
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Sewage water

The dictator which had no brain at all just decided to made a move that any normal human being would do, which was to built hospital to reduced amount of people dead since more dead people the population in the country would decreases. So, he decided to built another hospital. Once the hospital was opened, the nonstop flow of ambulance going to pick up sick people in the country was never ending. The problem was that the dictator built the hospital in the area with less problem on the people being sick and dying.

Another problem that the dictator was trying to treat the sewage water because the dictator finally had some sense in him. So, one of the way the dictator was trying to do was to throw more water out towards the polluted water in hopes that the clean water would dilute the sewage water and made it drinkable. That wasn't going to ever worked though since the water the dictator was using was the dirty sewage water in the country which would only made the problem worse.

Another way of treating that dirty water was to use the water treatment plant. However, it cost so much that the dictator was taking out more loan. The dictator had taken out loans to built an army and he needed to take another loan to built a water treatment plant. This in turn would force the dictator to raise the tax. This water treatment plant way was working but it was slow as the amount of sewage in the sea was much more than expected and the sewage was still going out to sea.

One last stuff the dictator was trying to reduce sick people was to built a water plant that could pump water from the underground. Since those building cost was cheap, the dictator doesn't need to take out loans so that means the people wouldn't suffer.

The people seeing the recent activity of the dictator made them confused and scared since it was the first time the dictator was doing something good for the country and people. They started to again question what was the real motive of this move that the dictator made and whether the dictator would torture more of its own people. Even if the dictator was trying to do something good for the country, the people would still continue to protest as they had enough of the dictator. The people doesn't want to see the dictator in their life anymore.