
Reincarnated in Fairy tail as Guts

A middle-aged man reincarnated in a boy body in another world with magic and monsters, in the world he watched before but this time he will live it and 400 years before the story begins, how he will live this new life, see his life yourself. ************************************ the MC will be Guts not the same person from berserk but he will have some personality like him though he is just reincarnated man, I love berserk manga and the mc of it, so berserk and Guts inspired me to make Mc like him a little. ****************************** I use Grammarly this is my first time writing so maybe I have mistakes and English is my 3rd language so I'm learning and having fun writing ********************** I will write when I have time I'm busy with study and work so you know... . if anything I don't know about the fairy tail world tell me.

The_Berserker · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Start of Journey

Guts POV

" so much talk about the king of the forest".

I finished my business here need to go back to meet Thors.

On my way home, I thought about this basilisk and I can't tell how much is strong compared to any more monsters since this supposed to be the alpha predator in this forest and I didn't get out from this place at all but that will change soon because Thors condition was to hunt it to prove my strength and I can do whatever I like afterwards.

for 5 years I trained intensely every day I feel my magic power now is on par with Thors, in physical power and experience though he is stronger, after all, he is an adult, but not that much.

I start my hunting from normal animals like rabbit, wolf, lion, big snakes, and eagles until Thors take me to the more dangerous area with the magical beasts who use magic attacks, a chameleon who is good on sneak attacks, and gorillas named Vulcans have massive horn topping their heads, they are capable of understanding human language and speaking a rudimentary form of it.

I ended up hurt many times, a year ago, my hand was broken when I tried to defend against a frost troll with my sword since I didn't think he will use ice magic from the beginning but thankfully I already get used to this injury with my enhancement magic I learned after many battles how to control my Pain Sense, in the future, I will learn to use it on the target.

and many useful techniques either in fight or other not, like enhancing my body as long as my magic alow me and my body can handle that amount or enhance my sense like hear or sight, even can reduce them but there are not many useful ways for that until I found out later, but what helped me the most is I discovered how to enhance my recovery factors in my body to recover more stamina and deal with injury but all of this not perfected yet I need more practice.


after 30 minutes of walking I get out from the inner area of the forest, I'm in the outer area now and I see a village, many houses, children running around, men working and women are doing chores, a normal village in the middle of this place, I didn't believe it for the first time and Thors is working as a guard of this little village.


General POV

when Guts entered the village kids noticed him, he was walking relaxed with a face that says 'don't talk to me', 3 kids around 5 years old run to him like always all with excited faces.

one boy said: "big brother did you hunt any monster today ? tell me".

another boy said: "big brother, teach me today how to use a sword like you".

the girl said in big sister way: "don't ask that first, you two, big brother are you okay? did you get hurt?.

"I'm okay, Kori, thank you".replied while patting her head and turn to the boys and said: "yes, I hunted a monster but sorry you're very young I can't teach you maybe when you grow up Irgiv, Krang".

and Guts continue his way inside the village selling some medical herbs he finds in his way here, the exchange is 10 silver.

when he read the books Thors gives him it explains the currency used in Ishgar, from the lowest value Copper, Silver, Gold to the highest Platinum.

the exchange is for 1 platinum is 10 Gold, for Silver 1000 coin, and 10000 coins for Copper.

Now Guts close to his house after going out from this village he finds his Thors waiting outside in a chair so close the distance and said with a smile

"I'm back... are you perhaps worried about me ?".

Thors sand up quickly and look at him very closely and check if he did get a serious injury while saying: " of course I'm, how many times did you come back close to death".

when he see Guts is fine he said now in a more curious tone: "so did you hunt that Beast?".

"what do you think? of course, I finish it", Guts replied with a proud face and added, "so now your stupid condition cleared, happy ?"

Thors heard this was a little angry but held himself and calmed down since he didn't want to enter another argument and said: "aspected from you Guts, I know you will do it anyway".

he sighed and said more after sitting in his chair again.

"Guts I did that to make sure you are strong enough because outside this forest is a place more dangerous than any magical beast you faced before".

this line makes Guts have thought about what he means, 'does he mean more dangerous beast or dragons, but maybe he talks about wars between humans ?'. he didn't keep his thought without question the man who is more knowledgeable about this world than him.

"by more dangerous you mean beasts and humans ?".

Thors now is more serious with a grave voice he said: "That right, outside this place, exist more dangerous monsters example of them are dragons, humans and humanoid races are even more dangerous because if you meet a Dragon he is intelligent either he is good or bad most of them will directly make his action by trying to kill you or don't care, but a human can be different either attack you, use you or schemes behind you until you ended up dead not knowing how or an even worse situation as a slave, though it wasn't like that before people were friendlier... in time of wars, they get desperate and can do anything for more benefits ".

when Guts hear that he was sure that humans no matter time and worlds will always be the same, the kind and naive will get used by the wicked, the weak without the strength is stepping stone for the strong and ambitious, the rich will never be satisfied even if he has the money of the whole world, people with higher status in society don't left a finger and change the fate of others, that what his past life teaches him.

Now he is sure of one thing, he doesn't want to be naive that always get used or weak to be a stepping stone, higher status is good too but is difficult to obtain now but that no problem, he will make sure to be the one above that all matter.

Guts nodded his head with a serious face to make Thors know he understands his lesson.

"The dinner is ready, come on I bet you are hungry", Thors stand up and walked inside the house and Guts follow him.


after they finish Thors asked: " Guts, you hunted a Basilisk, you are strong to take care of yourself now, you want to go outside to adventure and see the world, how about we make it more interesting".

"more interesting ? don't tell me it another stupid condition of yours".Guts said in an annoyed tone.

"no, it not, before coming here and take care of you, I used to be a mercenary, how about you join me? you will have experience along the way and money to live", Thors explained and by his voice, he is eager to fight and look for Guts at the same time.

When Guts hear this he was not much surprised, over the years from being close to Thors he knew this man is not a Hunter first, a warrior.

and he accepted the idea since travelling alone from the beginning without someone to guide him about how things work will be a quick way to your death especially he still young.

This closed forset exists in a country named Iceberg located in the northern reaches of central Ishgar, Known primarily for its frigid climate and largely inhospitable landscape but it has a hot climate in the south of the country, the place doesn't have a central government, instead composed of several entities that maintain their autonomy while enforcing the borders of the nation.



1 year later.

In a big wooden tavern, full of people, noisy place for drinking, a man with black hair and eyes drinking calmly have an uninterested face was sitting there alone without care about people talk or fight around him until the wooden door opened with annoying sound attract all who inside to see a young man around 12 or 13 years old entered with a big sword on his back, it was silence until someone yells.

"it Guts, he comes back from his work without dying".

"oy, Guts, you crazy brat, you still going to your death ?"

with a lot of men and women asking about his work, he didn't respond and continue his way to the man he was looking for, and sit next to him.

"Old man I'm back".

The man, Thors replied: "how was it? any difficulty ?".

Guts said with a sarcastic tone: "yeah like damn troll or goblin will best me, thought on serious not those monsters action are more frequent than ever".

"well, who will understand what a goblin think, don't think too much, I bet you find another group adventure killed or captured by them", Thors was even more relaxed talking about suck think, alcohol effect was what Guts thought on the first time he comes to this town and heard about this, but later he figured out this is happened every new group of adventure start taking Goblins job.

Goblins lifestyle is to kill the man for food and weapons and fuck the women to make more little goblins.

Guts first time fought them when he was with Thors and another man and woman, it was an ambush, they sneak attacks when you less aspected the time, Guts and Thors are okay but the other poor souls ended in a gruesome way.

both father and son duo are fine so it doesn't matter that match, that was Thors way of speaking and Guts, of course, will agree.

"Yeah..., anyways what happened lately in the area ?".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The_Berserkercreators' thoughts