It was just an average day in school for our mc. He was just sitting in his chair and then...Aliens Attack. Follow our mc as his world gets turned upside down. Witness his downfalls and witness his growth. Most of all, watch him save the world...or is that too much for an average person.
Willy finally managed to calm down enough for him to tell everyone what the call was about. His father called to tell him that he was on his way to the hospital with his mother. There were weird creatures that managed to enter their house and kidnapped his little sister.
His mother tried to stop them but she got seriously injured in the process. When his father got home, he found her sprawled out on the floor. Willy kept grinding his teeth as he told everyone what happened. He looked at the still living creature with eyes full of hatred.
Everyone was at a loss of what to do. Vaughie got up and slapped the creature. He called Dawg over and asked him where he hid the knife. Dawg revealed the knife in his sock and handed it to Vaughie. Vaughie laughed as he looked at the creature in front of him. "Let's play…"
"Please stop, I will tell you everything you want to know," a bloody creature said. Vaughie gave the knife back to Dawg and asked the creature where they took Willy's little sister. Although it was only one question, the creature revealed everything.
The creatures are from an alien race known as the Cranonians. They have travelled from the planet Cranon to dominate this planet and transport it's resources back to their planet. They managed to disable the planet's electrical system long enough to land in a place called Cape Town Stadium.
Wikkie looked up and found out that the stadium hasn't been used since the world cup in 2010. They are also gathering kids to harness their potential. The potential will be used to create a portal from the planet Cranon to Earth.
"What happens to the kids that lost their potential?" Willy immediately asked. "They die of course," the cranonian said which caused Willy to slightly panic before Ryan calmed him down. Ryan walked to the school building and everyone looked at him with puzzled faces.
"If we're going to Cape Town Stadium, we're going to need a vehicle. I am going to get some keys," Ryan said before entering the staff building. It took a while but he came out with a bunch of keys before heading to Mr Van Wyk, the CAT teacher's truck.
Ryan threw the keys at Willy before getting in the back. Willy tested out the keys one after the other before finally finding the correct keys. The Ai called shotgun and the rest got in the back with Ryan. As they left the school yard, the car kept jerking for a few minutes.
Luckily, Willy managed to get the hang of driving and they got on the N2-road safely. They drove on the N2 whilst looking at all the destruction. There were fires and smoke everywhere. Willy stepped on the gas and the truck accelerated forward.
With the speed at which Willy was driving, they managed to get to Storyville in under five minutes. They first went to Willy's house to collect some money for their journey just in case they needed it but with how reality is now, they doubted it.
Next, they went to Vaughie's house to get some weapons. He went in for a couple of minutes before coming out with five steel swords and five steelhead axes. He took both a sword and axe leaving everyone to pick a weapon of their own.
Ryan, Wikkie, Willy and Dawg chose the four remaining swords which left Clifford and The Ai with two axes each. Clifford looked at Ryan with puppy dog eyes but he evaded Clifford's eyes and held onto the sword in his arms even tighter.
The last stop they made was at Clifford's house where he took out a crate. In the crate was a huge amount of petrol bombs. With all the preparations done, they went on the road again. This time, the truck felt smooth as it flew over the N2.
Ryan felt slightly hungry since he hadn't eaten anything except the porridge they ate at school. He knocked on the small glass window so that The Ai can open it. He told Willy to go to a shop and Willy said that they will be going to the petrol station.
The petrol station wasn't that far but when they got there, it was quiet…really quiet. Ryan got out and helped Willy with the petrol. Wikkie acted as their guard and the rest went into the mall to buy some food or at least steal some.
After filling the tank, Ryan, Willy and Wikkie waited for a while but Clifford and the others didn't come out. They decided to go look for them. As they walked through the mall, they heard some sounds coming from Spar, everyone's favourite supermarket.
Ryan entered first, followed by Wikkie and then Willy. The walked slowly through the isles towards the sounds. When they eventually got to the sounds, they saw Vaughie on the ground clutching his shoulder. Clifford and The Ai was guarding him.
Across from them was four cranonians and each of them had an axe. Ryan realised that they must have taken it from Clifford and The Ai. That was probably also the reason why they didn't attack the cranonians carelessly. That and the fact that they were outnumbered.
Ryan started formulating a plan in his head to get them out of this situation and how he could use the element of surprise to their advantage. He looked over to Clifford's side and saw that he and The Ai were armed with Vaughie's sword and axe.
Ryan looked at Willy and Wikkie and considered their weight difference and who will be the stealthiest. The plan was coming together in his head and he pulled Willy and Wikkie back to run the plan past them.
After hearing the plan, everyone agreed that it was risky but if it was executed right, then no one would get hurt, except Vaughie that was already injured of course. Wikkie split away from them as, Ryan and Willy went back to the place Clifford and the rest was having a stand off.
"Now we wait," Ryan slowly muttered to himself.