
Reborn as a devil fruit

Our dear young Mc like many others managed to get three wishes with the chance to go to another universe. However, he might have made a slight mistake in his wordings when he made his wishes, bringing him to a situation he clearly did not predict... P.S. I own nothing besides Mc and some stupid jokes I make. and yes, the jokes are necessary. I have no control over them . P.S.4 As I am a noob author, I would appreciate the feedback from you guys, and do tell me my mistakes. P.S.5 already warned you about the stupid jokes. yes, it starts from here. brace yourself!

Baldysalino · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

New Discoveries: there are no cookies in the Dark side

The first thing I discovered was that something…felt different. I couldn't quite put my hand on what it was, but I knew for sure something had changed.

The second thing I noticed was that I was slowly getting used to being transported to somewhere weird after getting knocked out by something or someone. The very thought of it scared me…I very much like my normal sleep thank you! If you're going to kidnap me, at least have the courtesy to take me on a date or something first!

Hmmm…something is strange. Usually, around this time I would start to gain my consciousness, and be confronted by something unordinary to entertain…someone? I don't know who, but at least I hope all my suffering so far has made someone happy.

But this time, I am still only feeling and seeing darkness. No, would it be more accurate to describe it as nothingness?

Everything is quiet…too quiet. I can't hear anything, whether it be noises from outside, or from my own body.

The sounds of my breath, my heart beating on my chest. The sounds of my organs working, the blood coursing through my body, I… I couldn't hear any of it!

It was as if my body was no longer made out of physical material…

Time passed by. I have no idea how long, has it been a minute? A day? A month? I had no idea, I didn't have anything to compare it with. All I could see was darkness…the never-ending black void surrounding me. I no longer know if I am standing, sitting, or lying down. Heck, I was even starting to doubt my own existence…

Maybe I am just in the stages of birth? You know, maybe I am just a sperm right now. Yeah, that's it! I am a sperm inside a man or woman's body! Now all I had to do was to find a female egg, and make a fetus! And then be reborn! That's how rebirth works right?! I had read some stories where the protagonist was reincarnated as a fetus! That must be it! HA HA HA!

(A/N: uh…he is fiiiiine. Oh, you're asking if he is fine mentally? Oh, hell no. The man thinks he is a sperm!)

Time passed by. Once again I have no idea how long. Back when I was on earth…Huh. Funny how I longer call it home, but earth. But never mind, moving on, I had heard about a place called the most silent place in the world. They say if you spend 30 minutes in that room it will drive you crazy. Some even say it feels like a coffin! As there is no sound, you just can't feel the amount of space you have in the room. It feels as if you are cornered by walls surrounding you from all sides.

Then only 15 minutes must have passed based on that point of view! Cause I am feeling as sane as ever! Ha Ha Ha! Or I am just super strong mentally!

(A/N: based on the very beginning of the story, I am very doubtful. Press X to doubt)

There is one thing people won't know until they have absolutely nothing to do. The fact that just how much time they have on hand once there is nothing to do…once you sit in a corner for hours with nothing to do, subconsciously you start looking for things you can make yourself busy with.

Some would start making a wacky story in their heads, others would start making theories about things they had once seen. For example, would Goku really clap anyone? What if he was born somewhere else? Like, if Goku was born in one punch man, would he win against Saitama? And so on and so forth.

Oh, you're asking what I did? I started making this conservation with myself. I mean, there is no one else to talk to right? After all, you don't even exist. You're just another me who I am talking to, made to relieve me of my boredom and keep me from losing my sanity. Haha.

As time passed, I started to feel something different…as if there is a dome around me where I can sense all my surroundings. Well, all the nothingness around me. Huh, you never knew you could actually feel nothing, in its literal sense! Haha! Guess it takes years of practice to do so like me! Or maybe months? Not sure.

But none of that matters, because now, I…I could finally FEEL my body! I could finally feel my arms moving around, my legs moving, my head turning! I could feel it all! Never knew I could miss the feeling of flipping my middle finger to someone!

Laughing like a maniac, I started running around, flipping my middle finger to the absolute void around me!

(A/N: Hey, what the heck man, why you flipping me like that! You know what, F you too! *starts flipping both middle fingers*)

Tears of joy started falling down my cheeks. I finally had some ideas of what was going on. I am certainly not a sperm or a fetus. Probably I was never sent to my destination, or perhaps some things happened during the transportation and interrupted my landing. I knew something was fishy about that guy! Well, besides his head that is.

Now that I had something to do, well more like actually knowing what I am doing, I started to train and move around my new body to see what exactly is different with it.

For the first test, I decided to go for a run to see how fast I was. And I made fascinating discoveries! Absolutely mind-blowing! I!... I have absolutely not a single clue how fast I am.

Usually, when you run, there is something to compare yourself to. A person jogging with you in a park (C/A: on your left.) or even the feel of the wind on your face could tell you how fast you're running. In here? The only thing I had to compare my speed to was nothing. So in other words, I had nothing to compare myself with. Which is getting very confusing, because I have nothing to compare with, which means I have something to compare with, which means..uh.

But I did notice something this time! My body is actually no longer made out of physical material, but it's made out of something…liquidy? Particles? Waves? I can't quite describe it. It kinda feels like shock waves coursing through my body instead of blood. Don't ask me how it works, because I have absolutely no idea how either.

I stopped focusing on my body and brought my attention back to the weird dome of sight around me. I had a brilliant idea in mind! Maybe if I could expand this dome, I could make it large enough to help me find an exit around here, right! I mean, there definitely should be an exit, since I had to enter here somehow.

So I started practicing. Hours, days, months, years even. Time passed. All I did was sit in the middle of the void, focusing on my dome. At times, I tried to see a bit outside of my dome. To expand it. To feel more, bit by bit. At other times, I made my dome smaller, as small as possible, and maximized my focus on a single part of my body. To see more, to increase the details. And let me tell you, by using this technique, I looked like I have a HUGE DI-BONK! Ouch! Where the heck did that bonk come from?!

(A/N: no horny.)

My domain slowly started expanding. Now, I could feel 5km away from my body in full detail! And 10 km away if I focused only on expanding the domain! It would have been so amazing if I WOULD GET ANY NEW CLUES ABOUT THIS HELL HOLE! #()*$&*(#%! .

Frustrated, I started breathing heavily. All my hard work, all of this patience for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Something finally snapped in me. Rage covered my eyes, I wanted nothing but to punch something.

"AHHH!" I shouted from the top of my lungs, bringing my fists towards the ground from the top of my head "HULK, SMASH!"

And smash I did. And it definitely didn't go as I expected which was what I expected as things never go as I expected so…I expected it to go out of my expectations?!

(A/N: ???)

Upon contact of my fist to the ground, blue cracks started to form, as if the void itself was cracking. It started to spread around like a massive blue spiderweb for over a hundred meters, spreading massive shockwaves all around. For a second, the entire void started to shake, before stabilizing to its original state. And While all of this was happening, I was staring in front, not moving. My body started to shake out of excitement, not because of all the events that had transpired just now, no. I was too occupied with something else…

I felt something. Something new. Not my body, not void, no, something else.

"What is this sense of comfort surrounding my entire body! It feels… so soft, so squishy. A little wet, so… nice. And so… smelly?! Huh?!" I blinked a couple of times and used my dome to sense the surroundings from the new pathway I just discovered.

"Hmm, let's see… WHY THE HELL AM I IN A PILE OF SH*T!"



Phew, that one took some time to finish. Not sure if I used too many notes in that chapter, I wanted to keep the comedy up. Also, don't worry about the fact that he got too strong too fast, there is a reason why his output is so much compared to the normal devil fruit user, which I will explain in later chapters.

Also, yes that dome is Kenbunshoku no Haki, he did unlock it. Why? Cause look at Fujitora, that man's kenbunshoku is so strong cause he is blind, Mc had nothing to feel. No sight, no sense of smell, no hearing, nothing. So it makes sense for it to develop fast.

Alright, that's enough ranting from me! As usual, I would appreciate comments about the work and your ideas, see you later!