

Hello! This is the first fanfiction that I have ever written so please point out any mistakes and I'll see to correct them. The story takes place in the world of MHA. I recently caught up with the anime and some of the manga. I was fascinated with Stars and Stripes quirk, New Order. I tried looking for stories containing it but couldn't find any good ones besides xlucqs(MHA: New Order) on Fanfiction.Net and Webnovel. His fanfiction was the final straw that motivated me to write my own story revolving around New Order. I hope you enjoy and please leave as much criticism as needed for me to look into and improve upon.

TeHdOrK101 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Reporter: "Hey you! Please tell us what's it like to have All Might as a teacher"


These people know nothing else other than how to be annoying, getting too close and babbling or questioning this and that and what not. These things just don't know when to not cross the line.

It wasn't long before Aizawa went down and told them to leave, causing one of the reporters to attempt entering the U.A. campus. The result was a barrier rising all around, preventing anybody from getting in, besides little shigy.


Aizawa: "Good work on yesterday's combat training. Bakugo, you're talented, so you should be more mature"

Bakugo: "tch, I know"

Aizawa: "Midoriya, you settled things by breaking your arm again, saying you can't help it because of your quirk is not an excuse. Until you fix the control issue, there's not a lot you'll be able to do"

Midoriya: "YES SIR"

Aizawa: "Escanor, you did good. Despite the control you had over the situation you should learn to cooperate with your teammates"


Aizawa: "Now let's get down to homeroom business. Today I'll have you decide on a class representative. I don't care how you do it so long as you get it done before homeroom ends."


Kaminari: "Me TOO"

Jiro: "I want to do it too"

"I don't"

Ida: "SILENCE PLEASE. Being class rep comes with the serious responsibility of leading others and is not something everyone can do. It requires the trust of those around you, if we want to use democracy to decide on a leader then we should hold an election to choose one."

Asui: "We haven't known each other for long so how can we trust anyone?"

Kiminari: "And what if everyone votes for themselves?"

Ida: "Which is why whoever receives multiple votes can be considered the most suitable person. So please, let's begin"

"Why don't we place everyones name on the board and write who we'll vote for on a slip of paper?"


With that we gathered up and wrote our names on the board, followed by writing who we'd vote for on a slip of paper. The results ended with me having one vote, Midoriya with three, Yaoyorozu with two and Ida with one. I voted for Ida, I know Todoroki voted for Yaoyorozu and Ochaco, and Ida for Midoriya but that's all I know.

Bakugo: "WHO VOTED FOR DEKU!?!?"

Aizawa: "Silence, the class rep is Midoriya and the deputy class rep is Yaoyorozu. You're all dismissed to go to lunch"

After that everyone got up and we left for the cafeteria. I don't think I'd make a good leader despite all the things I know; like Yuga Aoyama, the traitor of UA. I made sure HE wouldn't be able to speak about ORDER specifically to All For One and his parents by placing a seal on his heart and brain, if it were to break, he dies. Aoyama and All For One don't know this, in his plans I don't exist, I'm an anomaly. I don't want that, I want him to know I'm superior. That was three days ago.


The alarm was triggered, what the fuck man I haven't even gotten my food yet. Everyone pushed each other around in panic trying to get through the exit doors. Shigaraki and the eagerness of the press caused this.


'Who in the world trespassed?'


Escanor: {Ida}


Escanor: {I'm communicating to you telepathically. You already know it's the press so I'll make you float and you'll use your quirk to get to the exit sign and calm everyone down. I'll silence them, do you understand?}



Together with Ida I rose into the air as I amplified my voice.


Everyone slowed down to a stop, staring at me in the air like some lunatic. Then Ida crashed into the wall above the exit sign.

Ida: "EVERYONE, EVERYTHING'S FINE. It's just the media. There is nothing to panic about"

"Please, you can't tell me this is U.A. Aren't you all supposed to be the best of the best? Act Like It."


After all that chaos, everyone was instructed to head to class. FUCK, my lunch man. It's alright, I'll learn how to make food appear before me. >:D

Right now Izuku was being a nervous wreck, he thinks that me and Ida would be better suited for the role of class rep.

Midoriya: "I-I want to say that Ida and Escanor are better suited to be class rep. They both gathered the attention of everyone in such a cool way. I think it'd be for the best"

"I'm opting out"

Mineta: "You're not even going to try?"


Kaminari: "That leaves Ida I guess"

Midoriya: "Right, I think that Ida should be the class rep!"

Kirishima: "I'm good with that"


Aizawa: "You're taking too long. I don't care what you do so just hurry up."

Ida: "If the class rep has nominated me, then it cannot be helped. From this day forth, I, Tenya Ida, promise to do my best to carry out the duties of class representative."

The rest of the time was spent selecting the other officers and blah blah blah, I wasn't paying attention. Eventually, the time came for our heroics class, in other words USJ.

Aizawa: "For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, me and one more person"

Sero: "Excuse me! What'll we be doing?"

In dramatic fashion Aizawa pulls a card with the word rescue on it. WOOOOOOOOOOh YEAH BABY, THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT WOOOOOH!

Aizawa: "Disasters, shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training."

Kaminari: "Rescue? Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too"

Kirishima: "Idiot, this is the duty of a hero! My arms are ready to RUMBLE"

Asui: "No one can beat me in water, ribbit"

Aizawa: "I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities too. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking the bus. Start getting ready"

Once Aizawa was done he left the class, everyone was standing up to grab their costumes or their PE clothes. Picking them up we left to the changing rooms and started to wait outside as soon as we were done.

'Mineta has a literal diaper'

Ida: "Class 1-A, GATHER AROUND. Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!"

I wasn't listening so in turn no one else listened and entered without care. Ida tried to stop us but realized it was all for nothing once he got inside seeing that it wasn't the layout he expected.

Ashido: "There was no point, huh?"

Asui: "I say whatever comes to mind, please call me Tsu. Midoriya, your quirk is like All Might's."

Midoriya: "Y-You tHiNk sO? But I'm …um.. Uh"

"There's no way, All Might isn't breaking his arms and legs every time he throws a punch."

Kirishima: "I suppose it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff. My Hardening's strong against others but it doesn't look like much"

Midoriya: "I think it's really cool"

Kirishima: "You have to think about popularity though, mines not flashy."

Aoyama: "My Navel Laser is pro-level in both flashiness and strength."

Ashido: "Doesn't help when it gives you a stomachache"

Kaminari: "If we're talking flashy and strong then it's got to be Todoroki, Bakugo and Escanor!"

Ashido: "That's RIGHT"

Midoriya: "I know Todoroki and Bakugo but what about Escanor?"

Jiro: "You weren't there, huh? Escanor was THROWING LASERS AND MELTING ICE and FLYING like Fwoosh and he was moving SUPER fast and he Beat Todo- …sorry"

"Thanks" :D

Jiro: "..."

Ashido: "OOooh-"

Asui: "Escanor's quirk is called ORDER, it gives him the ability to place new laws upon objects, individuals, the environment or himself. Small examples include him giving himself basic abilities such as flight. He can copy the quirks of others so long as he sees them in action first and knows the name of the quirk, he can modify and nullify them, he can order anyone to freeze so long as he knows their complete name and he can force pillars to rise off the ground. However, he can only use three orders at any given moment, ribbit"

Midoriya: "Wooah, to think that such a quirk even exists. The amount of potential and versatility that comes with it as well. Can he copy stockpiling quirks? Has he tried to see what its limits are? Are there any rules he has to follow in order for them to work? ....."

"Anyways, I don't see how Bakugo would be popular since he's always mad."


"Katsuki Bakugo SHUT THE FUCK UP"

Bakugo: "HMPHhh mpHhhh"

Kaminari: "Wow, so that's how it works"

Kirishima: "Amazing"

Kaminari: "Amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage."

Bakugo: "Hpmh HUPMHHHHHHh mphhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH"

Kaminari: "see"

Aizawa: "We're here. Stop messing around."



Thirteen: "Everyone, I have been waiting for you. Let's go inside without delay."

1-A: "Look forward to working with you!"

Everyone seemed excited to see another pro-hero. I don't know, but me personally, I just want to fight...…..VILLAINY. At least for now. We entered the building right after the quick introduction.

Kirishima: "WOW, this really looks like USJ"

Thirteen: "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, and so on. This is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short"


Kaminari: "It is USJ"

Eraser Head: "Thirteen, where is All Might? He was supposed to meet us here."

Thirteen: (whisper) "It looks like he did too much hero work on his way to work and ran out of time, so he's resting in the lounge"

Eraser Head: "That's the height of irrationality. It can't be helped, let's begin"

It wasn't clear to the other students what the two were talking about, but I could hear them clear as day. Right after that Thirteen proceeded to give a speech about her quirk, the dangers of it, what it means being a hero and what not. None of it mattered because as soon as she was done, a warp gate opened in the middle of the fountain down the flight of stairs in front of us.

Kaminari: "LOOK, there's even mock villains here too"

Eraser Head: "Don't MOVE, those aren't mock villains. They're real, Thirteen start the evacuation and try contacting the school. It's possible that someone with a radio-wave-type quirk is interfering, kaminari you too."

Midoriya: "What about you sir? You can't fight by yourself, your fighting style is designed for capture after erasing the enemies quirk"

Eraser Head: "Midoriya, you can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving the students in your watch Thirteen."

With that, pro-hero Eraser Head jumped into action, speeding head on towards the villains. It was exhilarating, the thought of me being here, in this moment. I've been thinking, instead of multiplying my individual physical aspects or giving myself superhuman strength, why don't I just multiply my body as whole?


The average human can run about 7 mph(about 11.3 k/h) and after at least one year of training the average man can squat a minimum of 225 lb(102 kg) and bench press a minimum of 185 lb(83.9 kg). These are only averages, I'm most definitely over them already, so I jumped.

Landing on the ground I sped up to the villains punching one in the gut followed by an uppercut knocking her out.

Eraser Head: "Escanor! I gave clear orders to stay together with Thirteen. Go, NOW"

"With all due respect Mr. Aizawa, no"


A small shockwave spread all around me hitting everyone including Eraser Head, I canceled all their quirks. Now it was a battle of combat skill and strength, for Aizawa.

"I canceled all their quirks, this goes for you too Eraser Head, for mutant-types their strength was reduced to that of an average human. The only ones who weren't affected are the ones at the far back or those in different sections of the building, but that's fine."

To be honest, this is less exciting than I initially thought, I'm holding back too much by simply erasing their quirks and punching with more force than they can handle.


Multiple pillars rose from the ground each one striking one villain in the head and groin, HA! All of them, in the ground knocked out or in pain, disappointing. Fuck, what should I do next? It's too fucking easy, well, the rest of class was already warped elsewhere a while ago and Mineta, Asui and Midoriya are already at the edge of the platform watching.

Eraser Head was pinned down by the nomu and while I was inner monologuing I got fucking slammed into the ground.

'FUCK, it hurts. I should've paid attention. INSTANT HEAL.'

Almost instantly all dislocated and broken bones fixed and popped themselves into place.

"That Fucking HURT. You chicken looking FUCK!"


After hearing me, the nomu looked in my direction. Immediately I body slammed the chicken fucker into the ground freeing Aizawa, though he didn't move seeing as he was used as a punching bag and his quirk was still inactive. Kurogiri was next to shigaraki explaining that he failed. Standing up and moving away from the nomu I called upon an order right as shigaraki launched towards Tsu looking to use Decay on her.


Instantly every living, nonliving, moving and nonmoving individual or object stopped. Dropping all orders besides time stop I looked at Midoriya, he already landed his hit on the nomu. Despite how fast it can move, it can't do so when time itself isn't moving.

'Time waits for no man, but me'

Any order I set down has no limit, one of the modifications I asked for. Though time itself isn't something I can see, hear, smell or touch, I know it's there. Time doesn't have a conscience, time doesn't feel or think, I can bend it to my will, the same can be said about space. I'll think about it another time, heh.

Anyways, I'll weaken the big one for All Might and go help everyone else. Making my way towards them I pondered on how to weaken it. Time Stop already took one order away so I'll probably lose another one if I try this. I don't even know if it'll work, bringing in something that doesn't belong in this world, I suppose it doesn't hurt to try.


Immediately a silhouette appeared beside me with purple skin, golden shoulder pads and long wavy hair, not even half the size of the nomu as I stood in front of it with Midoriya to my direct left. And in synchronization with my thoughts, Star Platinum launched a barrage of punches; left right left right and left right.


And then I stopped, backing up to my original position, I canceled everything. Star Platinum disappeared and time slowly began to flow once more.

The nomu was pushed into Shigaraki causing him to almost be crushed had Kurogiri not warped him out.

Midoriya, though shocked that the nomu tanked the punch, was glad it worked as he "successfully pushed back" the nomu even if a little.

Midoriya: "It worked!"

His excitement didn't last long seeing as he was grabbed in the arm by it, Tsu attempted to snatch him away with her tongue but Shigy was already looking to grab her and Mineta. Before tjat could happen I drop kicked him away him away. I should really go help the others. Right now, I'm down to one ORDER, fuck. I don't know if my days to recover them stack or if they both come back after three days, either way I don't want to lose my last one.


'I feel tired'

First things first, I need to find Jiro in the mountain zone and help her. Ojiro might also need some help; Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami and Bakugo are fine. Turning around I ran straight to the mountain zone.



Villain: "Hands up. No quirks allowed. If you use them, I'll kill this guy."

Yaoyorozu: "Kiminari!"

Jiro: "We let our guards down. An ambush after they made us think we got them all, we fell right for it"

Villain: "I don't wanna kill someone who's an electric-type like me. So don't make me. I'm going over there so don't move"

Jiro: 'If I can distract him then I can plug one ear jack into my boot'

Jiro: "You electric-types are born winners, right? Your quirk gives you a high versatility in what you can do, so why are you a villa-?"

Villain: "Don't even try. You thought I wouldn't notice? That kind of naive thinking only works on idiots. If you don't put up a fight I'll let the idiot go."

Villain: "Someone else's life, or your ow-"

I could've let the guy finish his speech, it certainly would've allowed me to make an entrance, but nah. Instead I just knocked him and everyone else out.

"You girls alright?"

Jiro, Yaoyorozu: "Yeah"

Yaoyorozu: "Thank you Escanor"

"Sure, what's wrong with him?"

Jiro: "He went over his limit and short-circuited his brain"

"Gotcha, the heroes are here so it's best we head back now. Say, you weren't SCARED WERE YOU JIRO???" :)

Jiro: "SHUT UP!"


After the incident everyone was gathered outside to have a check up. No one was hurt, not even Midoriya seeing as there was no need for him to jump in. I saved All Might thirty seconds meaning he didn't have to bluff his way into buying time. Still, Kurogiri proved to be a major hassle for him as they still managed to escape, like What The Fuck.