
Reborn as a devil fruit

Our dear young Mc like many others managed to get three wishes with the chance to go to another universe. However, he might have made a slight mistake in his wordings when he made his wishes, bringing him to a situation he clearly did not predict... P.S. I own nothing besides Mc and some stupid jokes I make. and yes, the jokes are necessary. I have no control over them . P.S.4 As I am a noob author, I would appreciate the feedback from you guys, and do tell me my mistakes. P.S.5 already warned you about the stupid jokes. yes, it starts from here. brace yourself!

Baldysalino · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Having a fishy conservation with a god

"Ah, my head!" I said as I struggled to open my eyes.

I was staring at what I assumed was a red ceiling. I grunted and tried to sit up, and my head was struck with a sharp pain. "Ouch! Why does my head hurt so much?!" I yelled.

"Oh well, of course, I assume that is related to how you died." I jumped up out of surprise. In Front of me was a…man? Lying down on a red bed with black metallic frames.

"Is it perhaps that you didn't know of the occurrences before your death? Well, it's not that strange, some forget about their death due to head injury, or just rather forget about what had happened to them before they died."

He started a burst of mild laughter, as if amused "there was even one time where we had to transport a soul that had died due to being struck by a higher existence's "white water of life" if you catch what I mean. That one made an uproar between all of us. I was trying very hard to not laugh at the poor guy's face while we were transporting him. Do you know what the funniest part was? He got reincarnated as a white slime, hahaha!" I didn't say anything and just stared at him trying to comprehend what in the world was going on.

You might think what was so odd that made me so surprised, well besides the weird story I just heard. To that, I must say you would most certainly be surprised as well if you saw a man with a fish head talking to you while lying down on a bed in a business suit, in a room which very much looked like a sex dungeon made for people with BDSM fetish. You know, the red room, weird bed with chains attached to the end of it, weird devices on the corner, candles, the whole pack. Don't ask me how I am familiar with it, rather not tell. I rather not get tied up with things of the past.

Moving on, while I was contemplating on the weird scene in front of me, and whether or not bleach could wipe my memory of this, the fish businessman jumped out of the bed into the air, rotated midair, and landed perfectly in front of me.

The fishy man raised his hands into the air and out of nowhere, pieces of colorful confetti popped up behind him.

"CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG MAN! I am proud to present to you the chance of reincarnation with three wishes, in your favorite world of one piece! A true masterpiece!"


"Let me explain: us higher beings get really bored after a while. I mean, living for a few millennia doing the same things over and over gets exhausting. So every once in a while, we gather to 'test' a random victi-ehem, hero on a planet. You are one of the chosen ones! Feel free to pride yourself over this." he said, as if being a 'chosen one' was of extreme high honor.

I am not so sure about that, cause all I was thinking about was how his fish head was talking.

He continued on with excitement "You managed to live for 36 minutes since the start of the curs-TEST, although the obstacles were minuscule and not of much threat, it's still a record time!" he started whispering 'beside the slipper, even I don't want to be hit by that'

'Did he just say they cursed me to death?! And what was that about the slipper?!' I thought to myself.

"The rule is that you will get one wish every ten minutes mark! And if you get past the one-hour mark, you get to choose where to reincarnate!"

"What happens if I don't get past the ten minutes mark?" I asked. His dead fish eyes somehow got even deader than before "You don't want nor need to know about that…".

Suddenly he sprang back to his cheerful attitude and continued "you now have the chance of reincarnating into one piece, with three wishes of your choosing".

"Why one piece? Do I have another option to choose from?"

"No, if you had managed to survive longer we would have given you the option, however, you did not. And as for why? Well, of course, it's a beautiful world dominated by fish! And as a fellow fish god, I have been presented the opportunity to direct this world!" he said.

I did not have any problems with this choice of world, it seemed like a fun place with friendship and adventure, sure it could be dangerous but I had three wishes didn't I? So I asked the weird fish man "What are the limits to my wishes? Can I choose whatever I want?"

"The wishes are limited to what there is in that world, for example, you can't wish to have chakra, or nen. Asking for objects from another world is also forbidden, we don't want to destroy the balance of that world now, do we?"

With this new information, I started contemplating on what I needed for survival. The Fish man waited for me to decide upon my wishes, with what I hoped was a smile.

After several minutes, I had finally decided. "For my first wish, I want to have the most destructive power available!" He seemed a bit surprised, and asked me "Are you sure about your choice?"

"Yes, all protagonists and strong characters on the top list were there because of their amount of explosive power, not their delicate strategy and technique. Just look at Saitama! That man was the definition of simple, but strong!"

"For my second wish, I want to be immortal!" I continued. He took a posture of thinking and started rubbing his chin, and after a while, he replied "I can't make you fully immortal. However, you will respawn in another location upon death, and if certain conditions of attack such as extreme spiritual damage are done, you will die permanently. Is that fine with you?"

I immediately replied yes to him. It was already more than what I would hope for, in a world like one piece if one were to truly explore it, having the ability to survive was a must.

The Fish guy asked "what is your final wish? Just tell me and let's get this over with, since the first two wishes are of high cost, you can only ask for a small thing next."

"What?! That was not part of the deal!"

"So? You're already asking too much. Just say it and be done with it." he said as he started to look annoyed.

I sighed, it was worth a shot to argue anyways. I finally decided and said "For my last wish, _.,..,. "

"What?! Speak louder! Even an ant sitting on your face couldn't hear that!"

"I SAID I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE! HAPPY?!" I said while my face was turning red from embarrassment.

"If I am going to live forever, I rather have a guarantee to have a companion! Who knows if I would be reincarnated into a slave or something!"

He looked at me for a few seconds with an expression I couldn't make anything out of, and said "sure, whatever works for you." and continued something under his breath that I didn't manage to hear 'dumbass'.

He clapped his hands together, and said cheerfully "Now that everything is set, have a fun trip!" and I felt as if the world was spinning around. I wasn't sure that the siren I was hearing was due to me spinning too fast, or an alarm just went off. I could barely hear a voice in the distance saying "INTRUDER ALERT! WE HAVE A MISSING SOUL IN THE REINCARNATION DEPARTMENT!". The fish man smiled and said, "oops! Looks like that's my queue to leave, have fun over there! And try to make sure not to let your life 'slip' away this time, alright?"

(A/N: see what I did there? Hehe, slipper reference)

Before I could do anything and ask him what the hell was going on, everything started blurring around me and I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was the fish man shaking his hands to say goodbye to while disappearing to thin air, and the doors to the Sex dungeon slamming open for guards to rush in.


and that's it for this chapter! I would appreciate comments about it and want to know your opinion about the change in perspective. Also, whoever guesses first on how exactly did Mc screwed up and what's going to happen gets a cookie! pretty sure I made enough hints though, hehe. 

Baldysalinocreators' thoughts