
Reincarnated in Fairy tail as Guts

A middle-aged man reincarnated in a boy body in another world with magic and monsters, in the world he watched before but this time he will live it and 400 years before the story begins, how he will live this new life, see his life yourself. ************************************ the MC will be Guts not the same person from berserk but he will have some personality like him though he is just reincarnated man, I love berserk manga and the mc of it, so berserk and Guts inspired me to make Mc like him a little. ****************************** I use Grammarly this is my first time writing so maybe I have mistakes and English is my 3rd language so I'm learning and having fun writing ********************** I will write when I have time I'm busy with study and work so you know... . if anything I don't know about the fairy tail world tell me.

The_Berserker · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Progress after years

General POV

Guts are sitting on his bed in his room, he is reading books Thors did give him after he closed the last one with a smile on his face, he now at least knew what world he is in.

"This world is dangerous but it doesn't matter because I will be strong enough to face it and survive".

after Guts training this morning he has a general idea about his magic but after reading the book explain the magic category he knew it is type from Curse magic, enhancement or strengthening.

Curse is rare magic to human to have from 10 million just 1 person to have it since it more common in demon society than human. now Guts will try to move ethernano in his body and use it.

He closed his eyes and meditate, compared to the last time he now able to move the energy in his body and he finds it easy too, he tried to focus his ethernano in his hand and the result is his hand glowed green and have another layer of skin from energy, he felt like his hand is strong enough to destroy a whole mountain, no maybe just rock now, but that good enough for start.

Guts stand up and get out of the house to try his new magic with a happy face, in front of a tree he punched last time he did it again but is time with enhancing his hand.


In this massive tree, his hand is half inside with cracks around it, and he doesn't feel anything from it, no pain or itch


"damn, this is powerful and just my first time using magic". now his thought is about how to train more and remember Thors word about the experience it best way to learn, he was tired before and just after few hours reading and resting he comes back to full energy.

so he takes the training sword from morning and continues training his swordsmanship but this time he tried to use strengthening his full body with ethernano, this idea comes to him from an anime he watched before, with it maybe he can train his body and magic at the same time. it worked but it tiring for him, so he trains for one hour and rested for half and continue until Thors come back.


after 3 hours.


when Thors get close to the house he looks a little tired with dirt and blood on his clothes, when he sees his son training he was surprised and after that become worried about the boy health, but Thors is past the level of shock, after all, he figured Guts have monster talent in magic it explains why now a kid of 6 years old can swing a sword and even use his magic at the same time for hours in a single day and this makes him feel proud.

even if Guts have this talent and ability to learn by himself, he will teach him swordsmanship the thing he is best at, which will make the kid path much easier.

He gets close to Guts and said with a serious face: " boy stop now, that enough for you today", and just like morning he takes Guts to the river to bathe when they finished they get back home to eat dinner and sleep, now the sun is set and it is time for the more dangerous animal to come out like wolfs.


In the morning Guts wake up like usual and after eating his breakfast with his father, he said to Thors with a curious tone.

" yesterday I learn about my magic, did you hear about Curse magic enhancement before ?".

Thors thought he will never be shocked again after all he is an experienced and knowledgeable man but again it happened, his son has Curse magic,' He has Curse Magic? no way that damn too rare for a human to have it unless ...'.

when thought about it he becomes depressed and it appeared on his face.

Guts saw the change in the expression of Thors ' is having Curse magic is a bad omen in humans or there is something more to it? ', so he asked to know more " is there something wrong? ".

his father sighted and replied, "no, nothing".

Guts immediately said: "no, there is something not right, what about my magic did make you not happy? is it because of rare type?".

when Thors hears that sighted more and just sit on a chair, his head raised, unfocused eyes looking up, he was silent for a minute and said

"you are half right, for a kid you really smart, no wonder you are her child after all".

This statement makes Guts started, he was not expecting the reason will be the mother of this body, and honestly, he doesn't care about her at all since don't share any feeling with the previous owner of this body, before he opens his mouth to ask Thors already start explaining.

"your mother name was Lilith, we meet years ago when I was travelling when I saw her the first time she looks no different from any human woman, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, I fall in love with her from first sight, after months from knowing each other she is kind and funny, like a perfect girl, we get close and become a couple and we lived in the same house with the thought of marriage."

when he was telling his love story his tone was nostalgic but when he reaches the end he becomes angry and with a cold voice for the first time he spoke to his kid: '' but, after one day she didn't come home until late in the night and I question her about it, she said it was a busy day at work, but after a few months later did it again, and this time before she comes home and says any no sense. I entered her 'workplace' it was a normal shop for clothes but behind it 'Slave Trader' and Lilith was the Owner, she is from a demon race, a Succubus". when he reached here he was going to add more but he stopped and said: " I'm sorry Guts, you didn't get raised by a mother and didn't know what the warmth of her". and said when he stands up and walked to his room "goodnight, go to sleep now tomorrow we will continue your training".

'Damn, not a story any man want to talk about, that means I'm a half demon? and this Lilith was a succubus and most likely what he didn't want to add is his woman slept with others considered her bloodline and she takes them as a slave to sell, maybe he was one target from many.

after pitying Thors for a moment, Guts goes to sleep for tomorrow he will train harder and try his ideas in enhancement magic.


The next day, Guts start training his body in the morning and afterwards swordsmanship and his magic in the afternoon, his body training routing was like a certain bald hero but more intense, 1000 push-ups, 1000 sits-up, 1000 squats, and running for just 10 km a day, for past human from the previous world this is bullshit but here magic exists so anything can exist too different law and physics.


And just like that 5 years passed with Guts only training his body, swordsmanship from Thors, and magics using anime and manga ideas and his own.



After 5 years.

Massive snake, 100 meters tall, with scales and horns, this is Basilisk, it has venom like acid can melt rocks and steal, Looking a Basilisk directly in the eye causes instant death, but an indirect look will merely render the victim petrified, now it fined it biggest prey so far, stand in front of this magical beast a young man around 11 or 12 years old with black hair and eyes, sword on his back close to his height, around 1.40 meters, and he looks fine even if his eyes met the monster directly and even the gas venom doesn't bother him at all, he holds his sword with his right hand and with a swift motion, he beheaded the giant snake, he looted the snake from materials he needs and the proof of his victory.

This is Guts he looks at the giant body that still leek blood.

He said with a smile and satisfied face: " so much talk about the king of the forest".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The_Berserkercreators' thoughts