
Two Years Before 2

When they got to the cafe, they went in and sat down at a table close to the window. A waiter had come to take their orders, He ordered an ice tea for himself and a coffee for her.

'What kind would you have?' Daniel looked up from the menu to ask her.

'Black would be fine, Thank you'.

Daniel nodded in response and gave their orders.

When the waiter left to get their orders, Daniel kept looking at Melanie, he wanted to tell her how much he wanted her but he needed her sober to tell her.

Melanie tried to avoid the eyes that were looking at her like they knew all her secrets, Just then the waiter arrived with their orders.

'Here's your tea sir, your coffee ma'am, Enjoy' the waiter said and they both responded thank you and the waiter left.

Melanie took her coffee, and blew on it gently before she gulped down half of it. It gave the needed effect and she felt a bit sober. Daniel sat across her, watching her like a hawk, she didn't know how to act with him looking at her like that.

'Here's the thing Melanie, I don't know if I'll see you again after today, I'm leaving Bancroft tomorrow morning. However, I'll make you a proposition, There's no need to hide the fact that I want you badly and I know you want me too, I can see it clearly in your eyes. But I need us to be on the same page about this, I'm not in the market for a long-term run. However, I can make this night one you'd never forget. So what do you say?' Daniel said as he laid back and relaxed on the chair to look at her.

Melanie watched the man looking at her like she couldn't wait to get her hands on him. Thinking about it, she wasn't in for a long-term too so she replied, 'I'm not looking for a commitment either so, I'm game if you can uphold your end of the deal' she said as she sipped on her coffee and asked 'Your place or mine'?

The ten minutes it had taken to get to his penthouse had tested Daniel's control. The ride from the cafe had been filled with sexual anticipation Melanie had began counting the minutes in her head, and when they finally got to the Building, Daniel parked the car and got out, he came around to her side and opened the door for her.

He took her hand and they walked into the Lounge. They got to the Elevator and he pressed the button, It seemed like forever when they waiting for the elevator. Finally, It opened and they went in, almost immediately Daniel grabbed her by the arms and pushed her against the wall, He started kissing her senseless, he crushed her lips with his and the sensation felt so good Melanie didn't want it to stop, in fact she kissed him back with everything she had.

Daniel had been dying to kiss her luscious lips all night, He had wanted to be gentle but she tasted so good he couldn't help but deepest the kiss. He sought her tongue, he sucked it with his and she moaned arousing him further. He trailed kisses down her neck,the hollow between her neck and collarbone. He licked the pulse there, sucked on her skin. She shivered,sank her hands into his hair, Melanie had wanted to feel his hair all night and doing so now it felt so good.

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