
Reborn as Marco Phoenix 2 years before summit war

Damon is reborn as Marco the phoenix at Rajin Island 2 years before the summit war.

Fanficbeelze · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Wapol and mythical zoan

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I quickly found my way to the castle and stood outside the door. At first, I thought I would sneak in and do a little Assassin's Creed, but then I changed my mind, realizing it would be pointless in my current situation.

I put the hood of my cloak up to hide my identity, as I didn't need the world to know what I was up to yet. I kicked the door open with a Haki-infused kick and simply walked to the middle of the room, waiting for all the dust and smoke to clear. I was soon surrounded by several dozen guards, all of whom had their guns pointed at me.

King Wapol shortly arrived, questioning who I was in an arrogant tone, demanding that I get on my knees and bow before him.

I looked around and could feel the uneasiness of the guards. This was to be expected, as I had just kicked in a giant door, but none of this seemed to register for Wapol as he kept shouting at me and, in a fit of annoyance, ordered everyone to fire.

Before he could finish his sentence, I released a burst of Conqueror's Haki that covered the entire castle. Everyone immediately fell unconscious, and the room became dead silent.

I shook my head while letting out a sigh. This felt like cheating, like I had maxed out my character in a video game and then returned to the starting point to do some low-level missions I skipped at the beginning.

I was left unsatisfied as I looked over at Wapol, finding him unconscious as well. I had originally planned to only knock out the soldiers, but it seemed that while I could release my Haki at will and in lesser intervals, I didn't have full control over whom it affected. I still had a long way to go, and unfortunately, I didn't have much time before the Summit War arrived.

I used my ring to take out bags of fruit I had collected on my way here and summoned my phoenix claws to quickly cut off Wapol's head. While giving some time for the fruit to reincarnate, I went to each soldier and, with my claws, poked holes in their hearts, killing everyone in the room to ensure they would cause no more trouble.

After finding the fruit in one of the bags, I put them all back in my ring while separately putting the Munch Fruit back as well. I used Observation Haki to locate the prison and found it in the basement, just as I had expected.

This time, I summoned the talons on my legs and kicked the ground hard with emissions and internal destruction, completely destroying the floor and falling straight down to the prison basement.

The noise seemed to have woken up the prisoners, and they all looked at me with a mix of fear, shock, and hope. Dalton was the first to speak, asking me who I was, how I got here, and what had happened above with the king.

I ignored them all and went to the horse that was tied down with Sea Prism chains. Looking at the horse, I almost felt pity seeing how sick and in pain it was. I removed the fruits again and simply cut off its head, similar to what I had done to Wapol.

Everyone seemed horrified at what I had done, but I simply walked over to Dalton and broke open his cell. I could see fear in his eyes, but he couldn't move much as he was tied down in a similar fashion to the horse with Sea Prism stones.

Before he could say anything, I grabbed his head with my claws and unleashed my burning phoenix fire, leaving nothing behind, not even ash.

Panic and fear echoed throughout the room as I proceeded to do the same to everyone, leaving no witnesses behind. After confirming both devil fruits and ensuring there was no one left in the castle, I went to check on the witch doctor and her progress.

A few hours later, I knocked on her door, listening in to ensure I would appear as they were finishing up, preventing her from checking on my work.

She opened the door and let me in, and once again, Chopper was hiding behind a chair. He seemed less afraid of me this time but was still wary; I just ignored him. The doctor questioned me about what happened, and I simply told her that the king was dead and that his severed head could be found in the castle. Dalton and a few other prisoners I had chosen to release were cleaning up the castle and asked for her presence when he was going to speak to the citizens that evening.

She nodded, satisfied with that, and even threw me a glass of wine to celebrate. Lies and deceit were something I had mastered in my previous life. When you constantly fight in undergrounds and engage in assassinations, being able to manipulate and lie to make friends was extremely important if you didn't want to end up bleeding out in a corner.

I chose not to partake in the drink, as I wasn't sure if she had put something in it, which only made her grumble in annoyance before she showed me the medicine with the recipe. She explained that this would give me a temporary boost in endurance and stamina. She had formulated it so the side effects would hit me first. When it took effect, I would heal and gain the boost without having to worry about what might happen after the drug wore off.

She also advised me to take it only when I was at the end of my rope and not to take more than one dose and no more than once a week, as it would lose effectiveness the more I used it. Additionally, while the side effects would be negated at first due to my healing flames, the energy boost was natural and would be released from my body in ways I did not fully understand.

But what it meant was that the energy was not artificial but would cause my body to release a large amount of energy. However, since the energy came from me, and as I would only take it in desperate situations, once the medicine wore off, it would probably leave me unconscious for 1-3 days, depending on how much energy I had consumed.

I thanked her for everything, and as I reached out to take the recipe from her hand, I quickly transformed my hand into my phoenix claw and thrust it into her chest, crushing her heart from within. Shock and terror were evident on her face as her mouth fell open, and she collapsed to the ground.

Chopper screamed in terror before a massive amount of killing intent leaked out of him, surprising even me as he transformed into his monster form and charged at me with a gigantic fist.

Before the fist could reach my halfway he was suddenly engulfed with lightning as Soar was standing on his head. He simply fell down with eyes going back of his head.

The smell of burned flesh and fur had engulfed the hut. Soar seemed to take special dislike to it as he held his nose and run towards exit. He still needed better control over his senses, because having enhanced smell has its advantages, most time than not its a curse.

I then felt a movement in the pocket of my cloak, and when I took it out, I saw that the mushroom had now transformed into a devil fruit.

Killing was nothing new for me, but I realized I had been going a bit overboard recently. I seemed to take life as easily as one would pluck flowers, feeling nothing for them. But then again, it wasn't as if they held any meaning for me in this world; it was nothing strange, and I did it for a greater purpose.