater advancements in the future.

Demaris surveyed his workspace, satisfied with the progress he had made. He had exhausted his supply of raw materials and will need to purchase more.

Demaris left his workshop and ventured out of his apartment. The sun was still rising, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of New York City. Determination surged within him as he made his way to Central Park, ready to face the final challenge that awaited him in the depths of the last dungeon.

Sorceress's avatar walked beside him, marveling at the city and all the people. Soon they arrived at the entrance of the last dungeon, The Storm Mages Crypt, located deep within Central Park. The entrance was a mausoleum with an eerie atmosphere, and it seemed that people were avoiding it, yet not quite noticing its presence. A chilling breeze whispered through the trees, adding to the unsettling ambience.

With a deep breath, Demaris stepped through the stone doorway and entered the dungeon. As the door closed behind him, he found himself engulfed in darkness. The air was damp and cold, a stark contrast to the warm summer morning outside. Demaris took a moment to acclimate himself to the darkness, allowing his eyes to adjust.

"I don't like this darkness," Sorceress says.

Demaris found himself in what appeared to be an ancient tomb. Carved granite walls surrounded him, their surfaces etched with intricate designs and weathered by time. Dark passageways were cut into the granite walls, leading deeper into the crypt. The air was heavy with the scent of mold and decay, and the silence was nearly absolute, broken only by the occasional drip of water echoing through the chambers.

Demaris cautiously moved forward, his senses heightened as he ventured deeper into the crypt. He knew that this dungeon would be the most challenging yet, and he prepared himself for the trials that lay ahead. With each step, the sense of danger and mystery intensified, but Demaris was resolute in his determination to conquer the Storm Mages Crypt and emerge victorious.

Demaris took a moment to check that his devices had ammo fastening the various ACDs securely to his body. He couldn't help but notice the contrast between his new tech and his average clothing. He felt a mixture of pride and anticipation as he prepared for the challenges ahead.

Choosing a path, Demaris began walking slowly, his eyes scanning the darkness for any threats. Sorceress also worked to analyze the surfaces and ready to alert Demaris to any changes.

As he rounded a corner, Sorceress quickly notified him of an arrow trap. THe warning came too late and Dmearis found himself face to face with an arrow trap. With lightning-fast reflexes, he raised his starlight blade and successfully blocked the arrows that would have struck him. The sound of the arrows clattering against the sword echoed through the crypt, and Demaris exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

Continuing onward, Demaris came across a wooden beam bridging the gap over a fast-flowing underground river. The water roared and churned beneath him, and Demaris knew that falling in would mean certain death by drowning. He steeled himself and prepared to cross the beam.

As he approached the center of the beam, he noticed a figure standing before him – a knight in black armor, standing tall and proud as if guarding this path, Glowing red eyes shone from within its helmet. The knight's presence seemed almost unnatural in the darkness of the crypt, and an aura of menace surrounded him.

As Demaris faced the black-armored knight, he quickly realized that this battle would be unlike any he had fought before. The narrow beam, just a foot and a half wide, meant that balance would be crucial in determining the outcome of this encounter. Demaris knew that one misstep could send him plummeting into the raging waters below, so he had to be extremely cautious with every move he made. Sorceress wisely did her best to not distract Demaris.

The knight lunged forward, the sound of metal scraping against the starlight blade echoing through the crypt as his sword sliced through the air. Demaris narrowly dodged the attack, feeling the breeze from the blade as it passed dangerously close to his face. The beam creaked beneath their combined weight, a stark reminder of the precariousness of their situation.

Demaris countered with a swift slash of his own, aiming for the gaps in the knight's armor. The knight skillfully parried the attack, his movements fluid and precise. The two combatants traded blows, their swords clashing and ringing with each strike. Demaris could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought for his life on the narrow beam.

With each attack and counterattack, both Demaris and the knight had to constantly shift their weight to maintain their balance. The beam groaned and swayed beneath them, threatening to topple them both into the churning waters below.

In a bold move, Demaris feinted to the left, drawing the knight's attention and causing him to overcommit to his defense. Seizing the opportunity, Demaris swiftly stepped to the right and delivered Pierce to the knight's side, exploiting a small gap in his armor.

The knight stumbled, the force of the blow causing him to lose his balance. His eyes widened in surprise as he teetered on the edge of the beam, desperately trying to regain his footing. But it was too late – gravity claimed him, and he plummeted into the roiling waters below with a resounding splash.

Demaris took a moment to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. The battle had been intense and dangerous, but he had emerged victorious. His skills and current body were pushed to the limits. Demaris has found that he has roughly twice the physical capacity of an average adult human at this point, but that knight was at least twice his strength. Without skill and combat experience, Demaris could have easily died at the hands of the knight.

The path forward seemed to become colder and Demaris could hear a slightly crackling sound. Demaris silently hoped this wasn't the correct path, he would get to fight less opponents.

Demaris continued through the crypt, his footsteps echoing through the dimly lit passageways until he found himself in a grand hall. The high, arched ceiling was adorned with intricate carvings of storm clouds and lightning bolts, and the flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows on the walls. At the end of the hall stood a woman of stunning beauty, her long, flowing hair cascading around her shoulders like a silken waterfall.

"Wow! she is beautiful," Sorceress whispers.

The woman's eyes seemed to hold the power of a raging tempest, and her slender form exuded an air of grace and power. She stood with an air of authority, her hands resting lightly on the staff she held.

"Congratulations on making it this far," she said, her voice cold and distant, like the wind that precedes a storm. "Many have tried, but you are the first to reach me. I am Ivia Oxis, The Tempest."

Demaris shrugged nonchalantly, "It was just the first path I happened to choose." His casual tone belied the difficulty of his journey through the crypt.

Ivia Oxis's eyes flashed with rage at his seemingly dismissive response. "You dare to speak so arrogantly?!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the hall. "You think your journey was nothing more than a trivial stroll?!"

Her anger seemed to manifest as the very air around her crackled with electricity, and the torches lining the hall began to flicker wildly. Demaris could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as the atmosphere in the room grew tense and charged.

As Ivia Oxis continued her furious rant, Demaris knew that he would have to tread carefully in dealing with her. Her power was evident, and it was clear that she would not tolerate any perceived disrespect. With a deep breath, Demaris prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

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