

Hello! This is the first fanfiction that I have ever written so please point out any mistakes and I'll see to correct them. The story takes place in the world of MHA. I recently caught up with the anime and some of the manga. I was fascinated with Stars and Stripes quirk, New Order. I tried looking for stories containing it but couldn't find any good ones besides xlucqs(MHA: New Order) on Fanfiction.Net and Webnovel. His fanfiction was the final straw that motivated me to write my own story revolving around New Order. I hope you enjoy and please leave as much criticism as needed for me to look into and improve upon.

TeHdOrK101 · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Break and Date

A/N: I apologize if the chapter seems boring, but this is meant to give more background on Escanor himself.


After the USJ incident, classes were stopped for a day to initiate an investigation and give us, the students, a breather. Honestly, I could've ended everything right then and there. Things would be easier and everything would change. It's not like anything or anyone is stopping me.

Right now I was just laying in bed, thinking about the wonders of this world. It was 6 AM and I couldn't sleep all night so I was off into my own world. My quirk, its only limit is my knowledge and imagination, only three people pose a minor threat and another can be a major one.





Jiro- Hey

Escanor- Hey, you're up this early?

Jiro- Yeah, I slept earlier than usual since I was tired, and you?

Why are you up so early?

Escanor- I couldn't sleep. So I pondered all night.

Jiro- I see, sorry to hear that?

Escanor- I've been thinking.

Do you want to hang out later?

Jiro- Sure! Any plans in mind?

Escanor- Not really. We can just go about and see where the world takes us.

Jiro- A date? Very cliché

Escanor- I'm trying

Jiro- No you're not

Escanor- Yes I am

Jiro- Oooookay

I can go out after 2

Where should we meet?

Escanor- Let's meet up at the Skyfish Cafe.

Jiro- Sure

Escanor- Sounds like a plan.

See you then.

Jiro- See you.



I'm not sure how to feel, perhaps things are going too fast right now or maybe this is just two friends hanging out right? Right? It feels like it's been a while since I gave her my number and not to mention the fact that we're doing this right after USJ. Maybe she wants to get her mind out of it. I don't know, I never was good at reading people.

The cafe was right across the street, approaching it I stopped before entering and took a breather. Going in I looked around for a second before spotting Jiro to my right, she was seated in the fourth row next to the windows, heading up to her I sat down opposite of her.

Jiro: "Hey"

"How are you feeling after yesterday?"

Jiro: "Fine actually"

"Right...…..um, I'll be honest I don't know what I'm doing"

Hearing my statement she smiled and giggled a little, I'm in love.

Jiro: "You can't just ask a girl and not have a plan you know~"

"Clearly I can"

Jiro: "Yeah right"

Jiro: "If you don't mind, why did you choose to become a hero?"

Tough question, I really don't have a reason to be here. In fact, I wasted so much time just for canon to start when I could've done whatever I wanted. So, what should I tell you? I don't want to lie to you, but why would I tell the truth? I'm not even from this world.

When I first got here, the thought of seeing ACTUAL heroism in person excited me. It still does but what reason do I have? What reason do I not have?

Escanor: "Why do I want to be a hero? I don't know. I guess I'm looking for an answer"

Jiro: "Laaame"

"You hurt me Jiro. So then, why do YOU want to be a hero?"

(Jiro turns her face to look out the window)

Jiro: "I want to help others. My parents are both musicians and composers, they wanted me to follow in their steps. I told them that I wanted to be a hero and they supported me, I thought they would go against my decision, but I'm really glad they're with me"

'I already know this, but I want to hear it all from you'

"Is that so? Well, since your parents are musicians and wanted you at some point to follow them, you must know how to play a couple of instruments."

Jiro: "I-I… um, yeah. I do"

"What kind of music do you like? Do you have a favorite instrument?"

Jiro: "Escanor, I uh, I don't think I want to talk about this"

"Why not? I'm your friend, no? Won't be fair if I tell you about what I enjoy and you don't"

(She starts fiddling with her ear jacks)

Jiro: "I like Rock, my favorite instruments are the bass and guitar"

"Rock eh? I like Phonk. You know, I once played the guitar. I wasn't exceptional but I loved it"

Jiro: "...So you think I'm interesting?"

"Everyone is interesting in their own way, no one's the same"

Jiro: "sooo"


Jiro: "Idiot, you said you were going to tell me about yourself"

"Sorry. Well, what is it you want to know?"

Jiro: "Everything"

"Well, let's start with a few topics I like looking into. There's Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, and astronomy."

Jiro: "That's a lot"

"I know, what I really like is stargazing"

Jiro: "Stargazing? What's it like?"

"It's an experience"

Jiro: "I can't picture it"

"I can show you later today."

Jiro: "Sure"


After we left the cafe I dragged her to Fuji Safari Park. We drove around getting near the animals as we crossed paths. She didn't stop smiling the entire time. Eventually we had to take our leave. It was finally time to gaze at the sky.

"Let's go. Get on my back"

Jiro: "WhAt!?! I d-don't think I-"

"Hurry! We'll get there much faster."

Not waiting for an answer I inched closer to her through small backward hops while crouched practically forcing her on top. A sight to see.

"Hold on tight"

Jiro: "This better be worth it!"

Without waiting for a second I sped up. Using BODY ENHANCEMENT x10, I ran as fast as I could into an alley where I immediately switched to FLIGHT and jumped with all my might, taking us high into the blue and orange sky.


Jiro: "What are you doing!? Are you crazy!?!"

"Relax it's not that bad"

Jiro: "NOT THAT BAD!? I'm gonna FALL"

"You won't if you keep holding on"

Eventually, we reached the clouds and passed through them to the other side of the sky. Jiro had her eyes closed while taking slow and deep breaths to calm herself down.


What's he thinking!?! Does Escanor want to kill me!? But, he's slowed down now. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by what seemed like heaven with us above the clouds.


Escanor: "How are you feeling?"


Escanor: "Bet you've never been up this high"

"Do you do this often?"

Escanor: "Yeah"

"It's ...….calm. I want to stay here."

Escanor: "We can stay here"

I don't know how to describe it, but I felt calm and amazing. I want to stay here forever, it feels like nothing could go wrong. Holding tighter onto Escanor I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at the setting sun where I closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I dozed off before he woke me up because when he did, we were higher than before with the stars high and above.

"Is this what you mean by stargazing?"

Escanor: "Flying up the skies and staying here for hours? Yes."

"Just a little longer, please"


Jiro: "Just a little longer, please"


There are many things you don't know about me that I want to tell you, but I won't. You wouldn't believe me on the fact that I'm not even from this world. Back home, I never really had the best life nor was I the best person out there.

I never had a mother, I was told that she died when I was born, my father was abusive and alcoholic. One second I was in bed and the next I was getting rammed into the ground for being in the same room as him, he blamed me for her death. So when I looked upon the world I sometimes thought, how's it fair? Why me? Why him? Why mom?

There were times when I woke up with the urge to hurt someone, to make them beg and cry only to see myself wanting to save them because I wanted to be the good guy. I constantly got lost in questioning who I am, thinking this and that, left, right, up and down. Even now I still have trouble thinking I'm one person. It feels like there's people inside me. I'm sure the real me wants to be a hero, but the other two don't care. There was one occasion where I noticed it, a mild switch going off and It wasn't me in control anymore but I knew I was, he was the fourth. I don't even know If I'm the original out of all of us. Just the order in which we came.

Sometimes I think when I got here we were all bunched together into one singular consciousness. Some thoughts aren't me but at the same time, they are. No longer do I switch between them, but my thought process and the way I see the world still changes because of them.


A phone call from Jiros phone, it was probably her parents. She panicked and answered as I started my slow descent into the ground below.


I walked her home and apologized to her parents for bringing her late. Already setting a bad impression. They allowed me in so I could explain myself. I made up a whole story about me getting lost in her eyes and then I told them what we did for the day, It's not like I was lying with my excuse though. Still, we came to an understanding and Jiro was free to go without consequences except for the fact that she has to come home by curfew next time. Before dismissing myself they invited me to come over some other time to get to know me better.

I decided to walk home instead of using my quirk to do so, then a notification rang out on my phone.


Jiro- I had fun

Thank you

Escanor- I'm glad you did

Good Night

Jiro- Good night
