
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Khoa huyễn
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80 Chs

Sick people

The people living near the sea started to be sick and it caused problem for the dictator. Since people who had gotten sicked was never treated due to the country doesn't had any healthcare system nor hospital. The dictator was really having a hard time handling it to the point that he just destroy the sick people houses and kick them out of the country.

As more people got sick and die, the dictator needed to build more graves and emptied out used graves. But he didn't knew how to get rid of the old dead body. While he was trying to solve the problem, one of his employee proposed to built an crematorium to burn the dead body. The dictator wasn't too happy to build it due to the cost and how it could only use to burn dead body and not the trash as the garbage was causing a problem too for the dictator.

One of the thing that the dictator thought about was a way to burn both garbage and dead body together in a facility. Then he saw an incinerator, which was more expensive comparing to the crematorium, however, it could burn garbage as well as probably a few dead bodies too by forcing it. Where would the dictator built it though would be a problem to him due to the people in the country might be able to notice the hideous activity that the dictator would be doing. So before starting to build a incinerator, the dictator was planning to build an army that would safe keep him and his position in the country.

The amount of money the dictator was using to build the army was massive. Not only he used up all the country budget, he also take out massive loans that he or the country might not be able to earned back. However, as he took out bank loans, he also increasing the taxes essentially robbing all the citizen hard earned money again. This was the move that breaks the people mentality. Some of them started to sell their children for money. Some would find a rich husband or wife and quickly marry them to get money. However, the dictator doesn't cared about any of that as he was caring more about money and his power in the country.