
Reincarnated in Fairy tail as Guts

A middle-aged man reincarnated in a boy body in another world with magic and monsters, in the world he watched before but this time he will live it and 400 years before the story begins, how he will live this new life, see his life yourself. ************************************ the MC will be Guts not the same person from berserk but he will have some personality like him though he is just reincarnated man, I love berserk manga and the mc of it, so berserk and Guts inspired me to make Mc like him a little. ****************************** I use Grammarly this is my first time writing so maybe I have mistakes and English is my 3rd language so I'm learning and having fun writing ********************** I will write when I have time I'm busy with study and work so you know... . if anything I don't know about the fairy tail world tell me.

The_Berserker · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

A New Job

sorry for the late, I'm busy :/


General POV

"Just like always, nothing big happening, just some rumors say a village was raided by a powerful monster, some say it coordinated attacks by many or another new bandit group start pillaging in this part of the mountain", Thors replied with a thinking look like he trying to solve the case.

while Guts thought 'either bandits or monsters doesn't matter, the important is the amount of money will be a reward for the job, that is if anyone from so-called nobility will care about it or maybe the crazy believers '.

Guts and Thors continue talking and eating until finishing, the two stand up and pay for the food and drink before they leave the tavern, a person gets close to Guts and said: "Guts right ?" when he confirmed that he gives him a letter and said: "This is from your client, he has a job for you", and just left like that, he was a delivery man from the Temple.

Thors said: " I'm going to the inn, what about you ?".

"to the blacksmith, my sword needs repair, when I finish I will be going to another job".

Guts said they will meet later and turned walking to his path.

This city's name is Asgardvinger, the capital of one of three power that controls the whole country Iceberg, by the Temple, they work like a church when it was controlling the country and kingdoms in Guts past life, but this Temple In terms of worship, they are strictly polytheistic, believing in an assembly of deities headed by Odin and Frigga, even Thor as heir.

'thought from what I hear and read this country language named Isbergsbund, but Odin and the other familiar names sure look like greek mythology, I don't have much information on this world in this era that is something I hope I gain being an adventurer'.

Guts walk with slow steps on the road close to shops and stores, looking left and right if anything interests him from food or clothes, a cleaner place than the rest of the city except the noble's area, and that not coming from his view on past life, this place is just not being taken care of, nobody cares what you do as long as you have money and power plus paying tax, this is indeed a rotten system.

death by disease is normal, water for drinking is costly, nothing guarantees the life of the poor, and from Guts eyes in his one year here, this place is dying slowly, when the relationship between people breaks so their lives, distrust will spread until whole nation will die from inside, that happened in Guts past life too many times, and this place is one capital from three.

he removes those thoughts when he sees a wooden shop with carved writing 'Heavy Metal Works', that the blacksmiths, push the door and enter inside saying: "Hey Oborg, I come back for another repair".

behind the counter is a short man with a height of 1.40 meter or even shorter, he is not human, this is the first non-human Guts met, a dwarf, with brown hair and big beard, and big muscles that don't match his size he is Oborg Or.

(Oborg Or Picture)

"Did ya break one of my swords again brat? how many times I told ya to take care of my treasures? huh". he look at Guts with an angry expression like he kills his family.

"it just your sword is not good enough for me, it perfect time for you to create for me some magical sword for change". Guts is relaxed in the face of this sword maniac, he knows how he will react after all, he knows even if Oborg is the best Blacksmith here the swords he used so far is not good at all.

"by Odin name, how many times I told ya I will not give my treasures to nobody", yeah he makes good weapons but he is just being greedy, and doesn't want to even sell them.

"Whatever.., I want a new weapon like always".

Oborg headed to his warehouse after 2 minutes come back with a sword tall as him, after giving it to Guts said: "don't break it again, give me the old one, and I will reduce the price for ya".

he turns around like he didn't want to talk but stopped and said: "if ya want me to make a sword, bring me the materials ya wish to make the weapon with, it is better high quality, I don't make mediocre weapons" he finished by a snort and turn of the face.

Guts leave with a smile and said: "it will take a while for that to happen but I will do it".

Guts go to the clients he contacts him earlier with the letter.

he reaches the destination and is in a public area close to one of the worship temples with high sculptures of a man with a big beard and spear in hand, this represents Odin, and another of a woman sure it represents Frigga.

one man was under one of the statues on his knees, when see Guts coming closer to him he stood up said: "Greeting young man I'm Odsest Visi, welcome to Temple Of Exile", he is an old man with long white hair and beard, his cloth is simple grey robe reach his feet.

"Greetings, I'm Guts and I'm here for the job, you are my client ?". Guts smiled politely though he didn't like it for sake of formality.

"Indeed I'm who request your work, in a little village close by there is an accident that happened 3 days ago, in one night, the villager disappeared without any clue, it as they vanished, what you have to do is find it and your payment will be 5 Gold coins, and better solve it if you can, do that your reward will be 10 Gold coins ".


"how much time do I have ?". Guts accepted since it good payment for just finding a clue and solving the case.

" one month is your limit". the elder said so with little thought.

"We have a deal then", Guts and Odsest shake hands in agreement.

the Elder of the temple said before Guts left: "I pray the gods will look after you".

when Guts left, he didn't notice the change in the eyes of Elder Odsest, from a kind old man with a polite smile to cold and indifferent with a slight smirk, he turns around and gets back to his knees and said with closed eyes: "I hope you are good enough".

back to Guts on his way to the stable to get his horse and get to his destination, after all the temple Elder give him a month so either he is kind enough or he knows more about what happened, and for some reason, he didn't say it and it needed time.

before that, he needs to prepare supplies that keep him for at least 2 weeks, from food and water.

he makes sure to visit the biggest taverns in the city and stayed a little in them just to have every information he needs about the disappearance of the villager, rumors or stories perhaps it will useful.

after taking care of supplies he mounted his horse, buy him one year ago, a brown with white on the head named Roach, a horse name from one of the best games in Guts' previous life.

On his way to his destination with his horse now, he thinks about his meeting with that old man, Odsest Visi.

'from what I know about this geezer he is one of the Elder of the Big Temple, one of high position and authority, why will he need a young man like me even if I have a little reputation, he will not trust me and I'm sure he doesn't and in the end, he give me a job, is a test for me ? or a trap? that doesn't make sense I didn't make any enemies, or is it related to any previous work I did?' Guts were analyzing his situation because there is one thing he knows, the old man is hiding something and it is important.

After 3 hours Guts reach the village, and at the entrance, a board displays the name it is Sillaja Village.

from the outside, it looks normal village with wooden houses and Farms that use the villager to work, but the thing is the fog that covers the place make it hard to see.

Guts tied the horse rope to a tree and continue on foot, he walks from house to house empty, it appears as if the people left everything that they were doing, with no blood, no destruction, and no trace of a footprint, a creepy place indeed.

After some time passed with Guts searching from houses inside and outside, he suddenly hears a voice, a faint one, he don't know what the source of it was but he follow the direction it coming from.

He finds it coming from a Well, when he looks inside it he can't see the end, it's too dark, but there is a way, a rope attached to the well bucket.

He tried to pull the rope, but he finds it a little heavy, can pull it nevertheless, after started using both hands and pulling the heavy thing he was shocked by what he found, it was a corpse of a human, a woman's corpse to be exact.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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