
Reincarnated In Dxd With Denial Of Nothingness

Lets Watch Our Average But Proud Virgin Bachelor Mc Tackle The Absurdity Of Anime Logic And The Unreasonable Species That Is Also Known As Anime Girls. How Will The Mc React To Cringey Anime Bullsh*t He Will Face,How Will Mc Answer His Parent's About The Misunderstandings He Will Most Definitely Create That Defy The Laws Of Physics. Famous Mc Quotes And Quotes By The Memes He Watched "The F*ck Do You Think How Ill React You F*ckin Killed Me,I Mean Who The Fuck Fall In Love's With His/Her Killer Im Not A F*ckin Retard Who Thinks With His D*ck Or A Simp Who Let's A Girl Step All Over Him Just Because She Has A Pretty Face Ill Let You Know Im An Advocate Of Gender Equality Like Lord Kazuma You F*ckin Bimbo Goddes" "Sigh... As a Wise Man Said 'Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be Best Girl'...Why The F*ck Do I Look Like A Trap Version Of Merlin!!!!" "How Did My Slowpaced Average Life Became A Huge Clusterf*ck Of... I dont Even Know How To Describe My Life!!!!,This Just Shows How Absurd This Sh*t is" "God Please Take Me Back To My OG World I Cant Take The Absurdity Of This Anime World,Please Biblical God I Promise I Wont Masturbate At Jeannes And Gabrils Picture" "Ze F*ck Is This..., Hold Your Baby Instincts Shan.... Hey,Hey,HEYHEYEHY, WAIT.....I Can Now Proudly State That I Am Now Traumatize At Nipples.. Bleghhh" "Warning We May or May Not Watch Mc Avoid Girls Because Of His PTSD"

Merlin_Best_Girl · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Why Am I Here? Just To Suffer?

Blueberry Chapter I Know

But I didn't have any motivation to write,

Remember I Ain't getting money for this sh*t


"Masta~~~ Arent you happy that I visited you~"

Jibril said in an erotic tone, touching her lips with her hands.

Blank was affected by this, of course.

"W-well yes, I didn't expect you to be friends with Asia"

Blank was caught off guard by the sudden eroticism, so he quickly addresses the matters with Asia.

"Hooh~? You and Asia have met before?"

Jibril asked Blank, genuinely curious. She didn't expect the nun that catches her fancy to meet her master already.

"Well yes, Jibril-san, me and Mr.Kanvas have already met, albeit accidentally"

Asia said, to the kind angel that saved her from the fallen.

Blank was confused,

"Since when did Asia used Japanese mannerisms?"

But Blank didn't question it,

"It is just trivial matters,


What's more important was why did Jibril save Asia?

I mean this angeloid caused mass genocide,

Children's are not exempted,

So Jibril saving Asia because she didn't want an innocent person to die is not a possibility,

I mean I didn't save Asia,

Because if I do, I would have an obligation to save more innocents life,

and if I saved innocents life, I would have to fix other peoples problem,

And if I fix other peoples problem that would make me a hero,

And me being a hero means,

Me saving and solving random peoples problem,

I mean I CAN save them with just a snap,

But wouldn't that mean that I am just trying to be GOD?

I CAN just snap all the dxd problems after all,

Khaos Brigade?





Problem solved,

World Hunger?



I mean altering the world to my liking is an act a person with God-complex would do,

I mean I was not reincarnated to solve random peoples problem,

I ain't cleaning their mess, let them clean their problems,

Do I even have a purpose to be here?

At first, my 1st goal was just to go home,

Do I even want to go home?

I mean what would my OG family think,

If I told them I murdered, someone,

My OG family was just normal after all,

My family is not some BS that would just ignore something like murder,

Murder is still a big deal there after all,

Would they even see me as their son?

I didn't just physically changed but my mentality too,

To just a random Teenager,

To a cold-blooded individual that has the power to save the world,

That's just too much of a change!

I'm probably just overthinking...

I mean there's nothing a mind stone can't solve.

But wouldn't that mean that it's just me altering them to my liking?


Now I sound like some edgy fate character with their edgy sh*ts

Did me, having the appearance of Merlin affected me?

I mean I always thought that Merlin was stupid,

He knows the future. Can't he just prevent the fall of the Camelot?

I didn't know Merlin be thinking some deep sh*ts.

Now that I think about it,

My reasoning is Lame,

Merlin wants Camelot not to fall,

but the Planet is making it impossible,

While my problem is just if I want to go home,

and maybe save the planet along the way,

But I'm just too edgy to do so,

This would be perfect to post in

I'm 14 And This is Deep Reddit

Meh, I'm not a hero like Merlin anyway,

Why would I Solve other peoples sh*t if I don't have too

What was I thinking again?

Oh yeah...

As to how Asia speak in Japanese mannerisms,

To me, if I want to save the world or not

Wow, how did that happen?"

Blank monologue inwardly confused,

"Hello~~~ Masta you there?"

"Sir. Kanvas Are you there?"

"Whomst Have Awakened The Ancient One!!"

Blank finally snapped, he was embarrassed that he was zoning out. So he can just say what his first thoughts were,


Meme it was

Embarrassed He said


Jibril and Asia are confused, as to why Blank screamed at them.

"Ummm.. are you okay Blank-san?"

Asia concerned asked Blanks well being.

"Ahhh!!?..Yes of course!"

Blank is still embarrassed so he tried recomposed himself.

Jibril seeing her Master's Cute Flushed Face did something any man of culture would recognize immediately.

Jibril used [No Clip] to pass through the walls of her master's apartment. She then sticks her head out of the wall, near Blanks Face.

She Proceeds To Lick Her Master's Face erotically,

As she said,

"This Taste..,

Is A Taste Of A LIAR"

Blank is just thinking,

"Ah Fucc, I Can't Believe You've Done This"


Asia an innocent cinnamon bun that she is is embarrassed her face flushed in red and stammering cutely

"( ̄ハ ̄*)"

Kazuma was unconscious, at the corner of their apartment. What they didn't know was he was already in the room, but he got mostly ignored. He didn't disturb them of course, as he saw that it was none of his business.

But when he saw Jibril licking his friend's face that looks like a girl, was sexy. It looks like one of the Yuri Doujinsh* he fapped into.

Seeing it in real life made his nose bleed. And his weak heart can't handle too much stimulation.

He fell unconscious.

Truly What A Lucky Bastard,

Seeing such marvelous scenes in real life is what we,

normal weebs can only dream.

"W-what are you doing Jibril!!!??"

Blank said loudly, embarrassed his face flushed red and steam coming out of his ears,

Typical Virgin Bachelor


Jibril only laughed at her master's cute embarrassing appearance.

Blank seeing Jibril laughing at him,

angrily thought,

"Tch!! I Need to assert my dominance, I'm not just gonna let her and tease me. I need to show her who's the real master"

Blank then proceed to grab Jibrils hand that was sticking out of the wall, effectively making Jibril's body out of the wall. Blank then pinned her to another side of the wall.

Blank then moved his face near Jibrils ear.

Blank then said erotically,

"My~my~ how the tables have turned"

Blank whispered in Jibrils ears, as he then licked Jibrils ear in a seductive tone.


Jibril moaned silently,


Asia was blushing madly, her savior, and the person she randomly met is currently on what appeared to be making out or that's what the Nun described When she was teaching her previously at the church when she was still a kid.

What Kind Of Nun would teach kids on lewd stuff you say?

A cool Nun that is.

Blank done with asserting his dominance to Jibril,

Whispered to Jibrils Ear this time normally

"Why did you save Asia by the way?

I thought you don't care about strangers?"

Jibril hearing her master's question whispered to him,

"Mah~ She just caught my fancy that's all,

I didn't even intentionally save her,

Plus she looked so innocent,

wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't take her and left her to those lowly crows"

Blank hearing this was even more confused,

"What do you mean,

" caught your fancy",

And innocent?

Bullsh*t I say,

Tell that to the people you massacred,

And don't talk to her like she's your pet"

Jibril hearing this was undisturbed of her master mentioning her monthly massacres,

"Well~~Its not my fault that they have precious books~~,

Plus one arrogant even tried to rape me,

Ohh master~~ Wouldnt you want to help this poor little angel, with her situation"

Jibril dramatically and sarcastically with even some hidden anger said in her tone,


Who's gonna take care of her anyways"

Blank asked Jibril,

"Hmmm? You of course I still didn't torture that lightning god"

Jibril said, putting the responsibility on taking care of as to her master


YOU are the one who took her in,

then YOU will also take responsibility for taking care of her,

I am the master here not YOU,

YOU can't just make me take care of her, plus,

The apartment is too small,

and there are 2 boys in here,

I fear that Kazuma will corrupt her"

Blank said reminding Jibril on who's Boss,

"Noooo~ but master those precious books waiting for me to read"

Jibril dramatically said,

"Hmph! Don't care just take care of her,

maybe even stay here..after all,

You always go somewhere that we rarely talk...

Well, I-its not like I care or anything!!


Blank embarrassingly said,

"(ृ ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ )ु,

Ohh~~ My Master Can't Be This Cute"

Jibril smiled, as she pushed Blanks face in her bussoms It may or may not be unintentional.

(Now this sounds like a Webnovel title,

Anyone wants a Fic about Blank being Tsun-Tsun and Jibril teasing her??

The Fic Will be named,

My Cute Little Trap Master Can't Be This Adorable)

"(⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄"

Asia was just there Blushing Madly,

Steam coming out of her ears,

"Mou~ Stop teasing me Jibril"

Blank embarrassingly said,

"Fufufufu~ Dont worry master,

Me and Asia Will stay here with you,

All though it will be troublesome to protect her...

I mean she can be held hostage considering my status as a wanted criminal,

Even though I established myself as one of the strongest beings in this world,

They are still coming to fight me...What a bunch of hmmm..?


Yes! What a bunch of Retards"

Jibril said as she questions why they are still a bunch of no brain bounty hunters coming for her head,

"Weeeelll~ I can just shove a Heroic Spirit inside her"

Blank said contemplating if jts okay or not to just shove a heroic spirit inside Asia.

"Yes that would solve our problem"

Jibril approvingly said As it is the most efficient and simple answer.

Blank seeing this walked towards Asia,

"Miss Argento I know you and I just recently met but due to,

unfortunate circumstances it would be hard for Jibril to take care of you,

with your current lack of power..,

Don't worry though I have a solution you just need to shake my hand it will be done,"

Blank said As he held up his hand specifically the hand with his ring on,

As he held up his hand to Asia the rings suddenly glowed,

Making the atmosphere tense,

As the glowing rings gave blank of a silhouette of a devil wanting to make a deal with someone.

Ironic that he dislikes the devil.

Asia seeing this was quite disturbed by the silhouette, of course, But The nuns clearly teach her to not judge a book by its cover. So she unhesitantly shook Blanks Glowing Hand.

And then.....

- - - - - - -



Megumin: Kaboom!

Kazuma: Kaboom?

Megumin: Yes Kaboom

Kazuma then willed [Killer Queen] To explode a random apple in the street.


Megumin: Yay Kaboom!!


Megumin then proceed to kiss Kazuma on his cheeks

Kazuma: Hehehehehe


What A Chad,

Kazuma Getting On Dem Lolis



Authors Thoughts

Too Sleepy

Blank Overthinking Again

And There is No Unprotected Handholding

It Is Too simulating for Author

Yes Author still a virgin

Sad Virgin Author Is Pathetic

*Sad Virgin Author Noises*

So Dont Expect the Author To Be Good At Romance..

Oh Yeah The Heroic Spirit Will Be Jeanne

I know there is a Dxd Jeanne But for me,

Asia is more Jeanne-ish??



May Sad Virgin Author Finally Graduate...



( πーπ )


Virginity is Cool!!

Stay Pure!!