
Reincarnated into Twilight & The Multiverse

FallenEnt · Phim ảnh
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25 Chs

Talks & Decision

Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.


After I was finished speaking, I looked at everyone's faces to see their reactions.

Bella was looking at me but not at me, obviously lost in the past.

Edward was looking between Bella and my scars, a look of horror on his face.

Emmitt was looking at my scars while shaking, obviously scared remembering how he almost died to a bear before Rosalie found him.

Rose was looking at me in sadness, rubbing Emmitts arm in comfort.

Jasper was showing no reaction, just keeping an eye on everyone's emotions while his mate Edith was holding onto his arm.

Carlisle and Esme were looking between Bella and myself with a look of sadness on their faces.

Alice was looking at me, just realizing how she almost lost me before even meeting me.

"Ever since then, my powers have been growing stronger. Bella and I used to go flying through the forest when she would visit. Now I can cause an earthquake with ease. I do not use my powers easily." I said pointedly at Carlisle.

Emmitt started telling me how he was turned, how he barely survived his own bear attack.

After that, Alice threw herself at me and would have crushed me in her hug if I hadn't been using my Psionic powers to protect myself.

"Thank you for telling us your story, Hadrian and Bella. Do you mind telling me what else you can do?" Carlisle asked.

"Psionic powers is the basis of most of my powers, besides minor reality manipulation." I said.

"Reality manipulation?" Emmitt asked.

"How do you think I fixed the glass bowl?" I asked.

"What else can your Psionic powers do?" Carlisle asked.

"Flight/levitation, telekinesis, teleportation/portals is a new one I'm working on, energy manipulation/absorption, barriers, minor time distortion...the list goes on and on. And I'm discovering new ways to use my powers every day." I said.

"Fascinating. I've never heard of anyone with such an adaptive power. Edward can not read your mind, is that another power of yours? I only ask because Bellas mind is also blocked to him. I'm curious to know if she has powers similar to your own." Carlisle explained.

"No. My mind is blocked due to my barriers." I said as I lowered them for the first time, being sure to think nothing of the future plot...or my past.

"Wow!" Edward said as he read my mind for the first time. He was seeing my invention plans for the future.

As I put my barriers back up, I said "There you go."

Edward explained what he saw when everyone asked what happened.

"So what about your strength? You were able to stop the van with ease." Carlisle continued.

"I can strengthen myself and spread the energy from the points of contact. That's why there was no dent on the van or footprints on the asphalt from the incident." I answered patiently.

"Like Supermans energy field?" Emmitt asked, leaning forward.

"Very much like that, yes." I replied with a small smile.

"Cool." Emmitt said as he leaned back.

"What is this 'minor time distortion' power that you mentioned?" Jasper asked.

Instead of answering, I sped my body up as fast as I could and gently removed myself from Alice's grasp before walking outside, around the house once, and returned to my seat before returning to my regular state.

"That. I just walked around the house once." I said.

"Walked?" Esme asked.

"Yes. If I were to run it, I'd probably destroy the ground I'm in contact with. I have much more control while walking." I answered.

"I barely noticed your movements." Edward mumbled.

"The one time I measured my speed, I was moving at two hundred and fifty feet per second. How fast can you guys run?" I asked.

"Edward and Edyth are the fastest of us. They run at a little over one hundred feet per second." Esme stated.

"How fast would you be if you were running?" Emmitt asked excitedly.

"If we take four mph as the base and eight as the average jog, and eighteen as the average sprint...I walk at two hundred fifty fps, jog at five hundred fps and sprint at one thousand one hundred and twenty five fps...roughly the speed of sound. At that speed...I don't even want to think of the damage I would cause." I said after some thought.

"Can I have my boyfriend back now?!" Alice asked/demaned as she threw herself back around me tighter than before, clearly upset I had escaped her hold to give my performance.

"Oh course, Alice. That's enough questions for today, Carlisle." Esme said pointedly.

"Yes, yes. I have much to think about. Our home is your home, Hadrian. You never need to call or ask permission to stay here. And I'm assuming you know Alice is not a minor?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes. But until she is 'eighteen', she can not be seen in a relationship with me." I said adamantly.

"We're fine with that. I'm assuming you are also aware that the PG restrictions no longer apply?" Esme asked.

"...yes." I admitted with a blush.

"Good. Will you be staying here or at your house tonight?" Emmitt asked with a glint in his eyes.

"Uhhhh..." I said intelligently.

"Oh, come on, big brother. Where?" Bella asked evily.

"I, will be staying at my house...ALONE!" I said.

Before Alice could become too depressed, I sent a message to the mind of every vampire in the room.

~AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT SHE WILL BELIEVE UNTIL SHES EIGHTEEN! I still need to set a good example for her.~

Luckily, Alice kept up the act of being upset. Emmitt, on the other hand, smirked knowingly. Luckily, Bella did not notice.

Edward, to his credit, looked me straight in the eye and gave me a subtle nod of his head.

Carlisle smiled at me while Esme commented "How responsible of you." with a calm smile, but I could still hear the approval in her voice. Alice had waited a long time for her mate. She didn't want her upset just because they didn't make her a few months older on her paperwork.


Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.