
Please Just Live (Part 2)

'The Rising...'

"Kill him!" Ben yelled. "Just kill him already and get this over with!"

Davi smiled his shark tooth smile causing everyone to slowly step away from him when they saw his fanged teeth. "Get ready..." Davi announced. "From this point on I'm serious!"

The three dolls shot forward at a fast speed as various spikes, blades, and guns began to morph out of their body sending out waves of silver weapons at Davi.

Davi raised his sword up and blocking several of the strikes as he charged towards them. "I'll deal with you three here and now with this attack!" He announced spinning around and clashing with the three dolls. Hero slashed his large sword around wildly generating a tremendous amount of force and heat as he threw his blade back and forth sending out slashes of wind from his blade. The force of each strike was strong enough to actually drag him around at a tremendous speed as he used it to carry him around the battle field. He raised it up as he stabbed it forward thrusting his blade through the chest of one of the dolls and easily ripping it in half as he quite literally threw himself through one of the dolls.

"Those things are harder than steel." Ben hummed puffing on his cigar. "Kids not bad. Too bad he doesn't have enough experience though. He's just throwing power around. Still... Waving a cursed sword and splitting the air open with a shock wave is still a pretty good feat I suppose. I would get careless to if I could kill something in one attack. Still though. He lost the moment he showed how inexperienced he was. He has no skill with that sword, and is just throwing it around left and right... What a fool he is."

One of the dolls slashed Davi's left shoulder cutting it open while the second one formed a massive metal hammer around its hand and slammed it into Davi's skull as hard as it could knocking his head back and nearly snapping the boys neck as he was sent flying back skidding across the ground so hard he ripped it up. He slammed past Leena smashing into the wall at a high speed cracking it.

Davi fell taking a knee as he rubbed at his skull which was dripped with blood. "D... Damn it... I can't give up now... I need to push it further... Come on Long-Calibur don't fail me yet! I need just a little bit more of your power!" Davi yelled. Davi slammed his head into the ground only instead of actually hitting the ground he sunk into it vanishing.

"What did he just do..." Ben asked staring with wide eyes. His dolls looked around trying to find the boy only for Davi to come out of the ground from behind one of the dolls slamming his sword into it and slicing its arm off sending it flying.

"I have my own Magic as well." Davi said wobbling slightly from the damage he took. He spun his blade around blocking a hammer strike from the second doll as he kicked it away with his boot. "My sword is able to lengthen its blade. I on the other hand posses an ability called Swim. This magic ability allows me to sink into the ground as if it is water. In short I'm a land shark swimming through the ground and emerging to cut my prey."

Ben smirked as he took another puff of his cigar. "I see. Not half bad kid. Guess its time to get serious than."

'What!" Davi said taken aback.

Mr. Hyde waved his arms out as his blood red smile grew on his shadowy face. "Enhancement magic!" He yelled as the two dolls were wrapped in a thick black aura. The dolls fired forward moving so fast a loud sonic boom went off as it appeared behind Davi and smashed a metal club upside the back of his head.

Davi gasped and fell forward only for the second doll to appear in front of him and stab through his gut and out his back with a large spear. He clenched his teeth ripping it out of him but seconds later the doll behind him slammed the club into his side sending him flying back. Both dolls raised up an arm, as their arm morphed into a massive silver cannon and began to rapidly fire cannon balls out towards the heavily injured teen.

Davi tried to block as many of the attacks as he could with his sword, but each time a cannon ball slammed into his sword it sent waves of rippling force through his arms, and cracked his bones. The pain was nothing compared to the pain he felt when a cannon ball hit his body shattering his bones, and leaving massive bruises, and pushing him back. He let out a loud cry of pain as they kept at it.

"He through." Ben sighed. He slowly dropped his cigarette and stepped on it as he bowed his head unable to watch as the kid let out a loud scream of pain. "Nothing keeping him up but sheer will. He's done for."

"D... Davi..." Leena said staring at the body of Davi who had been pushed back to the wall by the cannon balls that were smashing into him.

"Leena!" Davi yelled slashing at another ball with his sword. "They're conscious you know." He said through gritted teeth as he was being slammed down by them both. "The dolls I mean. They're bodies might just be dolls but the souls inside are still alive. They all feel and think, trapped in their world of despair forced to see what the body is doing. They're all crying out from the despair they've been forced in. And right now everyone of them is begging you not to give up! And I'm begging you to! Even if you survive the scars will remain and you'll regret this for the rest of your life! So don't give up yet! Don't let despair win! Please! Step up and do the right thing." He cried out as his sword reverted back to his red guitar and he dropped to is knees. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. 'I'm done. I think it'd be easier to count what bones aren't broken...' He thought as he slowly opened his eyes and stared up at the dolls which raised their guns back up.

"What a manipulator..." Mr. Hyde muttered. "Trying to appease to her better nature... Just the thought is making me sick... Just kill the bastard already before he can try something else! I'm ready to cut him open and stare at his body." Just like that the Dolls were upon Davi kicking and stabbing at him.

Davi was slammed the ground once again by the two dolls as they began to stab and bash at his body as hard as they could making him gasp out in pain as his bones were shattered and his flesh was pierced over and over again.

Leena watched both the dolls bash the boy over and over again as she let out a loud hiss of pain and winced. "...D... Davi... If you really go this far for a stranger like me than I'll only listen to you if you live as well! So don't die! Let's both live!" Leena yelled. "Give me a reason to live if you really care so much!"

A black and red crackling light suddenly exploded out of Davi's jacket pocket shocking everyone as Davi stared down at the small marble he had stuffed in his jacket pocket. The Devil-Calibur that had belonged to his Master. "Wha? It's glowing?" Davi shook his head grabbing it and held it up. There was a quiet clicking sound as his guitar opened reviling a small compartment in it. Ten small slots could be seen in the guitar. One of the slots had its own marble placed in it, his Long-Calibur. "This is..." Davi frowned as he stared down at it.

'Remember. Manage the power carefully... That Devil-Calibur that lies within your Guitar is similar to a certain sword in the stone... Who knows how much it could evolve if you aren't careful... And no matter what. Remember to never get cocky and think you can manage more than one...'

He stared down at it in silence before he reached up and placed his Masters stone into the second slot. A black energy covered the guitar as Davi gritted his teeth and shook. His veins lit up with his mana as it began to pump through his body. He felt his core expand as he grew stronger with the second stone.

Davi lifted the guitar above his head as it began to glow and shift. "Second Calibur activate!" Davi yelled as he activated the new weapon he now had. The guitar changed becoming a large curved great sword, with a two on the blade. "Explosive-Calibur." Davi announced holding the new blade up.

"He managed to get the blade to lend him power!" Mr. Hyde said as the eyes in his shade changed into stars. "He is somehow having two Devil-Calburs lending him power! That should be impossible for any human, but than again he's the child of the Mother of Monsters isn't he... Calling him a human is like calling a knife a sword... So cool! Let's kill him and dissect him right away before he can-"

Davi let out a loud yell as he slashed the curved blade out sending out a wave of explosions which sliced the doll missing an arm in half. The explosions hit it and burned it down to a melted puddle of hot metal in seconds. The explosion carried over blasting the last doll, and ripping half its body to shreds as it slammed into the ground. The explosive magic was unleashed with every strike he sent wiping them both out. As he did this Leena jumped forward pushing the empty doll dressed in the grooms outfit down. It shattered when it hit the ground breaking into several pieces as if it was made out of glass and not metal.

"No!" Mr. Hyde roared with wide eyes.

"Damn him..." Ben sighed nodding his head. "I didn't expect him to somehow use two Devil-Caliburs... Just having a Devil-Calibur boosts a Wizards, physical and magical stats, up by a massive amount, so to have two, all his stats would have been doubled at that moment, and then he gained access to the explosive blade..."

"Goodbye love..." Leena whispered as she stared down at the doll.

"Ahh no matter." Mr. Hyde laughed. "We still have the chance to kill the girl and-"

Davi threw the explosive blade sending it into Mr. Hyde's shoulder so hard it impaled the man into the wall and exploded once again.

"Oww! Son of a..." The man yelled still stuck to the wall and now badly burnt from the blast. "Shit this kid hurts... Even injured he jumped up in power."

"Mr. Hyde!" Ben yelled with some worry. "Are you okay?"

"Do whatever you want to me." Davi announced a fire lit up his red eyes as he held his right arm. "To be cursed and blessed is my existence. Knowing love only to lose it. I promised on 'that' day, no matter what, I would destroy as much despair as I could and kindle that hope. That's what an Arcane Knight, in a powerful Magic Guild would do. I'll grow in power and for sure join a Guild, then I'll save everyone I can!"

"Someone's got a hero complex..." Mr. Hyde hissed trying to pull the heavy blade out of his shoulder. "Ow..." Mr. Hyde gritted his teeth as he brought his good arm up to where his mouth should be and let out a loud whistle. "Screw it. Just eat him my beast!"

Davi eyed the man with a small amount of nervousness. "What are you trying to-"

The wall behind Davi exploded as flames fired throughout the room making Davi and Leena shiver as a wave of fear washed over them. A black beast slowly pulled itself into the room letting out a roar and breathing flames all around. It looked kind of like a giant black dog covered in iron armor and flames pouring off of it.

"A Magic Beast! This one is a hell hound! Wait why did it come when they called it! I thought they hated the Bestia Macht!" Davi said in shock. "Why is it in the city and listening to you?"

"You made a big mistake." Ben said giving a half smirk. "You assumed we didn't have any back up plans, or that we wouldn't play dirty... You're through."

Davi gritted his teeth as he raised his arms up preparing to fight the beast unarmed. "Don't think I'm done yet... I still have my own Magic the Swim magic. Than I'll just fight this thing off and-" A wave of blood gushed out of Hero;s mouth as his eyes went wide and he dropped down to one knee once again. "Shit! Not now... Why did my body have to give up now! I still need to beat this thing and the group... My body is burning, and my organs feel like their gonna burst... But I can't give up. If they get away now than- Ahh!" He nearly collapsed as small trickles of blood dripped out of his eyes and nose as he tried to use his magic and swim through the floor but was unable to fully tap into his magic with his destroyed body.

"Davi!" Leena said running over to him. "You can't die now!"

"You might want to run... Pretty sure we're about to die..." Davi groaned.

The massive Hell Hound let out a roar as it began to slowly walk towards them. It sent out small bursts of flames as it stepped towards the two teens sending flames through the church and melting the stone and metal as sweat began to pour off of the two teens.

'What do I do...' Davi thought looking around with exhausted eyes. 'I doubt I can even stand and even if I somehow take this thing down, I'd still have to fight that creepy shadow guy, and that smoking guy... Not looking to good.' He thought as he coughed up some more blood.

Leena stepped in front of Davi throwing her arms out and making herself into a make shift shield as the monster moved closer.

"Leena what are you-"

"Look out below!" A loud voice announced making everyone in the room stop.

"What was-"

From up above a man slammed down into the ground as the Hell Hound's head was suddenly split open sending its head flying into the air. A man with dark skin, and orange hair, and flaming orange eyes landed in front of the dead creature. He was covered in flames which danced off of his body and on the back of his jacket an orange bird could be seen.

"What's up." The man said giving a smirk as he stared at Ben, and Mr. Hyde. "It's been a while hasn't it."

"An Arcane Knight..." Davi whispered.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts