
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Book 1: Chapter 5-To Whom Deserves The Truth

#5:To Whom Deserves The Truth

Oneison- Port Royal- Hall

"Bring me some rum, stray", one of the pirates pushed Gilbert. Nymeria's eyes were glued on the poor slave. "You have a lovely daughter, Captain. I also have a son with hundreds of ships", Cornelis Gibbs played with his long beard as he looks at the lady. "Then, why don't he come and ask my daughter's hand himself? Coward", Jack commented and drank from his silver cup.

"Hey, have you tried to eat your mess? I bet you're not getting enough food these days".

"Oh. Sorry, is that the only shirt you have?"

"The next time you'd be on that pit, we'd bring some bears to make it more exciting".

Nymeria stood up and slammed the table. Jack just peeked to see what made her do so and continued talking to the Seven Treasures. "I lost my appetite. I'd be going back to the castle", she excused herself. "Water bastard, accompany Nymeria back to the Palace", Jack commanded. Gilbert dropped the mug of rum he was holding and gave his bow. When he was about to walk towards Nymeria, a foot stretched forward making him trip and fall flat on his face just a few inches away from the lady. His body sores from all the scrubbing and cleaning of the Palace. He just wished to lie down and be eaten by the crows. "Stand", Nymeria commanded. Gilbert raised his head and saw the lady looking down at him. He wasn't sure of how to describe the look that she gave. It wasn't pity or disgust. The lady reached out her hand. Gilbert took it out of fear that the Captain will find it disrespectful.

"Here he goes again, hiding under a woman's skirt", they all laughed. Nymeria pulled the man until they reached the canal leading to Rocky Castle.


Gilbert silently rowed the boat. "Do you not know how to hold a sword?", Nymeria was irritated with the silence. "I've been taught before I came here", Gilbert answered remembering a huge guy who nearly killed him at their first encounter. "Then why don't you use it to stab one of them? As a pirate, we live by the rule of the survivor of the fittest", Nymeria reminded. "And what happens next? I'll be the one who'd been hunted because of revenge. Whoever pirate I kill, that person has a friend and a family who will come wishing for my head. Unfortunately for me, I don't have such", Gilbert looked at the waters while paddling. "So, what now? You're going to live all your life being called a bastard and being pushed and pull every now and then. You're such a coward", Nymeria sighed. "I came here thinking to fulfill the purpose of why I was brought here", Gilbert said in a soft tone. Nymeria kicked him in the stomach. "You're such a freaking coward!", Nymeria clenched her fist. "You're soft and all so gentle. You're not made to be a pirate", Nymeria added. Gilbert coughed and stopped rowing.


King's Room

Volde changed his clothes for the night. "Before your father was betrothed to me, he tasted tons of women. Here you are. Untouched", Aya sat on the bed. "I am only fifteen years old. Mother, you've been on a long journey. You have to rest as well", Volde lighted scented candles. "How romantic. Did that Varick teach you to light a candle before you sleep?", Aya chuckled. "It was mixed with herbs to help me sleep", Volde closed his eyes. "That man is a poisonous viper. Who knows if the next candle you will light up will be one that will strangle you to death", Aya lectured. "He swore his loyalty to me and dropped his blood on the golden plate", Volde informed. "Let him eat loyalty. The one who made him stay is the fact that I have both of his precious gems turned into hostages just to restore peace with them. Hard-headed pirates and uncivilized Andors", Aya stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. "I missed you, Mother", Volde said before the Queen leaves the room. He received no reply.


Varick bowed his head as soon as he recognized the Queen. "You have returned, Your Grace", Varick acknowledged her presence. "And thus, you no longer have the power over this place", Aya reminded. "I never had the power. Just like my child, I am a prison held in this place", Varick raised his head. "Prisoner? Your daughter is the Queen of the Andor. I believe they already informed you. Though, that's worse than being a prisoner. She'll get stuck in that place forever", Aya hummed. "How did she become the Queen?", Varick was dead worried. "Maybe that foolish King found favor in her", Aya shrugged her shoulder. "Your Grace, I am begging you. As a parent, please allow me to see her. Andor is a place of sacrifice and-", Varick was interrupted by Aya clearing her throat. "I don't know how to be a parent, Lord Varick. They were taken away from me by that King that you loved and gave your most respect", Aya said with a bitter tone. She passed by the poor father just praying for her daughter's safety. "Plus, I burnt your house to ashes. Even if you manage to let her escape, she no longer has a place to stay", Aya turned her head.

Varick had a deep breath. "One day, your eyes will see the damnation you brought upon yourself", Varick bit his lip in anger. Aya gave a royal bow and started to walk away. "Is that a curse? It's a pity that you're not an Andorian for those words to take effect on me", Aya had a sarcastic laugh.


Kraljica's Room

Zefania was awakened by an unusual sound. She lit up a candle. Soon, there were loud footsteps on the ground. Her heart pounded, it sounded like a thousand armies. She lighted a torch and wore her coat. The lady mustered all her strength to open the door and peek outside. The corridor was empty with nothing but the silhouette of the pillars. The moonlight is generous enough to provide enough illumination. At the edge of the corridor is a hole filled with darkness seemingly enticing.

She stepped outside her room and continued walking toward the corridor. The sound of the footsteps stopped. Zefania felt the cold icy wind on her spine when she heard the howling of the wolves. Ghost isn't real, she convinced herself. A few more steps and she'd be engulfed by darkness. A hand grabbed her shoulders. "Where do you think you'd be going?", a familiar voice calmed her down. Zefania turned around and saw Keane panting. "Is there something wrong?", Zefania studied the man. Keane chuckled and pushed the lady's shoulder. "It's in the middle of the night. Please go back to your room, Kraljica", Keane continued pushing her towards her room. "I heard some sounds a while ago. It seems that they were heavy footsteps", Zefania informed. "The soldiers are having their midnight training", Keane explained. "Midnight?", Zefania asked suspiciously. "We don't know when will the enemy appear which is why we decided to train our soldiers to stay alert", Keane explained further.

The two reached the room. Zefania entered the room with the door still open. "Can you stay for a while?", Zefania's voice cracked. Keane looked around and nodded. He shut the door behind them.

"It's my day of birth", Zefania suddenly revealed. Keane's eyes widened and were surprised. There was an awkward silence. "I'm tired. You can go now", Zefania bit her lip and went to bed. Keane chuckled knowing how the lady must have wished for someone to acknowledge her birth. "Thank you for being born, Zefania", Keane bowed his head. The lady felt the sincerity in his words even if he was just a stranger whom she met just a few months before. "Have a good night's rest, Kraljica", Keane left the room.

"What are you doing in her room?", Zakili was on his way to visit the young lady. "Kraljica nearly witnesses something she shouldn't have. I would suggest that you would add nightshade in her candles", Keane turned to look at Zakili. "I owe you another one, brother", Zakili looked at the floor. "Kralj, a servant does what his master commands. Your wife just turned thirteen today", Keane informed and passed through his king. "Until the day that she can already be a mother to them, please hold on a little longer", Zakili walked the opposite way.


Middle Tower-Throne Room

"Your Grace, there is something I need to tell you", Faelar knelt down. "Stand up, my son", Aragon raised his scepter. Faelar looked at the soldiers and some of the nobles sitting on the platforms. "May I speak to you alone?", Faelar requested. "Does it matter if we are also here? I believe this is a subject we all must know. It's about the fountain, am I correct?", Daeron of House Finwe furrowed his brow. He remained the lord of the granaries for almost four decades. Aragon looked at the man and nodded his head. Noldorin stepped forward signaling everyone to leave the room. He shut the door behind him receiving glares from some of the nobles. "What? Noldorin is just doing his job", Reinys stood up for the man. "Your Highness, that was unnecessary", Noldorin said in a soft and polite voice. Reinys stuck her tongue out to the nobles. Vaeril, fortunately, covered the embarrassing act and pulled her daughter to have a disciplinary talk.

Tower Balcony

"What was that about?", Vaeril shook her daughter. "That was their fault. They're giving their glare to Noldorin", Reinys pouted. "Do you think you are helping him? They are laughing behind their back watching the Captain of Haven being protected by a woman. Especially, the granddaughter of the King. He is also a man, Reinys. We have enormous pride I don't blame you for wanting Noldorin's image to remain untainted but at the same time, you are causing danger to the man. You don't know how many of those councils wanted the throne. If one marries you, he'll be the next King after I die", Vaeril lectured. Reinys had an apologetic look in her eyes. "Do you like another dress?", Vaeril tried to cheer up her daughter. "Yes", Reinys changed aura in an instant. Vaeril cannot afford to have her daughter feeling discomforted towards her. After all, he's got no one else aside from Reinys and his father. His wife died of an unknown sickness that was blamed on the sorceress near their Kingdom.

"I'd be working with the weavers", Reinys waved farewell. "How are you supposed to discipline your daughter if you try to gain her back right after a scolding?", Faelar suddenly appeared. "How did it go?", Vaeril turned to see a sad look on his friend's face. "Shall we go have a cup of wine?", Vaeril invited. "Aren't you going to ask what I told your father? I guess you are already itching to know about it", Faelar followed his lead. "The truth will land in the ears who deserve to hear it", Vaeril smiled and patted his shoulder.