

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

A Different Point of view... And Endless power...

~ Darles' Pov ~




'I'm tired of this. Why did it have to be 𝘩𝘪𝘮? Out of everyone the king chose, he chose me...' I cried.

I just wished I wasn't this powerful. I wished my mom could've told him no... but even she didn't. She was just like the king, lost in her quest for material and social gain. A pity...

I wished I wasn't this smart to know about these things, but being the king's bride I wasn't exactly supposed to be dumb. I needed, no. I 𝒉𝒂𝒅 to be smart. So they forced me to study. Luckily for me, I was quick-witted so things came swiftly. The scientists even praised my intellect as being far beyond that of my pairs...

But... My own mother, why couldn't she be considerate like most other mothers, who care about their children? The only good thing about her was her charm, which apparently rivaled that of the queen... Either way. It wasn't as if we were at war with the Arcosians or Tuffles, that ended a generation ago, and now we barely had any crisis at hand.

I sighed to myself frustrated at my life. I wish I didn't have to marry that bastard of a prince. But such is tradition. We saiyans grew up too quickly... The traditions barely changed. If you're weak, you are looked down upon. If you were strong, you were respected. Plain and simple.

The stronger you are as a female, the more the saiyan opposing sex likes you. It's literally in their very genes to do so, but it was dwindling... I just wished it could have been anybody else. Someone kind. Someone who didn't see me as an object of making hiers...

'... If I could choose anyone, it would definitely be him...' I thought.

For reasons unknown, my mind crossed towards Daiko. The other 'super genius' of this generation.

He wasn't like the rest of the male saiyans or boys his age. He was incredibly smart, even smarter than me. He's also the one I've been watching since day one... I noticed that he was a hard worker. There was never a day he didn't train or study.

His results paid off in the end. He had gained more knowledge than any adult I've seen. His combat prowess being just the same...

Though what was most interesting about him was that he always kept to himself. He was quiet but unusually kind. He never lashed out at the kids that spoke down to him, if they tried to fight him. He would simply defend himself but never attack...

He was... the closest thing a saiyan would not want to be, or follow. What was interesting about him were his eyes... I Remember staring at him quite frequently because of it. They were like blue crystals. The other girls my age had their small 'crushes' on him because of his looks. But he shrugged them off when they tried to 'get his hand in marriage'...

However what frustrated me the most. Was when he was sent off the planet. Being the Prince's wed. I had known the mission he was given after some asking around. I was furious. It was obvious what was happening.

The king. He was getting rid of Daiko. The reasons were as clear as glass to me. Potential... Any saiyan make that showed potential had been sent off the world, never to return again. It's obvious that they died. Given missions with likely false reports. The saiyans that went, arrived ill-prepared for what faced them...

And now it's been three weeks since that very day I last saw him, and reports say he'll be gone for the next couple of years...

'I need to stop dwelling on the past. He's as good as dead.' But thinking this, my mind betrayed my heart. I for some reason wondered why he took the mission. With his low level of power and the statistics of the planet, it was simply impossible for him to come back alive...

I got up off my bed. Deciding I needed someone to talk with...





~ Omni Pov ~




Darles walked out of her home, seemingly with no aim. As she passed the kitchen. Her mother looked at her daughter leaving.

"Darles? Where are you going now?" Her mother asked.

"I'm going to the castle, Mother... I'll be back soon," Darles responded, not wanting to be there a second longer.


"tch! Worthless little bitch. I won't need you soon enough..." The mother said to herself. Her stare now completely indifferent...




As Darles made her way to the castle, she passed by the prince and the king...

'... They must have been training earlier... no wonder I felt the spike of energy earlier...'

She then bowed quickly.

"My King... Husband, It's good to see you both." She said. Her movements were robotic to a tea.

Ignoring what she, the king asked. "Darles? What might you be doing here?" The king asked.

"I came to speak privately with my queen..." Darles responded.

The king hearing this, simply raised an eyebrow.

"What could you and the queen be discussing doing privately?" The king asked.

Hearing the question, she had to think for a bit...

"Come on, speak!" The king said, his curiosity taking a turn for the worst.

"You see... My king, our discussions have to do with..." Darles said, looking towards the prince.

Realizing what she was talking about, the king scoffed.

"A very unwise decision, the queen doesn't have much expertise in that area... but you can go." The king said, motioning the prince to follow along...

P. Vegeta didn't understand much, but from the way, he saw her look at him. He figured it was with good intentions.

They both left. Darles then continued on her way, shaking her head in a disappointing manner.




Darles approached the queen's chambers. She knocked on the doors.

*Knock~* Knock~*

"Come!" The voice shouted.

The chamber doors opened. The queen seeing the familiar face approach, her normal cold expression turned to a tender one...

"Darles? Came to have another talk?" Rosetta asked.

"Yes, my queen... This time it might be a bit, personal..." Darles stated.

The queen seeing the look in the child's eyes prepared herself...

"What do you need answers to Darles..." The queen asked in a melancholic tone.

Darles, breathed in, her heart was racing. The questions she might ask now might let her get killed but she needed to know what to do from 'here'...

"My queen... why did you wed the king?" Darles asked.

The queen looked at the little girl she had spoken with many times before...

'She must be asking because she's going through the same thing... To marry so young is truly hard on such a bright child...' Rosetta thought.

"It wasn't by choice little one... It was an oath between my parents and the Kings. Unluckily for me, both my parents died on a mission. My mother 2 years after my father..." The queen said looking down. Her dark orbs showing great grief...

Darles understood. As young as she was, she could see that the queen spoke of a sore topic, and she had done it just for her...

"I'm... sorry for asking my queen." Darles bowed and apologise.

"It's fine little one. I can't imagine going through though... I married the king when I was 16 years old while he was 23, yet you and my son are engaged at the tender ages before 10..." Rosetta stated saddened.

Darles simply nodded.

"My queen, do you love the king?" Darles asked.

The queen stiffened at the question, thinking for a bit. She then turned towards Darles...

"... No... It wasn't about love, it was about my promise to my parents... Love for the king never existed, not much anyway." The queen mumbled.

"I see... I figured that was the case... Did you by any chance love anyone before the king?"Darles asked, curious.

The queen turned towards her.

"A lot of questions today, hmm? But yes... his name was Rize... he was my first 'crush' if you will." The queen said, with an unknown reminiscing smile gracing her features.

Seeing the queen's reaction, Darles stopped there, not wanting to spoil the mood...

"Since you asked me this, it's fair I ask you a question as well, right?" The queen said.

Darles nodded hesitantly, wondering what the queen wanted to ask her of all people.

Smiling, the queen asked... "Has there ever been a boy that has piqued your interest?" The queen asked.

Darles looked confused at the question.

"Well... not really my queen. No offense, but your son isn't the nicest of boys... if I had to say I loved anyone or came close to it. That person would be... Daiko." Darles hesitantly admitted. She was getting a little embarrassed about speaking out loud.

The queen simply chuckled at the child's response.

"I understand you... my son. He's just like his father, a carbon copy if I do say so myself. The only difference was that he was definitely more handsome than his father. Though..." The queen looked cheekily at the little girl.

But the queen's face saddened a bit.

"Daiko... I wouldn't consider you wrong. The boy is special. Anyone with half a brain can see that, but he is foolish..." The queen said with a bit of frustration.

But she quickly composed herself...

"Still, I said asked earlier if anybody piqued your interest... Not if you 'loved/liked' them. You, my dear, are much too young for that, despite your concerning amount of wisdom and knowledge..." The queen chided. Smiling

Hearing the queen, Darles blushed blood red, embarrassed.

The queen had gotten her like a fish had caught bait.

However, just as Darles was about to answer.

They both sensed something... Ominous...


"My queen!... D-Do you sense that!?" Darles was the first to ask, her body trembling.

The queen said nothing but immediately ran out to her balcony looking at the sky...

'It couldn't be... This energy... It feels just like... Daiko's own!' The queen thought, her eyes widening at the power being displayed. Not only that, it was rising exponentially each second!

"I-It feels familiar... I'm sure of it... B-but who could it belong to?" Darles asked.









