
Chapter 11


Nick Fury stared at his computer screen, his one good eye, framed by a rugged eyepatch, burning with a fury that could kill. His salt-and-pepper hair was cropped close, and his strong jaw was set with determination. He'd been trying to get to the bottom of a certain issue, but it seemed that the problem was more complex than he initially thought.

The door to his office opened, and in walked Agent Phillip Coulson, a man in his forties with short, neatly-trimmed hair, and a calm yet commanding presence. He had been asked to meet Fury in his office. "You wanted to see me, sir?" Coulson inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

Fury didn't waste any time. "Coulson, do we have any leads on the person posting that antivirus software? The one that's superior to even our own tech here at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Coulson sighed, a troubled expression on his face. "Unfortunately, sir, every time we delete it, the software is up and running again on its website, posted from a different location in the world. We're having a hard time tracing it back to its source."

Fury slammed his fist on the desk, frustration bubbling up inside him. "How is it possible that someone is able to hide their tracks from S.H.I.E.L.D. so well? We need to find this person, Coulson. Whoever they are, they could be a serious threat."

Coulson nodded, understanding the severity of the situation. "I'll double our efforts, sir. We'll find them, no matter what it takes." With determination in his voice, Coulson knew that they couldn't afford to let this mysterious figure continue to outsmart them.

Nick's attention shifted to another matter that had been bothering him. "What about the autopsies from that missing railway repair crew in New York? Someone took the time to give them a proper burial. Any leads on what happened?"

Coulson flipped through a file in his hands, scanning the information before responding. "The autopsies showed bites consistent with rats, sir. But these were no ordinary rats. The bite marks indicate teeth the size of a dagger."

Fury raised an eyebrow at the bizarre report. "Giant rats? What else have you got?"

"Well, sir," Coulson continued, "a kid found their IDs and turned them in. Oddly enough, the kid vanished immediately afterward. Witnesses said the kid was tall but clearly still young, maybe around 13-14 years old."

Fury considered the information for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "This might be something beyond our usual scope. Coulson, reach out to The Magical Congress of the United States of America. Ask if they know anything about these 'giant rats' and if there's a magical connection."

Coulson nodded, realizing the strange nature of this case warranted some unconventional investigation. "Understood, sir. I'll contact them right away and report back with any findings." With that, Coulson left Fury's office, determined to uncover the truth behind the bizarre events.


Demaris stretched his back, wincing as it cracked and popped. He had been sitting in his chair for hours, working relentlessly on some new armor. The raid on the fallen angel base was tonight, and he wanted to make sure he was prepared.

After parting from the Gremory base of operations, Demaris had finally been able to return to his apartment. Sadly, the Undead Dead King's bone sword had been lost in the dungeon collapse. It was a powerful weapon, but Demaris knew he couldn't dwell on the loss. He had to focus on the tasks ahead.

Demaris realized he could use some meat shields in his future battles and had programmed the skeleton summoning magic into his advanced ACD. They were decent enough meat shields, despite having no meat, and didn't require too many ethers to maintaind.

As Demaris continued working on his equipment, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The fallen angels were a formidable foe, but with his new equipment and the help of his temporary allies, he was determined to save the young girl and put an end to their vile plans.

Demaris sat down with Sorceress, his confidant, and only friend in this world, to discuss the latest developments. She had been selling antivirus software that had caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite their best efforts, they had been unable to track her down, which was both a testament to her skills and a point of concern.

"I can't believe S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to find me," Sorceress said, her voice tinged with worry. "But I suppose it's a good sign that they haven't been able to locate me yet."

"It just means we need to be extra cautious from now on," Demaris replied, nodding in agreement. "We don't want to end up on their bad side, we are better off staying under the radar for now."

"Demaris, despite S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts to stop the antivirus software from being sold, 1,000 units have been purchased, and that number is still increasing."

He couldn't help but grin at the information. "That's great news! So, how much are we looking at in terms of income?"

"With each copy of the software sold as a subscription for $20 per month, you now have a minimum of $20,000 coming in each month."

Demaris couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of this newfound financial stability.

Using a portion of his Wealth from the Black Family, Demaris quickly purchased the necessary materials and set to work.

Demaris examined the armor materials he had just purchased, envisioning the design he wanted. Inspired by the look of a World War I trench coat, he aimed to create a sleek and modern armor set that combined both style and function.

The helmet he crafted featured a single, large vertically placed visor, providing excellent visibility while the metal plating offered protection. The body armor was streamlined, designed to be worn under the trench coat without sacrificing mobility. Overall, the ensemble had a futuristic technomancer vibe to it. The Trench coat was made using the dragon hide recommended by the goblins. Apparently, magicals raised them like cattle, though he imagined it is a dangerous profession. For the binding agents he used another magical resource, acromantula silk, also recommended by the goblins and just as expensive as the dragon hide.

Demaris worked meticulously, ensuring that each piece of the armor was lightweight and durable; made with a mix of titanium alloys and kevlar woven together with acromantula silk. As he completed the final piece and stepped back to admire his handiwork, a sense of pride swelled within him. He had come a long way since his arrival in this world, and with Sorceress by his side, he felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges that awaited him.

His new armor compliments his technomancer abilities. While Demaris is stronger than the average human, almost by double, he was still only at the peak of what a soldier or martial artist's physique would be. Only by continuing to fight in and out of his dungeons could Demaris step into the realm of super soldiers, to join the ranks with Captain America.

As Demaris finished admiring his new armor, his phone buzzed with an incoming message. It was a text from Rias, containing the address for the fallen angel base. He knew that the time had come to put his skills, equipment, and resolve to the test. Though he wondered how she got his number.

Carefully, Demaris donned his new armor, the Trenchcoat covered the chest and leg armor, gauntlets on his hand, a large shoulder pauldron on his right and a smaller one on his left, and finally greaves that blended naturally into his armored boo;ts extending up his shins. Feeling the weight of its protection settling comfortably on his body, the sleek design allowed for easy movement, and he could feel the power coursing through the ACD integrated into the armor. He was ready.

Night had fallen over New York City, casting long shadows across the streets and alleys. Demaris made his way through the city, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet evening air. The city lights reflected off the smooth surfaces of his armor, lending him an ethereal glow that seemed to blend with the darkness around him, the lights bending somewhat unnaturally as he walked.

As he approached the location Rias had provided, Demaris felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This would be a dangerous mission, but he knew that he had the skills and the support needed to succeed. He thought of Asia, the young woman who needed their help, and steeled himself for the battle ahead.

Demaris arrived at the designated location and is apparently an old abandoned church in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood, finding Rias and her peerage waiting for him. They were all wearing their school uniforms, which Demaris now knew belonged to the most prestigious and expensive school in the city. Their attire made a stark contrast to Demaris's futuristic technomancer armor, but they all shared the same purpose – to save Asia and defeat the fallen angels.

As he approached the group, Demaris noticed another team of devils standing nearby. Rias saw his curious glance and introduced the other devils' leader, Sona Sitri.

"Demarisis that you?" Rias only continues after seeing Demaris nod in reply, "This is Sona Sitri, my friend and co-ruler of this territory."

Rias continues with a nod towards the stern-looking young woman. "She's a fellow devil and the head of her own peerage. Sona and her team have kindly agreed to help us with tonight's mission."

Sona gave Demaris a slight nod, her eyes scrutinizing him as she assessed his capabilities behind her glasses, and a cold facial expression topped with her bob-haircut. "My peerage will be maintaining a barrier around the base to ensure that no normal humans take notice of our actions here. We'll make sure you can focus on your task without any distractions."

Demaris couldn't help but be grateful for the extra help, knowing that the presence of Sona's peerage would make their mission more manageable. With their combined efforts, the chances of success were significantly higher.

"Thank you, Sona," Demaris replied, returning her nod with a respectful one of his own. "Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

With introductions made and roles established, the two teams prepared themselves for the upcoming battle. The night was still, and tension hung in the air as they steeled themselves for the fight ahead. They knew that the fate of the young woman named Asia rested in their hands, and they were determined not to let her down..

Demaris will head in alone at first, and after he had engaged the enemy for a few minutes, Issei, Kiba, and Koneko would then follow to provide backup. It was all for show, to cover all their bases.

With the barrier in place and the plan agreed upon, Demaris took a deep breath and entered the rundown church. The moonlight filtering through the holes in the ceiling cast eerie shadows on the floor, illuminating the scattered broken pews. The atmosphere was heavy, and Demaris could feel the presence of dark forces within the building.

As he moved further into the church, his eyes locked onto a man standing at the end of the chapel. The man had blonde hair and a vile expression on his face, exuding an aura of malice that seemed to permeate the entire space.

"You must be the Freed Selzen I have heard about," Demaris identifies the man, who only snorts in response.

Demaris knew he had to act fast, so he silently prepared himself for battle. He summoned his Starlight Blade, the golden yellow energy materializing into the shape of a Viking-age sword. He could feel the anticipation and adrenaline coursing through his veins as he prepared to face Freed head-on.

Gripping the hilt of his sword, Demaris stepped forward, alert and ready. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them and launched his first strike. The battle had begun, and the fate of Asia hung in the balance. Demaris knew he couldn't afford to lose, and so, with determination and resolve, he fought with everything he had.

Demaris charged at Freed, his Starlight Blade clashing against the cylindrical light that Freed had summoned with a bright spark from his sword handle. The two fighters locked their gazes, both determined to emerge victorious. As they exchanged blows, each trying to find an opening in the other's defense, Freed started to speak with a chatty, vulgar tone that only seemed to fuel his enjoyment of the battle.

"Well, well, look at what we have here," Freed taunted, smirking as he narrowly dodged a swipe from Demaris's blade. "I was expecting some shitty devils, but instead, I get to play with a random dude in armor. How disappointing!"

Demaris gritted his teeth, doing his best to ignore Freed's taunts and focus on the fight. The sound of snapping rang through the air as their swords clashed again and again, each trying to gain the upper hand.

"You know, you're not half bad," Freed continued, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of amusement. "But I'm afraid you're just a little out of your league here, my armored friend."

As the fight went on, Demaris could feel no strain on his body, glad his physique was improving. He knew that Issei, Kiba, and Koneko were waiting for the right moment to join the fray, and he didn't need to let the battle drag on. With each clash of their swords, Demaris channeled all his strength and skill into his strikes.

Freed, on the other hand, seemed to grow more excited with each passing moment. His laughter echoed through the church, filling the air with a sinister atmosphere that only served to motivate Demaris even more. He knew that he couldn't let this man win – too much was at stake.

As the battle raged on, Demaris was loath to admit that Freed did have considerable skill with the sword. Demaris searched for an opening in Freed's defenses, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And as the tension between the two fighters continued to build, it was clear that the battle was far from over.

Freed's taunts grew louder and more obnoxious as the battle progressed. He could sense that Demaris was skilled, but slightly weaker than himself. Free tried to exploit his difference in strength by adding more verbal jabs to their exchange to demoralize Demaris. Demaris, however, refused to let Freed's words get to him, and remained steadfast in his resolve.

Suddenly, Freed switched tactics and pulled out a gun, firing bullets made of pure light at Demaris. Caught off guard, Demaris had to quickly change his focus from offense to defense, awkwardly dodging the projectiles as they whizzed past him. The searing light from the bullets left a trail of scorch marks on the church floor, a testament to their deadly power.

Realizing that he needed to end the fight quickly, Demaris decided it was time to switch to a more aggressive approach. Drawing upon his memories of the Etherton Royal Army sword style, he began to execute a series of fast, powerful strikes, putting his entire weight behind each blow. Freed, caught off guard by the sudden change in Demaris's technique, struggled to keep up.

Demaris's new strategy proved to be effective, as he soon found an opening in Freed's defenses. With a decisive strike, he chopped off Freed's left hand, causing him to cry out in pain and drop his sword. Blood spurted from the wound, and Freed's face contorted in agony.

However, Freed was not willing to accept defeat so easily. In a desperate move, he pulled out a flashbang and threw it at the ground, creating a blinding explosion of light and sound. Demaris shielded his eyes, but the distraction was enough for Freed to make a hasty escape through a window. Demaris knew the perimeter team would catch the nasty excuse of a human being.

Just as the flashbang's effects began to dissipate, Issei, Kiba, and Koneko burst into the church, ready to join the battle. They were met with a scene of chaos and destruction, and Demaris standing in the middle, at his feet is a severed hand. Though Freed had managed to slip away, it was clear that the battle was far from over, and that the group would have to continue their search in the church if they hoped to save Asia and put an end to the fallen angel's schemes.

Demaris, Issei, Kiba, and Koneko quickly surveyed the church, searching for any clue that might lead them to Asia and the fallen angels. They soon discovered a hidden staircase leading downwards, and without a second thought, they descended into the unknown.

The staircase opened up into a vast underground hall, its walls made of rough cobblestone and dimly illuminated by flickering torches. The air was thick with tension, and the scent of blood and sweat filled their nostrils. Arrayed before them were fifty-nine exorcists, their eyes filled with hatred and determination. At the top of the steps, four menacing fallen angels stood guard over a young girl with blonde hair, tied to a large cross. The girl's eyes were filled with fear, and her expression left no doubt that she was Asia, the one they had come to save.

Demaris didn't hesitate for a moment. With a fierce battle cry, he leaped into the fray, his Starlight Blade glowing brightly in the dim light. His powerful, fluid strikes cut through the exorcists like a hot knife through butter, each blow finding its mark with lethal precision. The exorcists, taken aback by Demaris's ferocity, struggled to mount a counterattack.

Issei, Kiba, and Koneko quickly followed Demaris's lead, each engaging the exorcists with their own unique skills and abilities. Issei unleashed the power of his Boosted Gear, his punches carrying the force of a wrecking ball. Kiba danced through the battlefield, his twin swords slicing through the air like razor-sharp whirlwinds. Koneko's small stature belied her immense strength, as she sent exorcists flying with her powerful strikes.

The fallen angels, watching the battle unfold from their vantage point near Asia, realized that the situation was quickly spiraling out of control. They exchanged worried glances, knowing that they would soon have to intervene if they hoped to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

As the fight raged on, Demaris and his allies inched ever closer to their ultimate goal: the rescue of Asia and the defeat of the fallen angels. But with each fallen foe, the remaining enemies only seemed to grow more determined and ruthless, making it clear that the battle was far from won.

Raynare, the leader of the fallen angels, couldn't help but sneer at the rescue team as they fought valiantly against the exorcists. With a malicious laugh, she decided it was time to initiate the ritual. As she began the incantation, Asia let out a heart-wrenching scream of pain, her face contorted in agony.

Demaris knew he had to act quickly. He swiftly switched to his intermediate ACD and fired an icicle spell at the cross, hoping to create a diversion. Simultaneously, he used his Advanced ACD on his neck to cast a large ball of light, filling the room with a blinding radiance that momentarily disoriented the fallen angels. The icicle shatters the base of the cross, causing it to fall backwards onto the ground with Asia still tied to it. The ritual was stopped, but the anguished expression on Asia's face was a stark reminder of the danger she was still in.

Raynare's eyes filled with rage as she realized what had just happened. Her voice shook with fury as she bellowed, "You dare interfere with our plans?! You will pay for this!"

By this time, the exorcists had been all but massacred, leaving only the fallen angels: Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek, as described in the intel they had. They glared at Demaris and his allies, their eyes promising a brutal and merciless battle.

The rescue team steeled themselves for the coming fight, knowing that the stakes had never been higher. With Asia's life hanging in the balance, they had no choice but to face the fallen angels head-on and put an end to their twisted schemes once and for all.

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