
One Piece: Toymaker

The Story depicts a guy who was killed in a freak accident due to being in an altercation with a drunk driver; his soul was sent into the world of one-piece as the OC he was creating while filling out a CYOA on his phone during the accident. With no memory of how he came to be here and with no means of home, he could only follow the Story from his past life memories to its conclusion in hopes of getting an answer as to why he, of all people, was sent here. Follow the man on his journey in One Piece as a Straw Hat Pirate, the tale of the One Piece: Toymaker. A/N: The author just wanted to apologize for the constant updates and deletions to my stories. Seriously, I'm not trying to come up with excuses, but I sometimes feel like I have ADHD or something. I have no way to implement all these ideas, constantly fumbling in the dark when I'm creating and writing a story. This latest disaster was spawned from my concept after reading the DC fanfic Gotham Dead End Bar, where Sean was sent to Worm as a Toy-based Tinker. For those of you who haven't read the Story, I recommend that you read it, as the Story is pretty good; anyways, on to the regular author's note, I do not own the One Piece story or any of its content or characters, just my OC and ideas. I ask as an author that you, the readers, be passionate with me as I try to do my best with this Story and others. I don't plan to drop any of my stories, and I don't have an updated schedule, so chapters may or may not come out randomly.

GreaterSage · Anime & Comics
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Hey Guys~! I am the author here and just wanted to tell you what's happening.

As you all no doubt know by now, my computer and all of my saved chapters on my PC crashed, which, even now, when I think about it while typing this out, still manages to tick me off. 


Anyway, let me give you a breakdown of what is happening. Some, if not all, of my stories will have to be scrapped; I know, but it can't be helped as I don't have any saved chapters I used to. I even had to rush and buy myself a new laptop to keep up with my personal use, but the main reason is that I don't feel up to rewrite my stories from scratch. Whenever I think about it, I give myself a literal migraine, and I lose all will go on, so not many of my stories may be dropped for good, though it pains me to say it. 

Many sweat, tears, and long nights went into those stories, and none of them may ever be read. But that's how life goes; I guess there is nothing for it now. But don't worry; I might not get rid of them just yet. You'll have to wait and see. So, for now, this is the author signing off. 

Till next time, folks.