
Route 1

Route 1 was a large expanse of land that connected Pallet town to Viridian City, it had a lot of Pokemon and they were relatively peaceful, well all except for the Spearow. Alex stood on Route 1, his hair billowing in the wind as he held two minimized Pokeballs.

He touched the centers of both Pokeballs and they grew to their original sizes.

"Let's go!" Alex exclaimed for the fun of it and threw the Pokeballs into the air, in a brilliant flash of light, Caterpie and Pidgey were released from their Pokeballs.

Alex gave a small smile.

"Today, we're going to be working on leveling up," Alex said.

If he planned to win the Indigo league in one go, he had to train his Pokemon and make them grow stronger- and the only way for them to grow stronger was by leveling up. His eyes glowed as he appraised their levels.

[Species: Caterpie]

[Level: 6]

[Ability: Shield Dust]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Tackle, String Shot]

Caterpie was only one level away from becoming a Metapod and Alex was proud, all he had to do in this form was devour a couple of leaves to evolve.

[Species: Pidgey]

[Level: 5]

[Ability: Keen Eyes]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack]

Despite Pidgey being one level lower than Caterpie, it was stronger.

"Alright," Alex said, "When we're battling, you have to listen to me,"

Pidgey and Caterpie nodded, this was the wild and even in a place like Route 1- there was always a chance that you could be killed, Alex knew he needed to proceed with caution.

He scooped Caterpie up and put him on his shoulder, Caterpie was a Pokemon that was not too mobile and the distance they had to cross was too long to allow Caterpie delay them. 

After Alex scooped Caterpie onto his shoulder, he began walking and Pidgey followed closely at his side.

The air was clean and fresh as Alex transversed through the route with Pidgey at his side, It didn't take long before Alex met his first challenger.


Mankey rushed toward them, the primate Pokemon was looking for a challenge and Alex smiled, he was going to honor the challenge.

"Pidgey, let's battle," Alex said and Pidgey nodded, flapping her wings and landing in front of Alex.

Mankey stopped in it's tracks and looked at Pidgey.

Alex knew the battle was going to be tough, Pidgey only knew two attacks which were Tackle, and Sand Attack but there was a way to turn all of this to his advantage- after all, He could see Mankey's moves, couldn't he?


[Species: Mankey]

[Level: 4]

[Ability: Insomnia]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Low Kick]

'It only knows Double kick, huh?' Alex thought as he clenched his fist, there was a chance for victory.

"Alright Pidgey, start with Sand Attack!" Alex gave the command. 

Pidgey executed it flawlessly and kicked up sand, Mankey was doused in this sand and it's eyes were temporarily blinded.

Alex had decided to start with Sand Attack so he could blind Mankey and be able to land more attacks.

"While it's distracted, attack with Tackle!" Alex ordered and Pidgey started running toward Mankey, no matter how much Mankey rubbed it's eyes, they didn't open but when they finally did- Pidgey was right in front of it, there was no time to react as Pidgey tackled the Pokemon.

Mankey was pushed backward but it didn't fall over, showing an astounding endurance. As Pidgey raised her wings and steadied herself for any sudden attacks, Mankey bent it's knees and prepared to squat, Alex foresaw what would happen.

"Jump!" Alex ordered.

Pidgey jumped off the ground just in time as Mankey's feet glowed and it attacked with a low kick, but it didn't hit Pidgey as she was in the air. The same thing could not be said for Mankey as Pidgey descended and landed another tackle.

This time Mankey fell over and Pidgey didn't relent, she attacked it with her wings until it fainted. This wasn't like the Pokemon world of games- Moves were just attacks that had a higher power in reality. As Pidgey took a step back, Mankey was revealed to have a lot of wounds and Alex winced a bit.

'Remember this is real, not anime or games,' Alex reminded himself as he gave Pidgey a grateful smile.

"Good Job," Alex commented and then knelt down next to Mankey, he tapped on the Inventory tab and pulled out a potion- spraying it on the wounds that Mankey had efficiently.

'Alright they've started healing,' Alex thought as he began to store the Pokemon in his sub-space, there was no way he would healed a Pokemon that he didn't plan to keep for himself. Mankey was honestly an intriguing Pokemon which had a final evolution, Annihilape which Alex wanted so bad.

The white tentacles of the Sub-space protruded from the ground and wrapped around Mankey before dragging it into the portal below. After Mankey had successfully been taken to the Sub-space, Alex gave a quick look at Pidgey's stats.

[Species: Pidgey]

[Level: 5 -> 6]

[Ability: Keen Eyes]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack]

Pokemon battles were truly the greatest way to grow as a Pokemon, he had spent a month trying to develop Caterpie's foundation and Caterpie of course had grown by a level or two but Pidgey who had been in a single battle had already grown by a level.

'It's sad that Caterpie is not enough to beat any other Pokemon on this route apart from a fellow Caterpie,' Alex thought.

He hadn't exactly tried out Caterpie for battles yet but a Caterpie wouldn't be able to beat a Rattata even in it's dreams, there was too much of a power difference between both Pokemon to actually consider such a Match-up and then if you put into thought that Pokemon could actually be killed in the wild… If you really valued the life of your Caterpie, you wouldn't put it against a Pidgey or Caterpie, a Spearow was out of the question.

"Anyway, It's time to battle more Pokemon," Alex said excitedly.


Author's Note:

How was the first battle~ I know it isn't too cool but Pidgey has a limited move set~

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