
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Book 1: Chapter 6-Blood-stained Hands

#6: Blood-stained Hands

Royal Garden

Volde continued to read the books which Varick dropped on his table every time he complains about the Kingdom. The bell started to ring violently. Volde looked around and saw soldiers running towards the garden. Geryon marched between the knights and squires. "Your Grace, the Warwick was seen dead in their rooms. Lord Garen is still missing", Geryon reported. "Where are the guards that are supposed to be on their post?!", Volde roared.

Throne Room

"After a long time of searching, you are now in front of us. Why were you in hiding?", Aystar pulled the chains having Garen dragged with it. He fell flat on his face. "I don't know who is my friend or my foe in this place. My men were killed in their beds and I nearly did", Garen gritted his teeth. "Are you accusing us?", Aystar furrowed his brow. "Allow the man to speak. We'll know the truth when we learn how to listen", Varick helped Garen to stand. "Your Grace, I came here with sincerity. My men were innocent of any accusations", Garen knelt down. "Innocent. We saw such horrifying things in their rooms. We heard their disdain towards the King", Aya crossed her arms and looked at Aystar. "You call this innocent?", Aystar dropped a flower in front of Garen. All the sixty members of the council gasped as they saw a terrifying object. The young King looked down at the flower and laughed hysterically. The members of the council just looked at each other.

"Hellebore", the young King clapped his hand. "I have no idea of this", Garen shook his head, also horrified with a white petalled flower. "Royal Adviser, remind us again. What is that?", Volde tried to add with amusement. "King Eragon was invincible. No spear, no sword, and no arrows were able to kill him. He was killed by a woman's whisper and a flower decorated on his cup of wine", Varick looked at the amused boy.

"It is clear. You were spies of the Andor to kill His Grace", Aya stood up as well as the council members. "You are mistaken. The King doesn't know that I am here. I only came to King Volde for one reason", Garden cried. "Enough for this Your Grace. Execute this man before he even sends another letter to his King", Aya suggested. "If the King of Andor learns about his dead men, he will wage a war", Aystar seconded. "Since when were you my Royal Adviser?", Volde raised his brow." Your Grace, I beg you. Please do not dishonor my House. If you were to kill me, please. I beg you. May no soul know about this", Garen trembled in fear.

Varick stepped forward and raised Garen's chin with his rod. On his way back to Eragon, he had heard about a once prominent and dignified house that had fallen in the hands of the Andorian King. The lord of the house was mocked all over the land naming him a dog licking the hands of the powerful, " When this man first entered your throne room, there is one thing I am assured of", Varick looked at Volde. "He wasn't a friend", Varick removed the rod making Garen's face fall to the ground. He knew that Varick was his only way to escape death. "But he wasn't an enemy either. He's just a man who wanted to save his people. He was just a man who wanted his House to be protected", Varick smiled at Garen who is still on the ground.

"How sure are you that it wasn't his doing?", Volde asked. "Lord Garen came here empty-handed. He doesn't even have enough horses for his men that were slaughtered. Hellebore is an expensive flower. How could they even buy one?", Varick questioned. The council also whispered to each other showing their agreement with Varick's claim. "The only question left is- Who killed his men?", Varick's eyes traveled until he met eyes with the Queen. "Whoever did it will be punished according to what happened", Aystar gave his promise.

"Lord Garen. How good are you at keeping secrets?", Volde went down the platform. "Your men died in the hands of bandits. You were wounded but you were able to reach the boundary. My men saved you and we favored you. You would plea for the King of Andor to give a visit to my Kingdom and share his blood with me. You will do it, whatever it takes. Keep Lord Garen safe until he goes back to his house. Prepare gifts to their King as well as silks", Volde ordered. "Thank you, Your Grace", Garen cried. "One more thing, Your grace. I apologize to make such a request. Can I bury my fallen brothers?", Garen asked. "We don't bury people in this place. We burn them", Volde said without looking at Garen. There is a claim that Ravens are to be burnt into ashes so they are not to resurrect once more.


Pirate King Ship – Mormont

"Where are we headed?", Nymeria asked her father. "Just to kill a few people", Jack answered. Nymeria heard of these capital punishments before although she was never permitted by her father to watch one since she wasn't at the right age. "Water Bastard, go bring me some rum", Jack ordered. "Yes, Captain", Gilbert bowed his head. "Until when are you going to call him that way?", Nymeria sounded irritated. "I call whoever in whatever name I wish", Jack said with authority. "When you will be the Pirate Queen, you can call everyone by any name you wish to", Jack spat on the floor.

Nymeria went to have a better view of the open waters with pirates singing behind her.

"Then the mermaid cried for her fallen lover,

Then the men made golds from the pearls they gathered".

She heard footsteps behind her. "Yes?", Nymeria turned to see Gilbert with a bag of water lifted for the pirate princess. "I will get my drink if I wish to", Nymeria averted her stares. "Your lips seem pale, my lady", Gilbert noticed.

Caissarone- The Place of Skull

The small island is literally reeking of blood. The gate was filled with the bones of those who were executed for their crimes. Nymeria found it irrational. They are all criminals but only some are being punished. Pirates steal, kill, and defile yet only a few suffer the consequences. The Seven Treasures are also present boarding their own ships. "I thought we were just going to watch a few men die?", Nymeria whispered to Jean. The middle-aged man laughed with the lady's innocence. They arrived at the platform prepared for them. "Stand beside me, bastard. Once my hands got tired. I will be needing you", Jack commanded.

Nymeria sat beside the Pirate King. Her eyes widened as she saw almost hundreds of men, women, and children. "Father?", Nymeria cannot believe that this group will be slaughtered. "You were the one who pestered on me to bring you", Jack sighed and raised his scepter. "The punishment shall begin. You are criminals of the Open Waters. You traveled seas that aren't yours and breached the oath that your ancestors had made. The Open Waters of Oneison are theirs alone. You who stole from the Port Royal's treasury will have your whole family sentenced to death", Peter Hook, the owner of the Papers, announced. His right hand was replaced by a hook. His ears are filled with precious gem ornaments. His brown curly hair is tied up with a gold hair ornament. "Then, the punishment will fall upon all those who sinned against the Code of the Pirate", Jack raised his scepter once more. The guillotine is prepared for all criminals. The children started wailing and the women begged for their children's lives.

"Mercy, Captain", Gilbert knelt down hearing the loud cries of the people. "And mercy shall they get", Jack kicked him to clear out the way on which he should walk. He started beheading the men. Nymeria kept her eyes on the platform. This is the burden that was given to her father and all those Captains who lived before him. Their names were written in their account of them. "Some of these people didn't even steal a piece of bread or even killed a man. They just wandered in the sea where they weren't supposed to be", Gilbert stood up watching the whole scenario. "A sprinkle of fear is needed for a Kingdom to stand still", Nymeria tried to be convinced with her own words.

Gilbert's eyes cannot take the countless head falling on the basket. "Water Bastard, come here", Jack called out to him. Gilbert gulped as he guessed what will happen next. The pirates pushed him until he was on the platform. "You should be thankful that you aren't one of those heads", Jack pushed his sword on him. "It's your time to render your service to me", Jack dropped the sword in his hands and looked at the other sword swinging on his belt. "Captain, I beg your mercy. Please don't let me do this", Gilbert's eyes are starting to get teary. Nymeria stood up clenching her fist. "Start with her", Peter pushed a young girl in front of him. "If you won't do it, we're going to defile her and let her bleed until she dies. Is that a fair offer?", Peter licked his lips. Gilbert looked at the young girl. Her blonde hair is covered in mud and her fair skin has marks of abuse.

"Mister, please, kill me. My father is dead and so with my mother. I have no one else", the young girl said in her sweet voice. "You are one of us, Gilbert. The very moment that you were brought here. You became one of us. You don't have a choice but to become one", Jack patted his shoulder. It was the very first time that he heard his name. The girl was pushed onto the guillotine board. The cement was cold and the blood of the previous corpse is still dripping on it. Gilbert never took one life. He never even stabbed anyone with his sword. His master once told him that the sword is to protect and not to murder. "This is mercy", Gilbert convinced himself. If the young girl lives, she will be used as a toy for the pirates forever.

He closed his eyes. He positioned his sword perfectly to make the cut cleaner and sharper. With one strike, the young girl's head fell on the basket. Jack had a smile and then went down the platform. He made Gilbert finish the remaining criminals.

The rain fell and washed the blood out of the platform and from Jack's sword. Nymeria climbed up the stairs and grabbed Gilbert's collar. "It's time to leave", Nymeria informed. Gilbert's tears won't stop. "That was a mercy that you gave to them", Nymeria couldn't find any words to overshadow what transpired during that day. He took almost hundreds of lives in just one day. His hands were trembling but he doesn't like to let go of the sword. The rain is starting to wash off the blood from his face. "It's done. We have to leave now", Nymeria tried to call his attention once more but she received no response. She bit her lips and slapped the man. "What other choice do you have?!", Nymeria raised her voice.


Throne Room

"You were the one who committed the mistake of asking for help from that brat?", Nova rolled his eyes. "Kralj, he gave you gifts and also spared my life. All he wishes was for you to share blood with him", Garen said with his knee on the ground. It's the third month that he had been kneeling to the King. This time, Zefania was able to understand what he is pleading. "My Queen, Kraljica, your father also wishes to see you", Garen looked at the lady with her long red silk dress. Zefania's eyes soften as soon as she heard about her father. "We have no reason to have any more interaction with the Middle Kingdom. I will give your house your freedom. You are free to serve the King who can protect you", Zakili gave a pendant to Garen indicating that they are already a group of free men.

"We are grateful for the freedom that you have given, Kralj. What happens to your source of granary?", Garen was sure that the main source of the Kingdom's grains comes from their House. "Who do you think I am? Garen", Zakili looked straight into his eyes.

"My Queen, do you have any words for your father?", Garen looked at her with pity. Zefania gulped and her eyes turned teary.