
Two Years Before 1

Melanie contemplated whether to continue the conversation or to just shut him out,but she had come here to be wild,at least that was what she promised her best friend. She'd been told that she lacked any vices,that she played safe all the time which was why she wasn't involved with anyone yet even after getting dumped three years ago. 'Mel,you need to loosen up,have some fun..you know'. 'Live a little' Cynthia had said and she'd took her advice but now looking at this dangerously handsome and irresistibly charming man sitting next to her,playing it safe seemed like a much better option,but on the other hand she did need some excitement in her rather boring life.

She finally decided in her head 'Screw it,this man is definitely the fun I'm looking for so why not take it?.

Daniel kept looking at her trying to gauge her expressions,but when she turned to face him,he knew she had decided something in her mind and smiled because as far as he was concerned no woman could resist him,he had only gotten one word out when she said, 'The name's Melanie'.

'Melanie?...That's a fitting name for a beautiful woman like you' he said.

'Thank your' she replied.

'Melanie,what do you do?' Daniel asked.

'I'm a Doctor'.

'Do you work here..in Bancroft?' Daniel probed further.

'Nope...I recently left the job..But I used to work at the General hospital as a pediatrician'.

Daniel nodded and replied 'That's good'.

'And you,what do you do? Melanie questioned.

She wanted to know what kind of job this man that looked like he doesn't take orders from anyone would be doing.

'I work as a P.A' Daniel said realising that this woman clearly doesn't recognize him and tried to keep it that way.

She was very different rom the women he gets involved with, they know he is before he even approaches them. He states what he wants and they comply because they hope to land him in a relationship but he refutes it before it even registers. However, being in the company of a woman who didn't recognize him, Daniel felt very comfortable. As they talked,looking Melanie in the eyes and seeing how sincere and real she was, Daniel wanted to gift her the whole world and strangle anyone that dared to hurt her. Startled by the thought, Daniel quickly pushed it aside and focused on how to get her to go with him.

After a couple of drinks, Melanie was already feeling tipsy so she was ready to call it a night when Daniel offered to take her home, At first she declined but he insisted. So she just let him guide her out of the club to his car.

He opened the door for her, as she enetered she thought he was the perfect gentleman, he entered the car and they drove off.

'You look like you had a little too much to drink, want to grab a coffee?' Daniel asked softly.

'That would be a lovely idea, Thank you'. Melanie answered still a bit tipsy,she yawned and leaned towards the window and unconsciously said, 'I would very much love to do a lot more with you than just coffee', Daniel smiled when he heard her.