
Reborn as an op kitten

I was just an ordinary guy walking home from work when all of a sudden. "beeeeeb" "Crash" And all I saw was black. I woke up some time later to a strange screen floating before my eyes. | ~Evolution System~ | | Name: Entity 196784 | | Race: Common house cat(Kitten) | | Magical Affinities: None | | Gender: Female | | Level: 0/30 | | Exp: 0/100 | | Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 100 | | Stats: | | Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 | | Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 | | Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 | | Unique abilities: | | ◇Evolution System◇ | | ◇Appraisal◇ | | ◇Inventory◇ | | ◇Natural Magic◇ | | ◇Double Exp◇ | | skills: None | | Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 | [Welcome to your new life] "Wait why the hell am I a cat and a female one at that!!!!!"

Set63773628 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Lesser Earth elemental part 1

A while later Kanthari stops in front of a completely different gate to the one we usually go through.

I come to the realization that we came to this gate for transportation when I see a bunch of carriages parked outside.

'Wont the carriages be to expensive for us Kanthari. We don't have that much money yet do we.' I ask in confusion.

"Oh dont worry about the money it is not actually that expensive. It only costs 5 copper for a ride there so when we complete the quest we will have earned it back ten times over." answered Kanthari unfazed by my question.

Kanthari walks up to one of the guys with a carriage and pays him five copper for the trip there.

Kanthari gets into the carriage and puts me down on the seat next to her. But as soon as she sits down I jump onto her lap and lie down in comfortable bliss.

"Ahhhh!! You are just so cute sometimes you know that Ciara."

Hearing what Kanthari said I start purring in smug happiness.

The carriage ride goes very quickly with us just spending the time talking and getting to know each other better.

*knock, knock*

"I am sorry to interrupt your conversation with yourself but we have arrived so can you please exit the carriage."

I laugh a little as I jump of Kanthari's lap and walk out the carriage as he must have thought she is crazy talking to herself.

'So how are we going to find the lesser earth elemental.'

"We will just ask the villagers where it was spotted as they were the ones to post the quest so they must have seen it."

'That makes sense I guess.'

We walk around the village asking around for any information and are eventually told to go to the village herbalist as she was the one to post the quest.

A few directions later and we arrive in front of a house that looked the same as the others in the village. It has wooden walls with a roof made out of thatch. All in all it had a pretty disappointing appearance on the outside. But when we walked inside I gasped in shock for it was just so surprising.

The floors and walls was absolutely covered in different types of herbs. Everywhere I looked I could see a different type of plant, It was one of the messiest room I had ever seen.

"Hello anyone there. We were told we could find the herbalist here."

Just after Kanthari finishes speaking I see a pile of leaves in the back of the shop start shaking. Out of the heap of plant matter steps one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She even manages to make her rather lackluster clothes look good on her. She has dark crimson hair and bright blue eyes that stair directly into your soul.

"And why might you be looking for me?" asks the women in a melodious voice. "Do you need a salve perhaps or are you just here to bug me."

While I am still staring at her in shock Kanthari manages to reply.

"Oh no we are definitely not here to bug you we just want to know where the lesser earth elemental you posted a quest for is."

"Thank God!! I thought no one was ever going to take that quest. I had actually already given up hope." She shouts with the biggest smile I have ever seen. " I can lead you to it. It is located in the forest around the area I collect my herbs from which is why I am so happy about this."

I see Kanthari smile slightly at her enthusiastic response which makes me feel warm inside.

"Then we will happily take you up on your offer for you to take us there if it isnt too much trouble."

"Definitely not, This is the least I can do for you, I am just so happy that someone is going to finally get rid of this annoying creature. Oh and my name is Elena by the way."

She starts to walk out towards the forest while continuing to talk enthusiastically to us.

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