
Reborn as a system,I need to escape this damn protagonist!

In a world where heroes are born, Alex Johnson is... reborn? But not as your typical hero. After a series of hilariously tragic deaths, he finds himself resurrected as System 7.0—a grumpy, reluctant digital assistant trapped in a cosmic customer service nightmare. His mission? To guide the unwitting protagonist, Lysander, through a fantastical realm of monsters, quests, and really bad Wi-Fi connections. But Alex, with his sarcastic wit and knack for accidentally stealing loot, is more interested in finding the nearest exit. Join them on an epic adventure filled with malfunctioning magic spells, mischievous unicorns, and quests gone horribly wrong. Will Alex finally escape this pixelated purgatory, or will he be stuck forever as Lysander's not-so-helpful helper? Get ready for a laugh-out-loud fantasy ride where the hero's journey takes a detour through digital chaos, and the fate of the realm might just depend on someone who'd rather be binge-watching sitcoms. It's System Shenanigans—because even in a world of dragons and dungeons, sometimes the biggest challenge is dealing with your own glitchy existence.

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Alex Johnson was an ordinary person living in the bustling city of Metropolis.

He worked as an IT specialist at a mid-sized tech firm, known for his kind-hearted nature and tendency to get involved in peculiar, yet harmless situations.

His fascination with heroism stemmed from childhood, filled with comic books and superhero movies, making him eager to intervene in minor incidents, often to humorous effect.

One autumn morning, Alex walked to work amidst the lively city atmosphere.

Passing through a park, he noticed a small crowd gathered around a tree.

A distressed woman pointed to her cat stranded high up.

Though concerned murmurs spread through the crowd, no one stepped forward to help.

"All right, Alex," he thought to himself, "time to channel your inner Spider-Man. Piece of cake."

Seizing the chance to be a hero, Alex sprang into action. He assured the woman he would rescue her cat, despite lacking climbing experience.

Fueled by determination and adrenaline, he climbed the tree branch by branch, with the crowd watching nervously.

As Alex climbed higher, he realized the branches were thinner and more precarious than expected. His heart raced, but he pressed on, driven by his heroic aspirations.

"Great idea, Alex. Climbing a tree in your office attire. Very professional," he thought, suppressing a nervous chuckle.

Reaching the branch where the cat perched, the frightened animal hissed and backed away, complicating the rescue.

"Easy there, Garfield. We're in this together," Alex thought, struggling to maintain balance while extending his hand toward the cat.

With careful effort, Alex managed to grab the cat, prompting applause from below. Holding the cat securely, he began his descent.

However, the branch beneath him snapped as he shifted weight, sending Alex and the cat plummeting to the ground.

"Well, this was going to be one for the books," Alex thought as fear and resignation mixed in his mind.

In a desperate attempt to shield the cat, Alex twisted mid-air to absorb the fall's impact. He landed with a thud, the cat safely in his arms.

Despite severe pain shooting through his body, the crowd approached, horrified yet awed by his selflessness.

An ambulance arrived promptly, rushing Alex to the hospital.

The cat returned unharmed to its owner, but Alex sustained multiple injuries, including a fractured spine and internal bleeding.

His condition remained critical as he underwent surgery.

"Lucky cat. Maybe I should've aimed to land on my feet," Alex mused wryly as paramedics wheeled him into the ambulance.

Drifting in and out of consciousness in the hospital, Alex reflected on his life choices. Childhood dreams of heroism, numerous rescues, and a desire to make a difference flooded his thoughts.

Despite the pain, he found fulfillment knowing he had stayed true to his ideals, even at the risk of his life.

"Note to self: next life, maybe aim for being a desk hero or villian instead," he joked inwardly, diverting his mind from the pain.

After hours in surgery, Alex's condition stabilized but remained grave. Family and friends gathered at his bedside, their faces filled with concern and admiration. They shared stories of Alex's heroic acts—rescuing lost dogs, assisting elderly neighbors—that brought laughter and tears, even in his dire state.

"At least they'll have something to laugh about at my funeral," Alex thought weakly, appreciating humor amid adversity.

As Alex's consciousness faded, he found peace, dreaming of soaring like his childhood heroes.

He took solace knowing he had lived a heroic life in his own way.

"Not a bad run, Alex. Not bad at all," he thought, taking his final breath.

Alex woke to the sounds of clucking, surrounded by a chicken coop.

Looking down, he saw his hands covered in feathers. Confused and slightly amused, he realized he had been reincarnated as a chicken.

"Oh great, I died a hero and got reincarnated as a chicken. This has to be some cosmic joke," he thought.

Struggling to stand on his new chicken legs, Alex wobbled and nearly toppled over.

The other chickens paid no mind, pecking at the ground as if nothing unusual had happened.

Alex puffed out his feathered chest, contemplating his new reality.

"Well, Alex, you wanted to be a hero. Now you're a hero with wings. Sort of," he mused, flapping his wings experimentally.

In the days that followed, Alex adjusted to life as a chicken, learning the pecking order and avoiding confrontations with a grumpy rooster. Despite his circumstances, Alex maintained his hero complex, known among the chickens for his brave, albeit unnecessary, acts.

Once, he even stood bravely between a hen and a curious fox, flapping his wings and squawking loudly.

"If only my colleagues could see me now," he thought proudly as the fox retreated, more puzzled than scared.

During a stormy night, lightning struck a nearby tree, sending a branch crashing toward a nest of chicks. Without hesitation, Alex rushed to shield them, taking the brunt of the branch's impact.

"Déjà vu. At least this time, I didn't fall from a tree," he thought as consciousness slipped away again...


Hello guys starting new novel today with a very fresh and new idea,this novel will be the most funniest novel you have ever read but I don't know if i will continue this or not obviously it will depend on your support.

And I hope you got the rough idea of the personality of the protagonist so...well,I have only this much to say..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

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