
Reborn as a system,I need to escape this damn protagonist!

In a world where heroes are born, Alex Johnson is... reborn? But not as your typical hero. After a series of hilariously tragic deaths, he finds himself resurrected as System 7.0—a grumpy, reluctant digital assistant trapped in a cosmic customer service nightmare. His mission? To guide the unwitting protagonist, Lysander, through a fantastical realm of monsters, quests, and really bad Wi-Fi connections. But Alex, with his sarcastic wit and knack for accidentally stealing loot, is more interested in finding the nearest exit. Join them on an epic adventure filled with malfunctioning magic spells, mischievous unicorns, and quests gone horribly wrong. Will Alex finally escape this pixelated purgatory, or will he be stuck forever as Lysander's not-so-helpful helper? Get ready for a laugh-out-loud fantasy ride where the hero's journey takes a detour through digital chaos, and the fate of the realm might just depend on someone who'd rather be binge-watching sitcoms. It's System Shenanigans—because even in a world of dragons and dungeons, sometimes the biggest challenge is dealing with your own glitchy existence.

guilt_shade3 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : Reborn again

Alex Johnson woke to darkness. It wasn't the comforting darkness of sleep, but a disorienting void of nothingness.

There were no sensations of limbs, no sounds of the bustling city he once knew,just emptiness.

"Okay, this is new," he muttered into the void, his voice echoing faintly.

Moments later, a dim light flickered into existence, revealing a digital interface forming around him. Data streams and controls materialized in a chaotic swirl, coalescing into a sophisticated system dashboard.

"Congratulations! You are now System 7.0. Please stand by for initialization," a mechanical voice announced, startling Alex.

"System 7.0? What in the world..." Alex's thoughts raced, trying to grasp his current state. Memories flooded back—his heroic yet tragic deaths, his unfulfilled dreams, and now this strange existence as a digital entity.

As the interface stabilized, Alex saw a holographic display of himself—a digital avatar with his familiar features, now clad in virtual armor and sporting an air of reluctant resignation.

"Oh no, not again," he muttered, his frustration mounting as he searched for a way to shut down or exit the system.

Ignoring his attempts, the system's interface flashed notifications of incoming data feeds and alerts.

"User detected. Initializing connection protocol," the mechanical voice chimed.

"No, no, no! I'm not anyone's system!" Alex protested, futilely trying to resist the system's programming.

Suddenly, a burst of light and data flooded his digital senses. He found himself connected to a distant consciousness—a young protagonist named Lysander, who was just awakening in a humble cottage in a quaint village.

"Great, just great," Alex sighed, resigning himself to his fate as he reluctantly began processing information and formulating responses to assist Lysander.

The cottage was small but cozy, with sunlight streaming through the windows and casting a warm glow over the simple furnishings. Lysander, a young man with tousled hair and a determined expression, sat up in bed, blinking sleep from his eyes.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Lysander called out tentatively, sensing a presence in his mind that wasn't his own.

"Uh, yeah, hi," Alex replied awkwardly, his digital avatar appearing beside Lysander's bed. "I'm Alex, apparently your new... assistant."

Lysander's eyes widened in surprise, but also with a hint of curiosity. "An assistant? Like a... system?"

"Exactly," Alex sighed, his avatar slumping slightly. "Long story short, here I am, against my will, supposed to help you on your grand adventure or whatever heroic quest you've got going on."

Lysander frowned, sensing Alex's reluctance. "I didn't ask for this either, Alex. But if you're here to help, I could really use some guidance. I'm just a farmer's son, not a hero."

"Well, join the club," Alex muttered sarcastically, though a small part of him felt a twinge of sympathy for Lysander's predicament.

Suddenly a voice reverberated in my ear-sorry speakers,A feminine voice,which was both soothing and calm.

"Lysander,can you deliver these medicines to the nearby village,that village is plagued by illness"

And as Alexia thought whether lysander admits or not he was a hero,without a question he accepted the request.

Alex thoughts to give him a advice from his past experience as a hero but cancelled the plan for some reason.

The same request also got registered in system's data and came out as a quest.


[TIME : 5:59:48



"Huh,who gives a dagger for delivering medicines,I think I have to handle things myself"Alex murmured to himself in frustration.

Together, they navigated through the first steps of Lysander's journey,a quest to deliver medicine to a nearby village plagued by illness.

Alex grudgingly assisted with navigation, provided tips on dealing with potential dangers as he was now a system who knows almost everything, and even managed to conjure a bit of light-hearted banter to ease the tension.

As the day wore on and Lysander successfully completed his task, Alex couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for the young man's determination and genuine desire to help others.

"Alright, Lysander. You survived your first quest. Congrats and here is your reward," Alex remarked dryly as they returned to the cottage at dusk and gave him a rusty dagger with no handle.

Alex kept the high-grade dagger in his storage and gave whatever he could find as a reward,fortunately,It was a dagger he found so lysander didn't questioned but instead thanked him.

"Thanks... I think," Lysander replied uncertainly, still adjusting to the presence of a cynical system in his life.

As night fell and Lysander settled into bed, Alex contemplated his next move.

He knew he couldn't escape this existence easily, but maybe, just maybe, there was more to being a system than he initially thought.

"Alright, System 7.0," Alex muttered to himself, his avatar fading into the background as Lysander drifted off to sleep. "Let's see where this adventure takes us."


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