
Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Disclaimer?: The purpose of author in this AU was to make it similar to Future Trunks timeline, where in this timeline only Goten was a survivor and the world was without hope. Since it's Goten's story, it starts with few years after Cell saga. If it was Trunks story, it would start with few years after Android saga. ........................... Synopsis: .......................... It has been three years since Jiang Hui transmigrated to the world of Dragon Ball. His soul merged and took over the body of a four year old Goten . After transmigrating, he realized that the timeline he was in was f*cked up. All the Z-fighters died at the hands of Cell in the Cell Games and now were refusing to be resurrected for some reason. He was the only warrior left to protect the earth if one ignored the dead beat old man Roshi and little bald head Krillin. In desperation, not wanting to die, he trained desperately for three years and mastered the full power of Super Saiyan transformation, but still struggled to break through to Super Saiyan II. Just when Goten feels extremely frustrated about not being able to break through to Super Saiyan II, and is ready to accept his grim fate, a system notification rings in his mind. His golden finger, a god-level attribute picking system, finally appeared after three years of transmigration. The system activates and issues a novice gift package Ultra Instinct - Sign. This newfound power might be the key to defeating Cell and protecting the Earth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, I have been working on this fanfic for a while and finally decided to share it with you guys. This is a translated work, but I have made sure to filter out all the kinks and unpleasant name mistakes and other errors from it. But since it's my first translation work, it might be a bit lacking. I will be uploading the whole work, at the moment of upload, I have around 50 chapters left which I need to work on, and then re-refine the previously done chapters before uploading. Basically I have to re-read 3 times before uploading to make sure there aren't some discrepancies. For the curious fellas out there wondering what's the chinese raws: Name: 我!孙悟天,开局奖励自在极意功 English translation would be: I! Son Goten, Starting With The Secret of the Self-centered Sign By author: 赛亚龙珠 English translation would be: Saiyan in Dragon Ball You don't have to worry about me dropping mid way. And once the final touches are done, I might speed up the upload rate to finish the work here. I am a student, so sometimes, my real life work might interfere with my upload rate. But dontchu worry :D I got you guys. Doing this work, I learned that translation was hard work. Took over an hour and half to refine a single chapter, that too when i was just refining the stuff, before uploading have to re-read it twice to make sure everything is in order... 0_0 Kudos to those kind strangers for giving us those gems. (GPT doesn't count, it fuc*s up the feel of the chapter that one would get by working on it himself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan on negatively reviewing this book, please do so after reading till 50 or 60 chapters (You can skim read it). Because I know that some readers might have nothing but negative reviews due to early plot development lol. Those unpleasant developments get a closure around chapter 63 or 68 (I think).

Clay_Champion · Tranh châm biếm
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103 Chs

The Final Showdown! Acquiring the LSS Bloodline (Re-written)

The instant the silver light danced in his pupils, Goten's body vanished as if he were a specter.

His speed was astonishing, leaving a trail of afterimages suspended in mid-air. Before Broly could even register his surprise, Goten's figure had already materialized before him.

A swift, straight punch landed squarely on Broly's abdomen.


A low, resonating crash echoed as a gush of blood spurted from Broly's mouth. His towering body, standing over three meters tall, was sent flying several hundred feet backward by the force of the punch.

Broly clutched his stomach, grimacing in pain. He felt as if his insides were being twisted together, causing a gut-wrenching agony.

Despite his formidable strength and robust physique, the power behind Goten's punch, amplified by the Ultra Instinct, was terrifyingly potent.


Pain continued to fuel Broly's rage, causing him to howl like a wounded beast. The vibrant-green aura around his body flared up even more intensely.


Without a moment's hesitation, Goten's body flickered, appearing once again like a phantom. A beautifully executed roundhouse kick landed hard on Broly's neck.



Broly's massive body crashed into the ground, creating a massive sinkhole upon impact.

At this moment, Goten showed no mercy. He was aware that in his current state, using Ultra Instinct, he could only maintain it for less than half a minute.

If Broly wasn't completely subdued within that time frame, Goten's body would be in serious danger. He would be like a fish on a chopping board, at the mercy of Broly's wrath.

After sending Broly crashing into the ground, Goten leaped into the air. With a swift motion, he began gathering energy in one hand. A silver energy bullet, composed of pure divine ki, was condensed in an instant.

No matter how resilient Broly's body was, it stood no chance against such a force.



The energy bullet hit its mark, right where Broly was. The deafening explosion caused the entire planet to tremble. The ground was pierced by the remnant energy waves, causing the scarlet magma to surge wildly.

And there, amidst the chaos, Broly's body reappeared in Goten's line of sight. His massive form was riddled with wounds. Blood stained the corners of his mouth and eyes, but his fury was even more palpable.

He resembled an ancient beast awakened from slumber, baring its teeth in rage. His aura was more terrifying than ever.

Clearly, the pain had only served to make Broly stronger and more ferocious. Gradually losing control to his primal instincts, he was slowly losing his self-awareness.

"He actually… survived that?? This guy's tenacity is unbelievable."

Goten was taken aback as he observed Broly, who had only sustained a few injuries.


A frenzied roar erupted from Broly's throat. The green energy surrounding his body grew increasingly terrifying.

Energy balls were continuously released from his body, wreaking havoc wherever they went. The ground was obliterated, and the scarlet magma churned and surged relentlessly.

The entire planet was on the brink of destruction, and it was estimated that in less than a minute, this planet would be completely annihilated. Broly's energy was still ravaging the planet.

A serious expression gradually appeared on Goten's face. He had been battling Broly for so long, yet the system's notification sound had not rung out. This meant that he hadn't acquired Broly's mutated bloodline yet.

He had risked his lives to come to this planet just to acquire Broly's bloodline. After all this effort, if he couldn't acquire Broly's mutated bloodline, it would be a huge disappointment.

More importantly, Broly had completely lost his mind and had begun to destroy everything in sight. This planet was estimated to be completely destroyed in a minute. At that time, Goten would be in grave danger.

After all, he couldn't sustain the Ultra Instinct mode for a long time. And with the power of Super Saiyan alone, it was utterly impossible to survive in the universe.

"System, accept the fusion of Cell's abilities!!"

At this moment, Goten suddenly remembered that when he had defeated Cell before, he had acquired his abilities. Initially, he had not chosen to accept the reward because he didn't find Cell's abilities particularly useful.

Unexpectedly, at this critical juncture, Cell's abilities would prove to be handy. This was because Cell's genetic composition contained the genes of Frieza and his father, King Cold. And the Frost Demons had the ability to survive in a vacuum…

[Very well, host!]

The voice of the system rang out promptly. Accompanied by a tingling sensation all over his body, the system indicated that the fusion was successful.

A wealth of new knowledge flooded his mind in an instant. Vegeta's Final Flash, Frieza's Death Beam and Supernova, Piccolo's Mystic Flash Cannon, Tian Shinhan's Tri Beam, and other abilities…

But these were of little use to Goten at the moment. The only thing that would come in handy right now was Frieza and King Cold's ability to survive in the vacuum of space!


Broly's aura was growing stronger and stronger, and the planet was crumbling like a boat in a stormy sea. Goten knew very well that it was time to deliver the final blow to Broly.

Even if he couldn't acquire the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline this time, he couldn't afford to die here.

'It's over, Broly.'

With this thought in mind, Goten stared at Broly with an extremely serious gaze. In the next second, his body instantly appeared in front of Broly. The silver divine energy condensed in his palm was aimed at Broly's chest.

Without any hesitation, and without giving Broly any chance to resist, the energy ball blasted out from his palm instantly.


Accompanied by a piercing scream, Broly's body disintegrated and dissipated bit by bit under the divine energy…

The terrifying energy impact directly caused the entire planet to explode in an instant. At the same time, the familiar voice sounded in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline + 5 billion fighting power.]


The moment the system voice sounded, the planet also exploded, and a beautiful firework bloomed in the vast expanse of the universe.

[T/N: So, as updated in chapter 15, I changed the concept here, that instead of Cell's genes which he got in that chapter, he got Cell's abilities. Consider the Frost Demons ability to survive in space as a skill and not something biological, for plot purposes. I had to change the concept from genes to ability because it wasn't making much sense, that author just cherry picked the things he wanted from bloodline and didn't add other stuffs, like Frieza's mutant bloodline in Cell etc]

So, he finally got the LSS Bloodline


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