
Reborn as Marco Phoenix 2 years before summit war

Damon is reborn as Marco the phoenix at Rajin Island 2 years before the summit war.

Fanficbeelze · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Captain Kuro

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Soar and I were once again in the sky, flying at full speed this time. I was using Kamisori with 30 steps, both on my legs and wings, soaring through the sky at lightning speed, while Soar sat on my shoulder, unable to keep up with my pace just yet.

"Don't worry, Soar," I said, a smirk playing on my lips. "One day, you'll be able to keep up with me. But for now, just enjoy the ride."

His response was a soft chirp, more out of frustration than agreement. I chuckled and pushed forward, the landscape below blurring into a mix of colors as I rocketed towards Syrup Village.

I had initially intended to start my plan after finishing my business on Drum Island, but while going through the witch doctor's belongings, I came across a giant stack of bounties she had collected for whatever reason. Looking through them, I found one that gave me an idea.

That is why I was flying at full speed toward Syrup Village. With my Observation Haki improving, I could now maintain this speed without losing control. The constant usage of high-level Kamisori would ordinarily damage my internal organs, but because of my training while submerged in seawater and being electrocuted by lightning—not to mention always wearing the Sea Prism ring I had fashioned from handcuffs—I had made significant progress in endurance, stamina, and strength.

Originally, the accumulated damage would have taken its toll by now, but I barely felt anything. At this speed, the journey that would have taken weeks would be completed in just a few hours. This speed could only be surpassed by the Lightning Fruit or Kizaru's Light Fruit, but in time, I would possess those as well.

Soar remained hidden in my cloak this time, as he was far too inexperienced to keep up, and I wanted to get this done quickly.

I hovered 15 miles above the village, inspecting everything. I was able to spot Usopp as he played with the kids on the beach.

I had always hated this guy. He embodied three of the characteristics I despised more than anything in any world: cowardice, deceit, and betrayal. I would have enjoyed removing his head, but I had to play this safe, as his father was Yasopp, and I did not need a war with the Red-Haired Pirates just yet. However, perhaps I could incite a conflict between other parties.

Night fell, and I returned to the island when everyone was asleep. I had flown around the area and encountered a couple of ships, but not the one I was looking for, so I was left with no choice but to force them out.

I had instructed Soar to hide in the sky and look out for any incoming ships. If he spotted any, he was to notify me with a screech to signal me.

I landed on the island and stayed in the shadows. I had changed into a white cloak, white pants, and a button-up shirt, but I also wore a white mask with two small holes allowing only my eyes to be seen. I did not want to risk being spotted or recognized.

As the sun rose, I remained hidden but had a good view of Kaja's room. She was asleep, lying in her bed with a sad look on her face as she glanced toward the window.

After waiting for a while, a man I quickly recognized entered the room, carrying a tray of food and water. It was the former captain Kuro, who had now resigned himself to cleaning toilets.

As he placed the tray on Kaja's bed and opened the windows, he went to gently wake her up with some comforting words. I suddenly appeared in the room.

Kaja thanked Kuro with a sincere smile, but before she could finish, she let out a small scream as she noticed me in her room.

Kuro immediately looked behind him and met my eyes. As he was about to say something, his eyes widened in shock. It was clear he recognized me.

"I apologize for scaring you, miss. I am just here to have a few words with your washed-up, has-been pirate friend here," I said calmly, smirking with a mocking tone.

Kuro's jaw clenched, his eyes burning with barely contained rage. But he remained silent, his fear betraying him. He knew who I was, and he knew what I was capable of.

The inhabitants of the East Blue may not know much about Grand Line pirates, not to mention the New World and ranks among Warlords and Emperors, but Kuro, who prided himself on knowledge and intelligence, always kept up to date on the news of the world to know what to avoid or use to his advantage.

Now, standing face-to-face with one of the most infamous and strongest pirates in the world, he feared that all his plans might be for nothing. However, what concerned him the most was what this man could possibly want from him.

"There must be a mistake, sir," Kaja spoke up, trying to convince me that he was only her loyal butler and part of her family.

I smiled at the naive girl and tossed her the bounty poster, teasing if he might have a twin. She sat in shock as she stared at the poster before looking up at Kuro, who remained quiet but clearly tense.

Kaja began pleading with Kuro to explain that this must be some kind of mistake, but before he had a chance to defend himself, I made my way to the tray Kuro had prepared for Kaja and took a small sip from the tea.

"Poison," I stated casually, letting the word hang in the air. Kaja's face paled, and Kuro's eyes widened in alarm.

"It's quite clever, I must admit... you slowly poison her, making her sick and bedridden, unable to socialize, forcing her to become dependent on you while manipulating her to view you as family. You might even make your way into her will... just before something unfortunate were to happen..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sudden gunshots echoed in the room, the bullets striking me harmlessly before clattering to the floor. Kaja gasped, and I could see the terror in Kuro's eyes as he realized his mistake.

I drained the last of the tea, relishing the fear in the room. "Good tea, by the way," I remarked with a smile, "even if it's laced with poison."

In an instant, I was in front of Kuro, my hand wrapped around his throat as I lifted him off the ground. His legs kicked helplessly as I leaned in, my voice low and dangerous.

"That was a very foolish move. I didn't plan to kill you, but now... well, you've made things difficult."

Kaja leaped from her bed, tears streaming down her face as she begged me to stop. "Please! Don't hurt him! There's no need for this!"

I turned to her, my expression darkening. "Stay out of this, girl," I snarled, grabbing her by the throat and tossing her back onto the bed like a rag doll.

Before I could deal with Kuro, I felt a slight disturbance—another feeble attempt to attack me. A small stone flew towards us, and I effortlessly shifted Kuro to take the hit. The stone left a small mark on his head, and I shook my head in disappointment.

"What a pathetic attempt," I muttered, turning to face the source of the attack. There, standing on the window railing, was Usopp, his slingshot trembling in his hands.

what will be the fate of our little sniper hmm?