

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The genius gone...

~ Omni Pov, On planet Vegeta ~







"COME ON PRINCE! YOU'LL NEVER HIT ME WITH THOSE SLOPPY ATTACKS!!" King Vegeta mocked. He dodged more blows from his son with little difficulty...

"Shut up old man!" The little prince rebutted, his punch diverting from its original course, from aiming towards his face to his liver.

*Catches it!*

They both stop dead in their tracks, covered with sweat.

"Not bad son, not bad. You're getting better every day. That last attack 𝙖𝙡𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩

had me" The king smiled, proudly.

"*TSK!* I'll get you one day, Father... It's only a matter of time before I surpass you, and it'll be within the next couple of years. I guarantee it!" Prince Vegeta said, smiling cockily.

The king hearing his son's reply simply scoffed while smiling.

"You are my pride and joy, Prince Vegeta, make no mistake. BUT! You are 20 years too early to surpass me, little prince." The king said to his only son.

But the king's thoughts were much more humble...

'Vegeta... you are already growing at an unbelievable rate... I have no doubt you will surpass your father...' King Vegeta thought.

"Come boy, it is time to check your power level, it's been almost a month has it not?" The king said. Stroking his beard.

Prince Vegeta nodded.

"I haven't checked my level of power as yet, and it's a good time as ever to do so. I want to see how much stronger I've gotten this past 3 weeks." The prince added.

They both left the training room.

However, on the way to the power-level testing area, the prince strikes up a discussion...

"Father... it's been three weeks since 'he', has been gone... What I can't figure out is why... Why send him and not me?..." The prince asked. The question sounded as if it lurked o his mind.

The king hearing the question kept his silence. Thinking of what to say to his son... After coming up with a reasonable enough response, he turned his child, stroking his hair.

"Little Vegeta, do you know why this planet is named after us?" The king asked.

Prince Vegeta raised his eyebrows at what his father said. Wondering what this had to do with what he had asked.

"...It's because our bloodline is the longest lasting... For 18 consecutive generations, if my memory serves me right." P. Vegeta responded.

"You are correct my son, so with that in mind, what do you think a king does to make sure his bloodline is long-lasting?" The king responded.

Vegeta pondered for a bit. His left hand cupped his chin, with his face dawning a confused expression...

"For us saiyans, it's in our blood to fight. So the proper way for a saiyan to ensure his bloodline is the strongest he must get rid of... Any competition, or at least outshine them greatly..." P. Vegeta responded.

However, he had an obnoxious feeling welling up inside...

"... Good answer son... Those are the ways for a saiyan to keep their bloodline pure and lasting... To eliminate any threat. Either in the present or ones with potential..." The king said, his tone low.

They had each arrived at the room.

The king opened the door for him and his son.

"You know the drill Prince, step into the center of the machine." The king said.

P. Vegeta did as told, but he was still puzzled at what his father was trying to say to him...

The king simply pressed the necessary button for his son's power to be checked.




=SCANNING POWER LEVEL... Current readings show a battle power of 17.3 million=




The King looked pleased.

"Not bad at all father, my power has almost doubled since my training. By the end of the month, I should see results of around 20 million." P. Vegeta said satisfied.

"Indeed, your progress is remarkable, as expected of my son." The king affirmed.

But Vegeta's mind still lingered on the conversation before...

"Still father, I don't see why that has to do with sending that low-class instead of me." little Vegeta said.

The king looked at his son. Sighing...

"Vegeta... I am sure you are aware of Daiko's exploits, yes?... He's a genius unlike we have ever seen... The boy could keep up with you when he was merely 8 months old, he not only grew much stronger from said battle, but he had gotten a level of zenkai that was thought impossible for us saiyans to achieve. He also learned how to speak properly a mere month after that, then he self-studied and surpassed his peers by decades of knowledge, if I hadn't known any better, you'd think him a Tuffle..." The king said, pausing for his son to digest the information.

P. Vegeta hated when the lower class was praised, but even he had to give respect where respect was due...

"I know that... But still. Why send him to a planet where he is guaranteed to die?" Vegeta asked.

However, as the prince said it, the thought truly sank in... Everything before led up to his conclusion now...

"N-Noo!... Father... You think... Daiko is... a 'threat'? To me?" The prince asked. His mood was spoiled by the very idea.

The King fell silent and then looked into space...

"...Yes... but it is not without reason Vegeta... Daiko's progress was too rapid. Even amongst geniuses. His power grew as he trained, and from what I am aware of. He had no equipment of use, nor did he get any gravity training like you and I... He was too young for both. However, what he did have, was his body, mind, and sheer will. So, he trained whilst gaining even more knowledge than he had, surpassing that of us trained and seasoned veterans..." The king said, almost in respect for the child.

"And all of this while he's only an infant of no more than a year old. If that isn't 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨. I don't know what is... The boy was simply different. And that's not even the worst of it all." The king said, his hand now clenched with frustration. His power rose in response...

"The boy gained a power level of over 20 thousand by the end of it! By doing nothing but bodyweight exercises. His potential must be of a completely different caliber compared to ours if he could grow almost 10-fold stronger with just basic training alone. THEN!... Then... a week before he departed, the boy's power must have grown over 3-fold as was before. With only simple exercises!" The king said. His frustration was far more clear now.

The prince only looked at his father shocked.

"W-what? His power grew that much from doing nothing!?" P. Vegeta said. His mind not comprehending it all. He knew it was said that not every two persons who train the exact same will receive the exact results. That was textbook to saiyans. He knew that even he was an exception to that rule...

"Are you saying that Daiko's potential dwarfs that of even mine!? That's impossible Father. He's just a low-class SCUM! Everybody knows that his power at birth wasn't even a 20th of mine!" The prince said with finality.

"That should be the case son... but I am not lying, prince. That boy, no... that, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. The very first day that I laid my eyes on him, my body told me to cower... to fear what he was... To fear... 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚..." The king said.

But it wasn't making sense To Vegeta, why go through all this trouble?

"Why? Why not kill him and be done with it!?" The boy asked, his frustrations growing even more. His anger began to boil.

"Because I respect him! I respected that boy's growth. His potential. His intellect! His combat sense! Everything!" The king shouted. His power boiling over. Pushing the prince back...

"I-I... I couldn't kill him Vegeta... Not with my own hands. My ancestors would shun me for doing something so vile with an infant boy of his age no less... So, I sent him away to the hardest planet we know. His own foolishness would kill him instead! I leave it there... And now, the genius is gone..."

The king said, his energy lowered looking at his son with a tired expression...








