
One Piece: Toymaker

The Story depicts a guy who was killed in a freak accident due to being in an altercation with a drunk driver; his soul was sent into the world of one-piece as the OC he was creating while filling out a CYOA on his phone during the accident. With no memory of how he came to be here and with no means of home, he could only follow the Story from his past life memories to its conclusion in hopes of getting an answer as to why he, of all people, was sent here. Follow the man on his journey in One Piece as a Straw Hat Pirate, the tale of the One Piece: Toymaker. A/N: The author just wanted to apologize for the constant updates and deletions to my stories. Seriously, I'm not trying to come up with excuses, but I sometimes feel like I have ADHD or something. I have no way to implement all these ideas, constantly fumbling in the dark when I'm creating and writing a story. This latest disaster was spawned from my concept after reading the DC fanfic Gotham Dead End Bar, where Sean was sent to Worm as a Toy-based Tinker. For those of you who haven't read the Story, I recommend that you read it, as the Story is pretty good; anyways, on to the regular author's note, I do not own the One Piece story or any of its content or characters, just my OC and ideas. I ask as an author that you, the readers, be passionate with me as I try to do my best with this Story and others. I don't plan to drop any of my stories, and I don't have an updated schedule, so chapters may or may not come out randomly.

GreaterSage · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: Devil Fruit

Chapter Two: Devil Fruit

His Devil Fruit abilities are that of a Zoan-type devil fruit. This devil fruit allows the consumer to transform into another species of creature or an interspecies hybrid. (A/N: I got this straight from the wiki.)

In this case, his devil fruit transformed him into something other than a normal animal. His devil fruit is the mythical Zoan-type devil fruit, the Human-Human fruit, model: Pinnochio (Hito Hito no mi, model: Pinnochio ). 

That allows the user to transform into a human-like puppet hybrid, resembling Pinocchio from folklore. In this case, Aren can transform into the character from the myth of Pinnochio, the little wooden puppet seeking to become a real boy. Aren can harness the power of the tale of Pinocchio and the magic that went into his creation. 

One such ability is the power to transform into a hybrid being that is partially wood and also alive. When in his hybrid puppet form, Aren can move, speak, and interact with others as if he were alive; he's also able to do much more than what an average person ( from our world, at least ) is capable of. 

He can use abilities such as Limb manipulation. Aren gains the ability to manipulate his body like a puppeteer controls a marionette. He can extend his limbs to great lengths, allowing for long-range attacks or swift maneuvers in combat. Additionally, he can twist and contort his body in ways that would be impossible for an average human, granting him exceptional flexibility and evasion capabilities.

Wooden Defense: Aren's body gains a wooden-like defense, enabling him to withstand physical attacks with greater durability. When in his hybrid form, his skin takes on the texture and hardness of wood, providing natural armor against blunt force trauma and sharp objects.

Lie-detecting nose: when anybody nearby, including Aren himself, utters a lie, his nose begins to elongate, getting longer with each lie told

Voice Mimicry: Aren gains the ability to perfectly mimic voices, enabling him to impersonate others with uncanny accuracy. This skill can be used for espionage, deception, or manipulation by imitating someone else's voice. 

His other abilities include his gift for crafting toys, mainly wooden in texture and material. He can also make said creation come alive and real, such as making a wooden sculpture of a real-life bird. His devil fruit would allow him to make said toy absolute while granting it the ability to fly and do everything an actual can do. 

Through this ability, Aren discovers how broken this devil fruit is; there is no such thing as a useless devil fruit, as all devil fruit can be helpful. Only consumers cannot be creative enough with their powers to fully utilize them properly. But thanks to Arens's reincarnation, he has memories of another lifetime and knowledge of a separate world. He knows of things that could help him improve and help him climb his way to the top of this world's upper echelons. 

He smirked a foxy smile; with these powers, his path was laid out before him; all he needed to do now was put in the effort to chase after his dream. I want to see all this world has to offer and this journey to the end.

"I honestly can't wait to start my journey; just wait until I'm strong enough. There will be no one alive that won't know my name, ShiShiShi!" Aren laughs joyfully, eager to start his training to be the best.

"Aren, quit playing, sweetie! It's time to eat afterward. It'll be time for your lessons with old man Creak and me!" his mother shouts from downstairs.

"Ah! Oh shucks, all right, Mom, I'm coming. Let me put up my stuff, and I'll be right down." He shouts back. 'But for now, it's time to eat and train; everyone has got to start somewhere. Unfortunately, I'm no exception to this rule.'





**********************************************************************************Author Note: Okay, so I managed to make this chapter, luckily enough, but as I said in the previous chapters, don't get your hopes up too high.