
Chapter 4: Girls appear

Wikkie appeared at Clifford's side of the supermarket and began screaming like a madman. Ryan and Willy sneaked behind the cranonians and attacked the ones that were the closest to them. Ryan poured all his power into his arm and cleanly slashed through the cranonian's neck.

It's head flew off of it's body as blood splattered everywhere. Willy followed up by stabbing the next cranonian through the neck causing it to clutch it's neck before falling to the ground. Willy was still pulling out his sword when an arm grabbed his waist and rolled on the ground with him.

"That's why I said this plan was a little risky," Ryan said as he looked at the cranonian standing where Willy had just been. Luckily, he was on the lookout and managed to pull Willy back. The cranonians looked at them and rushed toward them.

Shadows suddenly appeared behind each of the cranonians. One shadow caved a cranonian's head in with an axe and the other one slashed the remaining cranonian through the neck. The shadows became clear and Ryan saw Clifford and The Ai standing before them.

"Nice timing," Ryan gave Clifford and the gang a thumbs up before laying down next to Willy. It didn't seem like Willy wanted to lay next to him though cause he stood up and looked around him. His eyes went from small to huge in slow motion.

"We have this whole store to ourselves. Yeeaaahhhh!" Willy said before screaming. After he said that, everyone came to their senses or lost their minds. Potato Chips, salads(for The Ai), coke, pies. They even managed to find a working microwave.

It was everything someone can imagine. Ryan even got R1000 airtime. They finally finished stea- no, shopping and went back to the truck. They placed the bags at the back where Ryan sits and then Wikkie asked a question.

"Where is Dawg?" Everyone looked around and spotted a guy with two big bags running towards them. Following behind him was a bunch of angry people. Willy got in the truck and turned it on. Everyone got in and the truck began moving.

Dawg threw the bags in the truck before jumping in. Ryan looked in the one bag to see why there were people chasing him. The bag was full of branded clothes and Wikkie opened the other bag to find it full of blue R100 notes.

That day, everyone's respect for Dawg went up by a whole bunch. He really was the coolest between all of them. Willy stepped on the gas pedal again and the truck flew like a ghost on the N2. Now all Ryan could hope for was that it would be smooth sailing from here on.

Unfortunately, Willy stepped on the brakes so hard that Ryan hit his head on the glass that separates the front part of the truck from the back. He opened the window to ask Willy what the big deal is but in front of the truck was three girls running from ten cranonians.

Willy tried reversing the truck but The Ai was already out of the truck. Having been the one to cause everyone to go on this trip, Willy also got out. Ryan could hear the guys behind him sigh before getting out of the truck too. Ryan was the last to get out and looked at all those cranonians.

Everyone stood in a line as they looked at the girls getting closer. "Run away!" they screamed as they passed by the crew. The crew just looked at the approaching cranonians whilst reaching maximum coolness. Ryan held his sword ready and gave some words to the guys.

"I will always have your backs and it's an honour to trust you with mine," Ryan said before running to the closest cranonian and stabbing it in the chest. As he pulled the sword from the cranonian's chest, another one came from the side.

An axe came from above and caved into the cranonian's head. "Don't give such a dumbass speech when the fight is this easy," Clifford said as he appeared next to Ryan. A cranonian came from the front of them with it's claws stretched out.

Another shadow came from Ryan's side and stabbed the cranonian in the eye. "Yeah. What Clifford said," Wikkie also appeared with a smile on his face. Ryan smiled as he ran to another cranonian to stab it through the neck.

He looked for his next target but all the cranonians were dead. "Boring!" Vaughie complained. He still had adrenaline pumping through his veins. A girl touched Vaughie on the arm and his adrenaline disappeared almost immediately.

Everyone burst out laughing at Vaughie but all he could do was hide behind Willy. The girl who touched Vaughie, who also seemed to be the leader of the three talked to Willy. Everyone was eager to hear what she had to say.

It wasn't every day that they met girls that were this beautiful. Ryan didn't really care since he more or less accepted the fact that he wasn't in their league and climbed in the truck to eat something. Wikkie, who didn't want Ryan to feel left out, followed behind him.

The girls began telling their story. The three girls are Rebecca, Cassidy and Caylin with Rebecca being the leader. They came from a nearby town and have been friends since childhood. Rebecca's little brother and Caylin's little sister was taken by the cranonians.

They followed behind two of them but unfortunately, they ran into a bunch of them and then ran into the crew. After seeing how easily they managed to defeat the cranonians, the girls hoped that they could help them out in rescuing their younger siblings.

Knowing that this could be their chance to get out of the single zone, all the guys except Ryan and Wikkie, who wasn't present, gave the okay. The Ai had to move to the back though since Rebecca was going to sit at the front.

The seating arrangements at the front was easy. Willy behind the wheel and Rebecca on the passenger seat. It was at the back where all hell broke loose.