
One piece: Sekai Saikyo (Strongest in the world)

Yukihara Sato, A young man living in a modern world, Died in his sleep. After Dying, He woke up in a familiar world in an unfamiliar body, A world he knew all too well. The One piece world, A world with many wonderful and wacky phenomenons, one where people and creatures exist that could wipe out entire cities within seconds, a cruel world filled with murderers and hypocrites. Now Transmigrated into the body of a child with all his memories and knowledge of the future intact, Will he survive? Will he ever get strong enough to stand atop this world? Will he live to experience happiness? This is his conquest, His Quest to be the Strongest. {Warning!!! The story is a bit dark and gruesome at the start, Stroud has a lot of Blood and Gore.}

Aces_BigDaddy · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Vice admiral Garp

"Erik and also Law, Would you like to join the marines? You can accomplish your dreams with us..."

Erik paused for a minute, glancing at Law. Law was also sceptical about joining the marines but Nodded at Erik, Erik didn't know what to do but glanced at Corazon. Corazon put his thumb up with a nod.

"I will join." Law said in a low voice.

"Law and I will join." Erik said as he spoke through the Den Den Mushi.

"Are you sure? You have the option to decline my offer to join." Sengoku said to Erik.

"I am sure." Erik said.

"Then I will be sending Garp to pick you guys up to Marineford HQ, Rosinante, You should also accompany them, It's been Years since I last saw you." Sengoku said.

"Oi, Garp, Stop picking your nose in my office and get your damn Cracker filled Ass over here." Sengoku shouted to Garp, who was munching on rice crackers.

The call soon got cut off as Garp and Sengoku started quarrelling. Corazon only sighed as he put the Den Den Mushi down.

"Garp-San will be coming to pick us up." Rosinante said as he sighed.

"How long will it take for him to get here?" Law asked.

"He is a lazy guy, It will take him around A month to a few months to get here from marine HQ." Rosinante sighed as he exited the room along with Law and Erik in his tail.

"We should help Law get a better grasp of his powers Then?" Erik asked, Glancing at law.

"Yeah, He can train his Akuma no mi." Rosinante sias as he continued.


Law and Erik were standing in a corner of the walled marine base, Trying to figure out the Ope Ope no mi. Erik himself didn't know how the fruit worked, That was Erik's main problem for not taking the devil fruit from law.

"Try levitating this Rock." Erik said as he held a small rock in his hands, Law put his hand forward and created a sphere in his right hand.

"Let me make the room first, Erik-Ya" Law said, Law had started respecting Erik a lot in these couple of weeks, Giving Erik the "Ya" Suffix as a sign of friendship.

The speed got bigger and bigger till it was about the same size if not bigger as the one law had first made. Erik could observe that the room created by law was bugger than before.

'His health has restored a lot in these past few days, His stamina must have increased too.' Erik Theorised as he looked at the room created by law.

"Now, Levitate this rock." Erik asked as Law nodded and put his index finger forward to lift the rock. He was partially successful since Rocks were heavier than White Lead not to mention they are outside the User's body.

The rock Levitated for a few seconds before hitting the ground. 'A success!' Erik thought as he looked at the rock in the ground.

"Try and maintain the rock's levitation, Your Akuma no mi's strength and control will increase once you reach a certain level." ,Erik said as law tsked in annoyance.

"Don't "Tsk" Me!" Erik replied with a bulging vein in his forehead, his teeth comically turning like a Shark's, Law seemed to back away at Erik's antics.

The duo continued Training Law's Akuma no mi powers till Law was exhausted and Erik was bored.

Erik sighed as he looked at the orange sun out in the horizon, It was almost Dusk.

He silently wondered if he did the right decision by Choosing to be a marine.


Erik looked out from atop the marine tower as he saw a ship sailing towards the island from South. The ship was a large marine ship with the figure head of a dog.

Erik smiled as he realised that Garp had finally came to Bisko to pick them up, After three months. Erik wanted to bash Garp's face in for taking this long but He realised that even his strongest attack won't be able to damage Garp.

Erik was wearing a standard marine shirt but kept the button's open. His rank was originally Seaman recruit but it was promoted to Seaman apprentice because he would usually defeat the other seaman recruits in spars regularly and even some other Seaman apprentices and seaman first classes.

Laa was behind him, practicing inlarging his sphere. It was almost twice it's original size in just two months of practice, his levitation powers were also very strong inside the room.

Law was a Seaman recruit wearing the same Marine shirt with pants. His black and white hat was firmly situated on his head.

"Law, Garp-San has Arrived!!" Erik said as he approached Law enthusiastically. Law got up and looked from the side to see that a marine ship had indeed arrived on the island.

"How do you know it is Garp-San's Ship?" Law asked Erik.

"I had a hunch." Erik said as the two of them got down and told the others that Garp had finally arrived on the island.

"He has arrived?" Rosinante asked Erik who nodded.

A few moments passed and a large and muscular marine approached the marine base with another man following him, The muscular man was Garp with a scar besides his left eye and Bogard, who was wearing a hat and trench coat.

"Garp-San, Please Refrain from causing destruction Her-" Bogard couldn't finish his sentence as the large gates of the marine base were punched by Garp, causing the gates to fall and fly Meters away.

"What were you saying again Bogard?" Garp asked The man in a trenchcoat while picking his nose. Bogart swetted dropped upon Garp's carefree attitude.

"Vice-Admiral G-Garp." The marine guard stationed said Stuttering as Garp flicked his booger at him.

"You have any problems?" Garp asked the guard, who shook his head repeatedly while shaking. Everyone is scared of Garp.

"N-No sir." The guard said, obviously very scared of Garp.

"That's what I thought." Garp said as he turned towards the marine base and walked through the Now broken gates.

"Where are those brats?" Garp asked no no-one in particular. The captain of the marine base came near Garp.

"Vice-Admiral Garp, you can-" The captain was instantly picked up by Garp before getting thrown behind him, Bogard managed to successfully catch the Captain.

"Garp-San, Please calm Down, You are causing Quite a ruckus." Bogard said to Garp.

After a few moments, Erik, Law and Rosinante came outside to see a Broken gate and a Quivering Captain Near a man wearing a hat and trench coat.

"That must be Vice-Admiral Garp." Erik said to law and Rosinante.

"You're right, That is indeed Vice-Admiral Garp." Rosinante verified Erik as Garp turned around to look at them.

"You guys are late." Law said to Garp and Bogard. Garp went to law before flicking him on the forehead. Law went flying from the impact, rolling on his back as he touched the ground. Law at this time, still had his childhood personality, he was Brash and rude unlike his future self.

"You are late, brat." Garp said to law as law looked at Garp with an angry look. Everyone's sweat dropped at what Garp said

"So, Where is this Kid I Hear about?"