
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Book 1: Chapter 7-Rewrite the History

#7:Rewrite the History


High King's Room

"Noldorin, is that you?", Aragon tried to sit from his bed. "Yes, your Grace. Would you allow me to help you?", Noldorin stepped forward. Aragon nodded and waited for the Captain of the Haven to raise him from the bed. "How I envy your strong arms, Noldorin", Aragon chuckled. "You did, Your Grace. You had strong arms. You protected us from the enemies a few years ago in that Battle of the Fallen Truth", Noldorin gave a weak smile.

"I know it Noldorin, I am a defect. Most of Riverdell live two hundred years and more and yet I haven't outlived that. Serve the next King with all your heart. At the same time, protect what Eragon died building for us", Aragon cupped his face. "I am honored to be named your Captain", Noldorin bowed his head. Aragon had a weak smile and looked at the painting of a dragon on his wall. "Are you still excited about knowing what lies on the borders of these mountains?", Aragon asked with a faint voice. "I am the Captain of Haven. I will protect your people and these lands", Noldorin held unto his chest. "But if you stay here, you cannot really protect us from what's coming next", Aragon removed his pendant. "When the east settles on the west and the north is drowned in the sea and the south stops to rain, the center will rise once again to restore what was lost and to throw what was found. Live to serve the one true King, Noldorin", Aragon coughed blood. "I will call for your servants, High King", Noldorin gripped harder on Aragon's shoulder.

Aragon pulled the lad's neck. "You are my only one True King, Your Grace", Noldorin can hear death sipping through his master's body. "You are my Captain of Haven, listen to my orders. Leave Riverdell, search for the remaining Eragon and find ladders to help the heir step into the throne", Aragon had a smile painted on his face. "Your Grace", Noldorin looked at him with a nervous look. "I've never seen a Captain fear anything before. Your father already knows what was about to happen even before he gave you to me. Your father trusted you to carry on an important task and he is proud of it", Aragon's eyes slowly closed. "My time has come. If this is the only way I can come to terms with my sin. Will you forgive me in the afterlife as you go through this arduous path full of thorns", Eragon smiled. Noldorin held unto the necklace. "May your existence continues to flow like the rivers. You have my word, Your Grace ", Noldorin bit his lip and felt the warmth of the tears escaping his eyes. Noldorin left the room before the soldiers arrive.

Soon, the soldiers saw the King smiling on his bed. Vaeril knelt down with his heart broken. Aragon was the King his people could ever wish for. Faelar took the scepter from the table. "Vaeril Riverdell, First of His Name, you are crowned as Riverdell's 11th High King. May your reign flow peacefully like the rivers", Faelar knelt down and so with the soldiers.

"Where is Noldorin?", Vaeril looked around to rename him as the Captain of Haven. "He was here before we even did", Faelar saw the pendant of the man and raised it for Vaeril to see. "He abandoned his post as soon as his King died. From now on, Noldorin is no longer the Captain of Haven nor a Riverdellian", Faelar announced. "Your Highness?", Reinys heard the horrific announcement and stepped out in the crowd. "The decision of the High Council is final. The seat for the new Captain of Haven is now open", Faelar said with a sad tone and slowly left the room.


Royal Hall

A year passed and the Kingdom is slowly redeeming its name. Eragon was able to establish bannermen around the Middle Kingdom and neighboring places. Warwick swore their oaths to Eragon under the name of King Volde. "It was just like yesterday when he was just a shrimp", Geryon commented as he watches the King step onto the platform. "What else could we wish for?", Varick sighed. "We stand here in honor of the King Volde, First of his name, First of the Flock, 111th King of Eragon. Your Grace, we present to you ladies from the different houses to whom you would choose your wife", Aystar gave the introduction. Volde yawned while the ladies present themselves and give all the answers to why they should be the ones who will be picked.

"I never remembered that the Throne room was used for prostitution", Volde commented and looked at the Queen. "The King had always been humorous. These are ladies from the different houses in this Kingdom and also outside", Aya gave a smile to the ladies which then was returned in response.

"Which one of you knows how to use a sword?", Volde waited for any hands to raise. There was none. "Use a bow?", Volde asked once again. One of them raised her arms. "How many did you kill?", Volde was intrigued by the tanned-skin princess with amber eyes. "Three bores and five rabbits", Astrid from the Clan of Bithen answered. "Princess, I was asking for the number of heads you were able to take. Like, humans?", Volde shrugged. The ladies looked at each other. "I can give you one if you ask me to. I am Astrid Bithen from the South", Astrid stepped forward. Volde chuckled and looked at Aya. "I like this one. She's got skin polished by the sun. Her brown eyes are fit for hunting. Her body is not of a sickly girl who stays at their houses embroidering flowers", Volde held out his hand. Astrid walked towards him. "Come closer", Volde gave a smile. The tan-skinned princess was caught off guard by his smile, she thought that the King was a murderer who doesn't have anything else to do but slay those who will not bend the knee.

Volde grabbed her arms and assisted her to lean on his shoulder. "I want your father's head. He mocked me saying that I am a King with an army", Volde smirked. "Your wish will always by my command, Your Grace", Astrid said with a firm voice.

"Your Grace, picking your lawful wife should be done also in the counsel of your advisers and the Maester. The stars will provide signs of who will be a good match for you", Aya looked at the other princesses to ease their anxiety. "I gave a condition to my chosen woman. If she comes back with that gift, then I'll marry her", Volde gently pushed Astrid away.

King's Room

Varick lighted up the lamp and also burnt some nightshade. "I've finished reading almost all of your books. Even your endless herbal advice", Volde removed his shirt. Varick saw a large scar and some burnt skin on his back. "I can ask some of the servants to gather herbs for your scars, Your Grace", Varick suggested. "Who said I wanted them removed?", Volde wore another clean shirt. Varick remained silent. "Aren't you going to ask me about your daughter?", Volde asked. "She gave me an oath, she promised that she will live", Varick said with confidence.

"I'm going to marry the Bithen woman. She will be a good pillar for this Kingdom", Volde acknowledged the number of soldiers that Bithen has. "The Kingdom has no account of a southerner being a Queen", Varick informed. "Then let me recreate history. I will be the one who will continuously break dynasties and traditions", Volde gave a victory smile.

"Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them", Volde sat on his bed and pointed to the wooden chair. Varick sat down and poured wine into the cup for him to drink. He guessed it will be a long conversation.

"Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice and freedom of men. With one drop of his blood on the golden plate, the dragon granted him his desire. A Riverdell, an elf, and a human of the Land fell in love and secretly bore children. He was cursed to live a longer life to watch all the people that he loves die, one by one. The curse of long life was passed on to the next generations. Oneison, a great pirate stole the trident from the Keeper of the Open Waters. The mermaids and merman bowed to the legged beings. Oneison stole the trident for one sole reason. It was to bring back his wife's body that was lost in the ocean. From then on, Oneison swore to watch over the poor souls wandering in the ocean. Andor had always been in the company of nature. He was loved by the trees and animals. He gained favor in the eyes of the centaur and granted him control over the forest of Andor, no men were able to penetrate it. Eire was born and raised in the snowy mountains. He is a giant himself. Everything he saw was pure white just like the intentions of the giants. Giants were accomplices to humans, they built high towers in the north and created castles all around the Land. All they ever wish was to see something bigger and stronger than them. Eragon, riding in his massive white dragon, convinced the remaining four to join him as they break chains of slavery and free their men and women from the grip of Leuronna, the female tyrant", Volde summarized the book that his Royal Adviser wrote for two years.

"It is humbling to know that you actually read the book", Varick gave a bow of his head. "That's a lie that we continue to tell people until they were convinced that it was real", Volde lay down in his bed. "Everything I wrote in the book was the narration of Aragon the First", Varick tried to defend. "When does a lie becomes a lie? Is it only when you distort the truth? A lie also becomes a lie when you deliberately missed out on some matters to save one's neck", Volde covered his eyes with his arm. "Your ancestor betrayed Eragon", Varick sipped through his wine. "Raven just wanted what was supposed to be his. I'll make sure that Raven will get the justice that we deserve. Leave me, I need to sleep", Volde ended the conversation.


Pirate Ship- Mormont

"Steer the wheels for me", Jack commanded. "Yes, Captain", his voice changed with just a year that passed. The once soft and gentle voice started to add hoarse to it. "I need to rest my brittle bones in the cabin", Jack slightly pushed Gilbert's chest and then left.

"Where is the Captain?", the Quartermaster, Vane Read furrowed his brow as soon as he saw the lad. His freckled face turned sour as soon as he saw Gilbert's hand on the steering wheel. It was supposed to be his job. "He went to rest at his cabin", Gilbert answered. "So, he wouldn't see what would be happening here", Vane walked upstairs and called some of his men. "The Captain himself told me to steer the wheel", Gilbert gulped. "Now that it came from your mouth makes it more irritating", Vane clicked his tongue. He gave a kick to Gilbert's stomach. The pirates cheered. "I guess the Captain is in deep sleep", Vane stepped on Gilbert's face. The lad just looked at him with confident eyes. Vane bit his lip and continuously kicked him. A dagger passed through Vane's ears and cut some of his hair.

"The Captain will be more displeased to see blood scattered on his deck. Leave, Quartermaster or you'd be dismissed from your position", Nymeria appeared nowhere. The pirates looked at the lady and knew they couldn't protest. They all left including Vane. Nymeria reached out his hand and Gilbert took it. "You killed a hundred for a day and yet you couldn't even protect yourself", Nymeria sighed. "I didn't do that because I wanted to. Speak another word of what happened that day and I would no longer bat a look at you, my lady. Forgive me", Gilbert's hand trembled. Nymeria raised her brow. It had been a year and yet he still hasn't gotten over it. What does she know? She never experienced the same thing.